Bilde av Nilsen, Bo Wold
Bilde av Nilsen, Bo Wold
Førsteamanuensis Department of Clinical Dentistry +4777649147 undefined You can find me here

Bo Wold Nilsen

Job description

Conduct education and research related to biomaterials used in dentistry and orthodontics.

  • Bo Wold Nilsen, Aili Sara, Jan-Are Kolset Johnsen, Rita Myrlund, Anders Sjögren :
    Hvordan kartlegger og forstår tannhelsepersonell begrepet «store vansker med psykisk og sosial mestring» i forbindelse med bittavvik?
    Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mathieu Mouhat, Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Emil Finnäs, Amani Andersen, Anneli Lirhus Evertsen, Bo Wold Nilsen :
    How does indirect air-cooling influence pulp chamber temperature in different volume teeth and absence/presence of resin-based composite during light curing?
    BMC Oral Health 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mathieu Mouhat, Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, James Mercer, Bo Wold Nilsen, Ulf Örtengren :
    Light-curing units used in dentistry: Effect of their characteristics on temperature development in teeth
    Dental materials journal 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bo Wold Nilsen, Mathieu Mouhat, Torbjørn Haukland, Ulf Thore Ørtengren, James Mercer :
    Heat Development in the Pulp Chamber During Curing Process of Resin-Based Composite Using Multi-Wave LED Light Curing Unit
    Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bo Wold Nilsen, Mathieu Mouhat, Asbjørn Jokstad :
    Quantification of porosity in composite resins delivered by injectable syringes using X-ray microtomography
    Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bo Wold Nilsen, Einar Jensen, Ulf Thore Ørtengren, Berit Bang, Vibeke Barman Michelsen :
    Airborne exposure to gaseous and particle-associated organic substances in resin-based dental materials during restorative procedures
    European Journal of Oral Sciences 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bo Wold Nilsen, Jaione Simon-Santamaria, Ulf Thore Ørtengren, Einar Jensen, Jack-Ansgar Bruun, Vibeke Barman Michelsen et al.:
    Dose- and time-dependent effects of triethylene glycol dimethacrylate on the proteome of human THP-1 monocytes
    European Journal of Oral Sciences 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bo Wold Nilsen, Einar Jensen, Ulf Thore Ørtengren, Vibeke Barman Michelsen :
    Analysis of organic components in resin-modified pulp capping materials: critical considerations
    European Journal of Oral Sciences 2017 DOI
  • Bo Wold Nilsen, Ulf Thore Ørtengren, Jaione Simon-Santamaria, Karen Kristine Sørensen, Vibeke Barman Michelsen :
    Methods and terminology used in cell-culture studies of low-dose effects of matrix constituents of polymer resin-based dental materials
    European Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 DOI
  • Paula Hanna Therese Frid, Kine Jespersen, Sølve Hellem, Thomas Brox, Juliane Hesse, Sigurd Hadler-Olsen et al.:
    Evaluation of Treatment Outcomes, Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression, and Satisfaction with Life after Orthognathic Surgery – a preliminary report.
  • Bo Wold Nilsen, Aksel Wikant, Arne Hensten :
    Noen betraktninger rundt bruken av lysherdende materialer for pulpaoverkapping - er raskere alltid bedre?
    Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2019
  • Bo Wold Nilsen :
    Lysherdende cappingmaterialer - En uheldig miks?
  • Bo Wold Nilsen :
    Toksikologiske reaksjoner relatert til dentale monomerer – Kartlegging av cellulære mekanismer
  • Bo Wold Nilsen, Ulf Thore Ørtengren, Jaione Simon-Santamaria, Karen Kristine Sørensen, Vibeke Barman Michelsen :
    Low-grade toxicity of matrix constituents of polymer resin based dental materials - A review of terminology and methods

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests


    - Epidemiology in conncetion to Fit Futures (

    Dentale materialer:

    - Airborne exposure (particle-associated and gasseous) exposure to content in dental polymers

    - Biological effects of methacrylates (molecular)

    - Lekkasje og degraderingsprodukter fra dentale polymerer (GC- and LC-MS based analyses)

    - Porosities in dental materials (micro-CT analyse)


    Lightcuring units:

    - Heat development in the dental pulp

    Member of research group

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