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Department of Medical Biology +4777644704 Tromsø

Anna Subbotina

Medical pharmacology and toxicology

  • Anna Subbotina, Eystein Skjølsvik, Marit Dahl Solbu, Atena Miroslawska, Terje Kristian Steigen :
    Echocardiographic findings following renal sympathetic denervation for treatment resistant hypertension, the ReShape CV-risk study
    Blood Pressure 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tove Aminda Hanssen, Anna Subbotina, Atena Miroslawska, Marit Dahl Solbu, Terje Steigen :
    Quality of life following renal sympathetic denervation in treatment-resistant hypertensive patients: a two-year follow-up study
    Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna Subbotina, Aina Westrheim Ravna, Roy Andre Lyså, Ruben Abagyan, Ryszard Bugno, Georg Sager :
    Inhibition of PDE5A1 guanosine cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) hydrolysing activity by sildenafil analogues that inhibit cellular cGMP efflux
    Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (JPP) 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna Subbotina, Andrej Grjibovski :
    Analysis of variance for repeated measurements using STATA
    Ekologiya Cheloveka 2014
  • Anna Subbotina, Andrej Grjibovski :
    Comparison of quantitative data in two paired samples using stata software
    Ekologiya Cheloveka 2014
  • Anna Subbotina, Andrej Grjibovski :
    Descriptive statistics and normality testing for quantitative data
    Ekologiya Cheloveka 2014

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Pharmacology of ABC transporters