Anne Dragøy Hafstad
Job description
Anne D Hafstad is professor at the Cardiovascular Research Group, Department of Medical Biology. Her research interest is within experimental cardiac research with a focus on cardiac metabolism and the response to different cardiac stressors. She also teaches in many subjects within physiology at several courses, but mainly for medical students and odontology students. She is the leader for second year og medical school at the UiT and currently the group leader of the Cardiovascular Research Group.
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Publications outside Cristin
Hafstad. AD. NADPH oksidaser i diabetisk hjertesykdom BestPractise. Diabetes/Hjerte-Kar sykdommer. Nr 26 2018. Review.
Hafstad A D. Trening kan bedre metabolske forstyrrelser ved diabetisk hjertesvikt. BestPractise. Diabetes/Hjerte-Kar sykdommer. Oktober 2015. Review.
Published peer-reviewed meetings abstracts and presentation at scientific meetings
M.A. Akhtar, N.E. Taboko, C.X.C. Santos, A Visnagri, C. M. Reumiller, C.F. Bryn, Å. Birgisdottir, N.T. Boardman and A.D. Hafstad. Anti-cancer therapy alters cardiac intermediary metabolism. SPS, FEPS and Baltic physiological societies. Tallinn, Estonia, 14-16. September 2023.
M.A. Akhtar, N.E. Taboko, C.X.C. Santos, A Visnagri, C. M. Reumiller, C.F. Bryn, Å. Birgisdottir, N.T. Boardman and A.D. Hafstad. Anti-cancer therapy alters cardiac metabolism. Experimental Health Research Conference (EHRC) - Mímisbrunnr 2023. UiT, Norway. 21-22 June 2023
N E Taboko, M A Akhtar, C F Bryn, Å B Birgisdottir, N T Boardman and A D Hafstad. Metabolic, bioenergetic and mitochondrial changes in the heart following breast cancer treatment. 20th Annual Norwegian Symposium on Heart Research, Oslo. Norway 8-9 September 2022
A Hafstad. Cardiotoxicity following cancer treatment. Invited talk. 20th Annual Norwegian Symposium on Heart Research, Oslo. Norway 8-9 September 2022
M A. Akhtar, N E. Taboko, C F Bryn, Å Birgisdottir, N T Boardman and A D Hafstad. Anti-cancer therapy alters cardiac metabolism. Europhysiology 2022, Copenhagen 16-18 September 2022.
N E Taboko, M A Akhtar, C F Bryn, Å B Birgisdottir, A D. Hafstad and N T Boardman Neoma. Evaluation of cardiac mitochondria morphological and bioenergetic changes following breast cancer treatment. Europhysiology 2022, Copenhagen 16-18 September 2022.
C. F. Bryn, T. Fiskaa , T. Lund and A.D. Hafstad Metabolic effects of breast cancer therapy on H9c2-myoblasts. Poster. 17th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism (SHVM), Amsterdam, The Netherlands 23-26 June 2019
A. D Hafstad. Cardiac metabolism in association with mitochondrial function (invited speaker). Targeting Mitochondria in Cardiovascular Disease. NORHEART. December 9, 2021, UiO, Oslo, Norway).
A. D. Hafstad. Establishing an animal model of cardiotoxicity induced by breast-cancer treatment. Networking meeting for breast cancer research in Tromsø, Norway. 26.Oct 2021
N. Boardman, A. Hafstad, L. Rossvoll, J. Lund, E. Aasum, Cardioprotection by exercise is not altered by high fatty acid levels, Acta Physiologica, 219 (2017) 23-23. Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Physiological Society, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 26 – 28 August 2016
T. Pedersen, E. Aasum, A. Hafstad, AngII-induced compensatory hypertrophy is associated with unaltered substrate utilization and efficiency in murine hearts, Acta Physiologica, 219 (2017) 20-20. Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Physiological Society, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 26 – 28 August 2016
A. Nabeebaccus, A. Hafstad, A. Zoccarato, T. Eykyn, J. West, J. Griffin, M. Mayr, A. Shah, NOX4-DEPENDENT REPROGRAMMING OF GLUCOSE METABOLISM AND FATTY ACID OXIDATION FACILITATES CARDIAC ADAPTION TO CHRONIC PRESSURE-OVERLOAD, Heart, 102 (2016) A146-A146. Annual Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society (BCS) on Prediction and Prevention. Manchester, England, 6-8 June
A. Hafstad. NADPH-oxidases in diabetic cardiomyopathy (invited speaker), 12th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism (SHVM), Beijing, China, 9-12 October, 2016
A. Nabeebaccus, A. Hafstad, T. Eykyn, X.K. Yin, A. Brewer, M. Zhang, M. Mayr, A. Shah, Cardiac-targeted NADPH oxidase 4 in the adaptive cardiac remodelling of the murine heart, Lancet, 385 (2015) 73-73. Spring Meeting for Clinician Scientists in Training 2015, London, UK 26th February 2015
A Hafstad. The role of ROS (reactive oxygen species) in obesity related changes in cardiac function and metabolism, oral presentation, The 3rd International Workshop of The Female Heart Project, Tromsø, Norway, June17-18, 2015
S. S. Hansen1, T. M. Pedersen1, J. Lund1, C. X. Santos2, A.M. Shah2, E. Aasum1, A. D. Hafstad1. NADPH oxidase inhibition affects mitochondrial ROS production in hearts from DIO mice. 11th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism (SHVM), Tarrytown, USA 4-7 October 2015
A.D. Hafstad, J. Lund, C.X. Santos, A.M. Shah and Ellen Aasum. A role of NADPH oxidase in obesity-induced oxygen wasting., oral presentation, 11th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism (SHVM), Tromsø, Norway, June 24-27, 2014
A.D. Hafstad, J. Lund, C.X. Santos, A. M. Shah and E Aasum. A role of NADPH oxidase in obesity-induced oxygen wasting., poster presentation, Gordon Conference Seminars on NOX Family NADPH Oxidases, Tuscany, Italy May 18-23, 2014
E S Hadler-Olsen, A I Solli, AD Hafstad, J-O Winberg, L Uhlin-Hansen. Intracellular MMP-2 Activity in Skeletal Muscle is Associated with Type II Fibers. Gordon Research Conference on MMPs, Tuscany, Italy 19-24 May 2013.
Kaspersen, Knut-Helge; Songstad, Nils Thomas; Hafstad, Anne Dragøy; Acharya, Ganesh. High intensity training in pregnant rats. European Congress of Periantal Medicine, 13-16 June 2012
Salma, Wahida; Höper, Anje Christina; Khalid, Ahmed Murtaz; Sollie, Selene Julie; Lund, Jim; Hafstad, Anne Dragøy; Aasum, Ellen; Larsen, Terje. Wax ester purified from Calanus oil reduces visceral obesity and low-grade inflammation in adipose tissue during high fat feeding. 10th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism (SHVM), Oxford, 24-27 June 2012.
Salma, Wahida; Sollie, Selene Julie; Höper, Anje Christina; Khalid, Ahmed Murtaz; Lund, Jim; Hafstad, Anne Dragøy; Larsen, Terje; Aasum, Ellen. Dietary supplementation with Calanus oil reduces visceral fat deposition and improves insulin sensitivity during high fat feeding. 10th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism Oxford (SHVM), 24-27 June 2012.
Nabeebaccus A, Zhang M, Hafstad AD, Aasum E, Yin X., Brewer AC, Mayr M, Shah AM. NADPH oxidase-4 induces metabolic reprogramming in the murine heart in vivo. (Oral presentation). 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism (SHVM), Oxford, UK, 24-27 June 2012.
Hafstad, Anne Dragøy; Lund, Jim; Hagve, Martin; Hadler-Olsen, Elin Synnøve; Höper, Anje Christina; Larsen, Terje; Aasum, Ellen. High and moderate intensity training prevent diet-induced impairments in cardiac mechanoenergetics and ventricular function. 10th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism Oxford, UK (SHVM), 24-27 June 2012.
Lund, Jim; Hafstad, Anne Dragøy; Larsen, Terje; Aasum, Ellen. High and moderate intensity training prevent obesity-related oxygen waste and development of left ventricular dysfunction in the presence of high fat (oral presentation). 10th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism Oxford, UK (SHVM), 24-27 June 2012.
Höper, Anje Christina; Larsen, Terje; Khalid, Ahmed Murtaz; Salma, Wahida; Sollie, Selene Julie; Lund, Jim; Hafstad, Anne Dragøy; Aasum, Ellen. Low-dose supplementation with Calanus oil attenuates visceral adiposity and low-grade inflammation during high fat feeding. 3rd international congress on abdominal obesity. Brussels, Belgium, 9-12 July 2012.
Hafstad A, Lund, J, Larsen, T, Aasum E. Exercise training prevent obesity-induced impairment of myocardial function and mechanoenergetics, as well as mitochondrial capacity and fatty acid-induced proton leak. 10th Annual CHFR Symposium, Oslo, Norway 20-21 September 2012.
Hafstad, Anne Dragøy; Lund, Jim; Høper, Anje Christina; Hadler-Olsen, Elin Synnøve; Hagve, Martin; Wisløff, Ulrik; Larsen, Terje; Aasum, Ellen. High intensity interval training normalizes cardiac energetics and ventricular function in diet-induced obese mice. 9th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism (SHVM), Brussels, Belgium, 17-21 June 2011.
Hafstad AD, Lund J, Høper AC, Hadler-Olsen, ES, Hagve M, Wisløff U, Larsen TS, Aasum E. Exercise improves ventricular function and decreases myocardial oxygen waste in diet-induced obese mice. Circulation 2011; Volum 124. ISSN 0009-7322.s A14938 . Oral presentation. Scientific Sessions 2011 of the American Heart Association (AHA), Florida, Orlando, US 12-16 November 2011.
Aasum, Ellen; Hafstad, Anne Dragøy; Khalid, Ahmed Murtaz; Berge, Rolf; Larsen, Terje. TTA - the first PPAR ligand shown to increase fatty acid oxidation in normal and diabetic myocardium when administered in vivo. ISHR, Heart failure 2009 30th May-2nd June 2009.
Hafstad, Anne Dragøy; Boardman, Neoma Tove; Lund, Jim; Hagve, Martin; Wisløff, Ulrik; Larsen, Terje; Aasum, Ellen. Metabolic adaptations in the physiologically hypertrophied heart. 7th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism (SHVM). Padova, Italy. 23-26 August 2009.
Hafstad AD, ; Boardman N, Lund J, Hagve M, Wisløff U, Larsen TS, Aasum E. Exercise-induced Increase In Cardiac Efficiency- The Impact of Intensity. Circulation,; 120: S880. 2009. (Poster presentation: AHA Orlando, Florida, US, Nov. 14 – 18 November 2009)
A.M. Khalid, E. Aasum, A.D. Hafstad, K. Clarke, R. Berge, T.S. Larsen, TTA is a pan PPAR ligand which markedly stimulates fatty acid oxidation following in vivo administration, Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 22 (2008) 142-143. 6th annual meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism. Boston, Massachusetts, 29th of June-1st of July, 2008
A.M. Khalid, E. Aasum, A.D. Hafstad, T.S. Larsen, Reduced lipid supply without a concomitant reduced glucose supply fails to alter the metabolic phenotype of diabetic hearts, JMCC, 44 (2008) 803-803. ISHR section meeting, Athens. Greece, 28-31 May 2008
K.O. Stenslokken, A. Rutkovsky, M.L. Kaijusto, A. Hafstad, T. Larsen, J. Vaage, Degree of phosphorylation of survival kinases in isolated mouse hearts depends on the mode of perfusion, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 44 (2008) 809-809. ISHR section meeting, Athens. Greece, 28-31 May 2008
A.D. Hafstad, A.M. Khalid, O.J. How, R. Berge, T.S. Larsen, E. Aasum, In vivo administration of tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) in mice causes cardiac inefficiency and reduced post-ischemic ventricular function, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 42 (2007) S63-S63.ISHR 27th section meeting, Padova, Italy, 20-22 June 2007
A.D. Hafstad, A.M. Khalid, O.J. How, T.S. Larsen, E. Aasum, Elevated glucose and insulin improves cardiac efficiency and post-ischemic functional recovery in perfused hearts from type 2 diabetic (db/db) mice, Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 20 (2006) 408-409. Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism Meeting entitled “CARDIAC ENERGY METABOLISM IN HEART FAILURE: FROM CONCEPTS TO THERAPIES” held in Semiahmoo, Washington, USA, 6–9 September 2006.
Aasum E, Hafstad AD, How OJ, Khalid AM, Severson DL, Larsen TS. Chronic and acute metabolic interventions improve cardiac metabolism and enhances cardiac efficiency and ischemic tolerance in type 2 diabetes. American Heart Association meeting, Circulation, 782 2006. (Aasum, Oral presentation: AHA, Chicago 12-15 November 2006)
Hafstad AD, Khalid AM, How OJ, Larsen TS and Aasum E. Changing myocardial energy utilization from fat to glucose improves post-ischemic recovery in hearts from type 2 diabetic (db/db) mice. JMCC 2006; 40 (6): N032 (Oral presentation: ISHR, 26 European Congress, Manchester, 14-17 June, 2006)
O.J. How, T.S. Larsen, A.D. Hafstad, A. Khalid, E.S.P. Myhre, D.L. Severson, E. Aasum, Rosiglitazone treatment improves cardiac efficiency and post-ischemic functional recovery in hearts from diabetic mice, Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 20 (2006) 410-411. Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism Meeting (SHVM). Semiahmoo, Washington, USA, 6–9 September 2006.
M. Vader, M.F. Essop, A.D. Hafstad, T.S. Larsen, E. Aasum, Acute effects of ppar ligands on cardiac metabolism, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 38 (2005) 1077-1077. European Section of International Society for Heart Research, 21-25. June 2006
Hafstad, Anne Dragøy. Insulin sensitivity in hearts from type 2 diabetic (db/db) mice. Hjerteforum 2005 ;Volum 2.(178), Kardiologisk vintermøte; 2005, 28-30 January 2005
Hafstad, Anne Dragøy; Severson, David Lester; Larsen, Terje; Aasum, Ellen. Hearts from type 2 diabetic (db/db) are highly sensitive to insulin. Heart Failure/ISHR ESC Meeting; 21-26 June 2003, Strasbourg, France
E. Aasum, A. Carley, A.D. Hafstad, D.L. Severson, T.S. Larsen, Hearts from diabetic (db/db) mice show progressive cardiomyopathy with an age-dependent decline in post-ischemic recovery, which is not reversed by metabolic remodelling with PPAR agonists, Circulation, 106 (2002) 54-55. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2002. 17-20 November 2002, Chicago, IL, USA
E. Aasum, A.D. Hafstad, D.L. Severson, Measurements of metabolism and mechanical function in isolated hearts from genetically diabetic mice, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 29 (2002) A100-A101. The 3rd International Amsterdam Mouse Symposium, 13-15 March 2002
E. Aasum, A.D. Hafstad, D.L. Severson, T.S. Larsen, Age-dependent changes in cardiac metabolism, function and sensitivity to ischemia-reperfusion in type 2 diabetic (db/db) mice, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 34 (2002) A3-A3. 22nd European Session Meeting ISHR, Szeged Hungary, 25-28 June 2002.
Research interests
The research interest is within basal cardiac research with a focus on myocardial metabolism and the response to different cardiac stressors. The professor Hafstad lab has experimental expertise is in studying cardiac metabolism and energetics using the isolated working heart set up with a repertoire of experimental biochemical techniques, including high resolution respirometry. The research focus is around studying cardiac adaptation following different cardiac stressors such as exercise, hypertension, hypoxia, obesity and diabetes. The lab has through international collaborations also studied the role of ROS producing enzymes: the NADPH-oxidases as redox signals in control of cardiac metabolism in response to stressors. Lately, the lab has gained an interest in cardiotoxicity induced by anticancer therapies and the impact of sex-specific differences in heart failure, and has received funding to investigate the cardiometabolic response to anticancer therapies in cell lines and an animal model.
Professor Hafstad has a long track-record for teaching and examining students at the UiT – The Arctic University of Norway in many subjects within physiology and at several courses. She has also worked as an external examinator and opponent at NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU. She is the current leader for second year of medical school at the UiT and the exam committee in this subject. In 2017 she completed her teaching portfolio, and in 2020, she also completed the course in research supervision (UNIPED-600). She has considerable experience in supervising students at undergraduate and graduate levels.
PhD student and medical research students
2023-ongoing. Main supervisor Anne Cathrine Furuheim Bryn (cand.med.). Project title: Cardiometabolic remodelling following breast-cancer therapy. IMB, Faculty of Health sciences, UiT, Norway.
2022- ongoing: Assistant supervisor PhD student Nelsy Efundem Tabako-Foncha (M.Sc). Project title: The relationship of mitochondrial shape and function in heart failure. IMB, Faculty of Health sciences, UiT, Norway.
2020- ongoing: Main supervisor PhD student Cand Vet. Asad Akthtar (cand.vet and M.Sc). Project title: Cardiometabolic consequences of cancer therapy treatment. IMB, Faculty of Health sciences, UiT, Norway.
2022: Main supervisor PhD Synne S Hansen (cand.vet.). Thesis: Myocardial metabolic, structural, and functional remodelling following nutritional and hormonal stress. IMB. Faculty of Health sciences, UiT, Norway.
2021: Main supervisor Medical Research Student Cathrine Furuheim Bryn (cand.med.). Thesis: HER2-blockage and Anthracycline-induced metabolic remodeling of the heart. Faculty of Health sciences, UiT, Norway.
2019: Assistant supervisor PhD Tina M Pedersen (cand.vet.). Thesis: Cardiac remodelling in obesity- and angiotensin II-mediated heart failure. Faculty of Health sciences, UiT, Norway.
2017: Assistant supervisor medical research student Line Rossvoll (cand.med). Thesis: Elevation of fatty acids protects the diabetic heart against ischemic injury. Faculty of Health sciences, UiT, Norway.
2015: Assistant supervisor PhD Jim Lund (M.Sc). Thesis: Prevention of cardiac inefficiency in type 2 diabetes by means of high-intensity exercise training. Faculty of Health sciences, UiT, Norway.
I have been a supervisor for 20 master and undergraduate students in medicine, biomedicine and biology.
Teaching experience at specific courses
MED-2501 Medical school UiT. 2014-2023. Leader/exam comitte leader/Lecturing /case leader
ODO-2008 Odontology school UiT. 2022-2023. Leader/Exam comitee/Lecturing /Case leader
MBI-3016 Master Medical Physiology UiT. 2019-2023. Exam comitee/Case leader
MED-2520 International semester Medical school UiT. 2016-2023. Lecturing
ODO-3000 Master Midwife UiT. 2011-2023. Lecturing
MED-1501 Medical school UiT. 2013-2023. Lecturing, case/lab leader
MED-2510-3-6 Medical school UiT. 2014-2023. Lecturing /case leader
HEL-6320 Course in Laboratory sciences uiT. 2011-2017. Lecturing
ODO-2006 Odontology school UiT. 2014-2021. Exam comitee/Lecturing /Case leader
MED-400 course 14 Medical school UiT. 2010. Lecturing
MED 100 Medical school UiT. 2001-2012. Exam comitee/Lab/Case leader
MBI-3010 Advanced Methods for Experimental Biomedicine uiT. 2015. Lab leader
HEL-8014 Experimental animal science UiT. 2012-2017. Lecturing
MBI-8004 NorHeart PhD course UiT. 2015-2016 Lecturing, case/lab leader
BIOIN-101 Bioingenieer bachelor UiT. 2011-2015 Lecturing
RAD-1010 Radiography bachelor, UiT 2011-2015 Lecturing
PSY-2544, humanbiologi Psykologi embetsstudiet UiT. 2002-2013. Lecturing
Bio-104 Human Biology course bachelor UiT. 1998-1999. Case leader
Bio-271 Generell Fysiologi bachelor UiT. 1998-1999. Lecturing /case leader
Human Biologi 1-year Medical course bachelor UiT. 2002-2007. Lecturing