Bilde av Bergvoll, Lise-Marie
Bilde av Bergvoll, Lise-Marie
Nursing and Further Education in Harstad +4777058361

Lise-Marie Bergvoll

  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Monica Martinussen, Hilde Laholt :
    How do public health nurses in Norwegian school health services support siblings of children with complex care needs?
    Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Lise-Marie Bergvoll :
    Tanker om trøst og urørlighetssonen ved spiralinnleggelse
    Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Laholt, Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Anne Clancy :
    An analysis of Norwegian public health nursing curricula: Where is the nursing literature?
    Public Health Nursing 28. September 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Asgjerd Litleré Moi, Ragnhild Sollesnes :
    Helsesykepleieres erfaringer med forebygging av brannskader hos småbarn
    Nordisk sygeplejeforskning 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Helen Mulcahy, Patricia Leahy-Warren, Hilde Laholt, Lloyd Frank Philpott, Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Anne Clancy :
    Public health nursing in Ireland and Norway: A comparative analysis
    Public Health Nursing 06. December 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal :
    How do public health nurses in Norwegian school health services support siblings of children with complex care needs? - A national survey
  • Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Lise-Marie Bergvoll :
    How do public health nurses in Norwegian school health services support siblings of children with complex care needs?
  • Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Lise-Marie Bergvoll :
    Søsken som pårørende blir forsømt av kommunene
    Dagsavisen 2023
  • Hilde Laholt, Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy :
    Analyse av pensum i norske helsesykepleierutdanninger - Hvor er sykepleielitteraturen?
  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Monica Martinussen, Hilde Laholt :
    Optimizing school health services to promote mental health and well-being for siblings in families who have children with complex care needs.
  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Monica Martinussen, Hilde Laholt :
    An action research approach to developing a conversational tool that will improve school nurses´ dialogues with siblings of children with CCNs.
  • Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Astrid Midtsund, Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Ingvild Hamnøy, Ellen Solstad Olavesen, Bente Kristin Høgmo :
    På tide å nyansere barselomsorgen?
    Dagens medisin 2022
  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Asgjerd Moi, Ragnhild Sollesnes :
    Public health nurses´ experiences with prevention of burns in small children- a qualitative content analysis
  • Hilde Laholt, Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Anne Clancy :
    "Optimizing school health services to promote mental health and well-being for siblings in families who have children with complex care needs"
  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Ragnhild Sollesnes, Asgjerd Litleré Moi :
    Public health nurses´ experiences with prevention of burns in small children
  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll :
    Skal vi lage en fortelling sammen? -Gode øyeblikk i et helsesykepleiermøte

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →