Sondre Torp Helmersen


  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Utviklingen av det dualistiske prinsipp i norsk rett
    Jussens venner 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Three Perspectives on Marine Life in International Disputes
    The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The Application of Teachings by the International Court of Justice, 2016–2022
    Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Fremmede stater og regjeringer i norsk rett
    Jussens venner 2022 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The use of force against neutral ships outside territorial waters
    Leiden Journal of International Law 2022 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The EFTA Court and International Law
    Oslo Law Review 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The Methodology of Formal Interpretations of Judicial Decisions by the International Court of Justice
    Nordic Journal of International Law 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    China-Taiwan Threats of Force and the Paradox of the ‘Nuclear Weapons Principle’
    International Community Law Review 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Folkerettslig immunitet i norsk sivilprosess
    Jussens venner 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The Application of Teachings by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
    Journal of International Dispute Settlement 2020 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    How the application of teachings can affect the legitimacy of the International Court of Justice
    Routledge 2019 DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Finding ‘the Most Highly Qualified Publicists’: Lessons from the International Court of Justice
    European journal of international law 2019 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The Evolutionary Treaty Interpretation by the WTO Appellate Body
    Hart Publishing Ltd 2019 OMTALE / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The Application of Teachings by the International Court of Justice
    Cambridge University Press 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Livsfarlig naivitet
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 15. January 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Å kunne velge mellom krig og fred
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 02. January 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Forstår ikke regjeringen sitt eget domstolsforslag?
    Dagens næringsliv 16. May 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Debatt i reprise?
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 03. April 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Man bør ikke belønne en angrepskrig
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 25. January 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Rødt misbruker folkeretten
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 19. January 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    FN-pakten: tar feil
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 19. January 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Gir rett til selvforsvar
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 26. January 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Kanskje Gunnar Nerdrum burde gå stillere i dørene?
    Nordlys 04. April 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Ukraina er en selvstendig stat
    Nordnorsk Debatt 13. April 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Er Danmark og Sverige alene om at tillade koranafbrændinger? Regeringens skræmmebillede afvises af juraforskere
    07. August 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Magne Frostad, Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Kommentar til HR-2023-491-P Snøkrabbe II
    Jussens venner 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Three Perspectives on Marine Life in International Fisheries Disputes
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Listhaug tar feil om tortur
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 05. May 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The use of force against neutral ships outside territorial waters
    2022 OMTALE
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Nei til kunnskapsløs ruspolitikk
    trø 27. July 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    – Et særlig behov for juridisk forskning i Norge
    01. February 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Scholarship: A ‘Hidden’ Influence on International Judges
    fifteen eighty four 09. April 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Sorenson Maron, Sondre Torp Helmersen, Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv :
    Women of the United States Supreme Court: Law, legacies and life stories
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    ‘The Application of Teachings by the International Court of Justice’
    2021 OMTALE
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Politiker nekter å delta i formannskapsmøte: – Vi har ingen sanksjonsmuligheter
    06. September 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The Application of Teachings by the International Court of Justice
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Presidenters tradisjon for benådninger
    05. December 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Naval blockades and the prohibition of the use of force
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The Application of Teachings by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    New Book: The Application of Teachings by the International Court of Justice
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The Use of Force in International Law: A Case-Based Approach
    Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Uventet drama
    05. November 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Jusekspert om presidentvalget i USA
    06. November 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Høyesterettsdommernes påvirkningskraft på samfunnet
    27. September 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Dette kan være Trumps endelige mål
    13. November 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Trumps trusler: - Galskap
    05. November 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    The Application of Teachings by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    S. Taekema and B. van Kklink, “On the Border. Limits and Possibilities of Interdisciplinary Research”
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Skolene brøt Grunnloven ved å beslaglegge Unge Venstres valgkampmateriell
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 20. September 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Sondre Torp Helmersen :
    Correlations between ICJ judges’ backgrounds and their approaches to scholarship
    2018 OMTALE

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My research focuses on international law. My ph.d. thesis is on scholarship as a source of law, but I am also interested in other areas of international law, including the prohibition of the use of force and humanitarian law, the law of the sea and dispute settlement, as well the relationshion between international law and national law.


    Subjects taught at UiT:

    • International law
    • Human rights law
    • Constitutional law
    • Administrative law
    • Environmental law
    • The PhD programme

    I also do supervisions and examinations for the University of Bergen and the University of Oslo.

    Member of research group


    Employment history:

    2022-: Professor, UiT

    2019-2022: Associate Professor, UiT

    2018-2019: Associate Professor, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

    2014-2017: Research Fellow, University of Oslo

    2012-2013: Lawyer, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    2010-2011: Research Assistant, University of Oslo


    Administrative positions: 

    2023: Director of the research group in constitutional law, Faculty of Law, UiT

    2020-2021: Vice-dean for research, Faculty of Law, UiT

    2020: Director of studies for the second year of the masters degree, Faculty of Law, UiT

    2019-2020: Director of the research group in constitutional law, Faculty of Law, UiT

    2018-2019: Director of studies for Administrative law II, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

    2018-2019: Director of studies for Administrative law I, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences




    2018: PhD, University of Oslo

    2014: LLM, University of Cambridge

    2011: Master of Laws, University of Oslo