Bilde av Smart, Kathleen (Katie) Alexandra
Bilde av Smart, Kathleen (Katie) Alexandra
Senior Academic Librarian Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte +4777646404

Kathleen (Katie) Alexandra Smart

Job description

  • Subject librarian for Geology, Physics, Technology and Computer Science
  • Member of Research and Publishing Support, and Teaching and Learning support teams
  • Support for research data managment, open science, data visualisation
  • Responsible for UiT's polar database: Open Polar
  • Guest Scientist at Department of Geosciences

  • Sonja Aulbach, Katie Smart :
    Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Significance of Xenolithic Eclogites
    Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kathleen Alexandra Smart, Sebastian Tappe, Alan B. Woodland, David R Greyling, Chris Harris, Nikolaus Gussone :
    Constraints on Archean crust recycling and the origin of mantle redox variability from the δ44/40Ca–δ18O–fO2 signatures of cratonic eclogites
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2021 DOI
  • Kathleen (Katie) Alexandra Smart, Sebastian Tappe, Alan B. Woodland, Chris Harris, Laura Corcoran, Simonetti Antonio :
    Metasomatized eclogite xenoliths from the central Kaapvaal craton as probes of a seismic mid-lithospheric discontinuity
    Chemical Geology 2021 DOI
  • Radovan Bast, Kathleen Alexandra Smart :
    Good practices for sharing data and software in a FAIR way
  • Katie Smart, Frederic Moynier, Christopher Harris, Sebastian Tappe, Deng Zhengbin :
    Using Silicon Isotopes to Understand the Silica Enrichment of Archean Mantle Lithosphere: Serpentine, Sediment or Something Else?
  • Katie Smart, Per Pippin Aspaas, Leif Ståle Longva, Noortje Dijkstra Haugstvedt, Tamer Sabry Zaki Abu Alam, Karl Magnus Nilsen :
    Open Science for Arctic and Antarctic Research: the Open Polar database

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Mantle petrology and geochemistry, (non-traditional) stable isotope geochemistry 

    Google Scholar


    Bachelors to PhD-level courses in research data management, open science support, data visualisation, information competance