Dimension Navigator

Collapse folder The University Management
Office of the Rector Office of the Rector Office of the Rector
Expand folder Ombud ved UiT
Collapse folder Faculty of Health Sciences
Expand folder Faculty management at Health Sciences
Expand folder Department of Medical Biology
Expand folder Department of Community Medicine
Expand folder Department of Clinical Medicine
Expand folder Department of Pharmacy
Expand folder Department of Clinical Dentistry
Expand folder Department of Psychology
Expand folder Department of Health and Care Sciences
Expand folder School of sport sciences
Expand folder Department of Social Education
Expand folder RKBU North
Expand folder Faculty administration at Health Sciences
Collapse folder Faculty of Science and Technology
Expand folder Department of Chemistry
Expand folder Department of Computer Science
Expand folder Department of Geosciences
Expand folder Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Expand folder Department of Physics and Technology
Expand folder Department of Technology and Safety
Expand folder Faculty administration at Science and Technology
Expand folder Management and Staff, Faculty of Science and Technology
Collapse folder Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Expand folder Faculty management at Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Expand folder Institute of philosophy and first semester studies
Expand folder Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology
Expand folder Department of Education
Expand folder Department of Social Sciences
Expand folder Department of Language and Culture
Expand folder The Barents Institute
Expand folder Department of Child Welfare and Social Work
Expand folder Centre for Peace Studies (CPS)
Expand folder Centre for Sami Studies
Expand folder Faculty administration at HSL-fak
Collapse folder Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
Expand folder Faculty management at Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
Expand folder Department of Arctic and Marine Biology
Expand folder The Norwegian College of Fishery Science
Expand folder School of Business and Economics
Expand folder Centre for the Ocean and the Arctic
Expand folder Faculty administration at Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
Collapse folder Faculty of Law
Expand folder Management and Staff, Faculty of Law
Expand folder Faculty administration at Faculty of Law
Expand folder Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea
Collapse folder Faculty of Sports, Tourism and Social Work
Faculty management at IRS-fak Faculty management at IRS-fak Faculty management at IRS-fak
Expand folder Faculty administration at the IRS-fak
Collapse folder Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology
Expand folder Management, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology
Expand folder Faculty Administration IVT
Expand folder Department of Industrial Engineering
Expand folder Department of Building, Energy and Material Technology
Expand folder Department of Automation and Process Engineering
Expand folder Department of Computer Science and Computational Engineering
Expand folder Department of Electrical Engineering
Collapse folder Department of Social Education
Academic Affairs and Research Academic Affairs and Research Academic Affairs and Research
Collapse folder The Arctic University Museum of Norway and Academy of Fine Arts
Expand folder Management and administration UMAK
Expand folder The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Expand folder Academy of Music
Expand folder Academy of Arts
Collapse folder The University Library
Expand folder Library Administration
Expand folder Library Services
Expand folder Library Collections
Expand folder Result
Collapse folder University Academic Services
Expand folder Research, Education and Communication Division
Expand folder Financial and Organization Divison
Expand folder Department of Information Technology
Expand folder Department of Property management
Expand folder Management and Administration, Campus Harstad
Expand folder Management and Administration in Alta
Collapse folder Other units
Norgesuniversitetet Norgesuniversitetet Norgesuniversitetet
Expand folder Testmaler
Collapse folder Research groups
Collapse folder Other centers/projects
Kirkelig utdanningssenter nord Kirkelig utdanningssenter nord Kirkelig utdanningssenter nord
NorAforsk NorAforsk NorAforsk
Tromsø High North Cluster Tromsø High North Cluster Tromsø High North Cluster
University Chaplaincy University Chaplaincy University Chaplaincy
Collapse folder Clubs and associations
International seminar International seminar International seminar
Akademikerne Akademikerne Akademikerne
Company sports Company sports Company sports
The Norwegian Association of Researchers The Norwegian Association of Researchers The Norwegian Association of Researchers
Norsk Tjenestemannslag Norsk Tjenestemannslag Norsk Tjenestemannslag
Parat Parat Parat
Collapse folder Student organizations
Fagutv. psykologistudenter Fagutv. psykologistudenter Fagutv. psykologistudenter
Statsvit. Miljøforening Statsvit. Miljøforening Statsvit. Miljøforening
Tromsø Doktorgradstudenter Tromsø Doktorgradstudenter Tromsø Doktorgradstudenter
Student parliament Student parliament Student parliament
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