Public engagement in 2022
Our group members have been very active, not only doing research but also popularizing it to academic and non-academic audiences. Below you will find a selected resume of what has been happening in 2022:
On May 30, 2022, Mirva delivered a speech on “Digitalisation, cybersecurity and the needs of people living the Arctic and the North” on Science Day of Hokkaido Finland Week. Organized by the Embassy of Finland in Japan and Business Finland in collaboration with Hokkaido University Arctic Research Centre and Hokkaido University Centre for Advanced Tourism Studies.
On June 1, 2022, Mirva presented in a panel on “Current Opportunities and Threats in the Digital World” for VAHTI Summer seminar 2022. VAHTI is a body that advances cooperation, preparation and coordination between public sector organizations that are responsible for the production of central services and the development of digital security in Finland. It is headed by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
On June 13, 2022: Mirva had a seminar presentation, “Securing the Digital Arctic” in Nordic perspectives on security policy in the Arctic, organized by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik (BAKS), and Calotte Academy.
On July 5, 2022, Mirva gave a presentation, “Introduction to Cyber Security in Tourism Businesses” in Tourbit Deep Dive on Cybersecurity. The European co-funded project TOURBIT (“Fostering digitalisation of European tourism SMEs”) project supports tourism SMEs in the uptake of digitalisation and innovation by fostering their skills, knowledge and network until 2024.
On July 6, 2022, Mirva gave an interview to Iltalehti (a national tabloid newspaper) on a minor cybersecurity event in Finland. For anyone who reads Finnish:
On August 31, 2022, Mirva had a conference presentation with LL.D Tomi Tuominen (University of Lapland) “The European Union’s government of Covid-19 as an emergency” in Critical Legal Conference (CLC) in Tromsø 31.8.-2.9.2022. Track: The Return of the Exception: Emergency-Law-War and the Post-Liberal Legality.
Erik has been organising large session contributions at ICAM no 9 Conference in Ottawa in June 2022. There were two presentations given.
- Presentation of the GSL volume 57 for the entire Arctic north of 64 degrees
- Presentation, an Example area, The Finnmark Platform Tectono-sedimentary Element.
On October 12, 2022, Mirva was a participant in a panel discussion, “Future does not arrive without digital security risks” for the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) in Finland. The agency promotes the digitalisation of society, secures the availability of data, and provides services for the life events of its customers. The panel was part of National Cybersecurity Week, which is part of the EU’s Cybersecurity Month in Finland. Recording available to anyone who speaks Finnish at
On October 26, 2022: Mirva had a presentation on ‘Digital Rights in the Arctic’ and participation in a panel discussion in a seminar called “The Arctic Dimensions of Human Rights and the Security Environment”, co-organised by the Human Rights Centre, the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland, and the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law. The seminar was part of the Human Rights Centre’s 50th-anniversary seminar series. The Centre is an autonomous and independent expert institution whose task is to monitor and promote the implementation of fundamental and human rights. It is part of the national human rights institution (NHRI) in Finland.
Monika delivered a talk during the “Towards European Renewal” conference held in Brussels (November 15, 2022) on the topic of culture wars over values.
Monika also took part in a Geopolitics Festival in Warsaw, where she discussed the pan-European migration crisis and its implications (19-20 November). She was also invited to the 4th Geopolitical Forum to talk about the current energy security crisis (22-24 November).
Monika’s podcast on the security issues in the Arctic has been wildly popular in Poland, and the YouTube video has over half a million views: (sorry, Polish version only!).
Masoud Naseri and Sushmit Dhar attended the 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE2022) on June 5-10, 2022, in Hamburg, Germany. Sushmit Dhar, the PhD candidate working in SPRICE, presented his research on “Spray Icing on Onega Vessel- A Comparison of Liquid Water Content Expressions” in this conference. This study investigated the liquid water content expressions used in spray icing modelling and estimated the spray icing on the ONEGA vessel that capsized and led to the loss of 17 lives on 28 December 2020 while fishing west of Yuzhny Island in the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago.
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