
The research group has strong link with industry, universities and research organizations on national and international level and has been awarded with various national and international research grants

1) nICE – Nordic ICE: Multi-disciplinary Study of Atmospheric Ice Accretion Physics and Developing Optimal Technological Solutions to Minimize Ice Accretion Effects

 Project Duration:             2022-2026

Project Funded By:          FRIPRO- Fellesløft IV,  (Norwegian Reserach Council & UiT)

Budget:                               2,7 million EUR     

The nICE project aims to strengthen the atmospheric icing related multi-disciplinary research activities in Norway and will also provide a platform for developing expertise and multi-disciplinary research infrastructure to study and further improving knowledge about atmospheric ice accretion physics and its effects. Norway is an ice prone country, but currently, no organized atmospheric icing research related infrastructure exists in Norway. This project aims to make a base to build up research expertise infrastructure for atmospheric icing, and to establish a base for future Norwegian icing center of expertise hosted by UiT and make this an international research hub to address icing related issues. This will also help to strengthen Norway’s international research collaboration on atmospheric icing related topics through working with international institutes, experts, and participation in international research initiatives. Researchers from IVT and NT faculty will jointly participate in this multi-disciplanary research project. 

2) arcICE Arctic Icing: A step forward to better understand the ice accretion physics and develop innovative technological solutions

 Project Duration:             2021-2025

Project Funded By:          UiT Thematic Stasning

Budget:                           1,5 million EUR     

Human activities are increasingly extending into the high northern areas of the Arctic region, where atmospheric icing is a challenge and a safety hazard as it can affect human activities especially related to construction industry (buildings, communication towers and ski lifts), energy production (wind and solar power infrastructure), energy distribution (power network cables and towers), transportation (roads, bridges), maritime (ships, fish farms, oil rigs) and aviation sector (airplanes and ground conditions). The arcICE project aims:’ To establish a cross-faculty network of UiT researchers to jointly address the technological issues related to atmospheric icing on structures in the Arctic region, to lay down the foundations to develop the first Norwegian icing center of expertise at UiT, to follow up the strategic plan of the university and support UN sustainable development goals in the Arctic region’. Currently, no organized atmospheric icing research related infrastructure exists in Norway. In the arcICE project, we aim to build up a research expertise infrastructure for icing, and through the project we aim to establish a future icing center of expertise at UiT and make this an international research hub to address icing related issues. This will also help us to strengthen UiT’s international research collaboration on icing related topics through working with international experts and participation in international research applications e.g. Horizon Europe.

3) CoARICE- Development of Collaborative Academic & Research Program to Study Ice Accretion on Structures in Cold Regions

Project Duration:        2020- 2024

Project Funded By:     Norwegian Research Council

Budget:                       430,000 EUR

 CoARIce project focus on icing related academic/research activities in an educational environment by developing an international consortium of experts from different international educational institutes, with an aim to improve knowledge about icing on structures and educating people (student/staff) about ice accretion physics thus improving skills to develop new technologies for combating ice. All partner institutes in CoARIce project have strong expertise and research infrastructure about different aspects of icing on structures, which will help the partners to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and learn from each others experience. Better knowledge about ice accretion physics from CoARIce project will also bring together academics, researchers and industry to share information on the latest developments in this field and will increase understanding of partner institutes about future demands for safe operations in ice prone regions. Involvement of students will provide them a learning curve to know more about icing. Currently, no organized icing related academic program and research infrastructure exists in Norway. This project will help the Norwegian academic institute, UiT, to strengthen academic activities, infrastructure and international collaboration on icing related topics.

 The aim of CoARIce project is to ‘Improve knowledge and build expertise through international academic collaboration to better understand the ice accretion on structures and technological developments to combat icing’. The project cover both education and research perspectives and will focus to improve the educational and research activities in Norway on icing related issues by establishing a long-term academic and research partnership between 08 partner educational institutes from Norway, China, Canada, Russia & Japan. The overall goals of the CoARIce project are:

  •  To educate people (staff/students) about icing on structures and cold climate technology. Joint master’s degree courses about cold climate and atmospheric ice accretion on structures will be developed.
  • To establish research oriented teaching and learning of students to meet the future industrial demands in high north about atmospheric icing, keeping in view the ongoing/future infrastructure development.
  • To expand student learning experience and knowledge about cold climate/atmospheric icing through joint projects (bachelor/master/PhD thesis) and two-way mobility. The students will be involved in the ongoing research projects of partner institutes, so that they can understand and solve real time icing problems by working with mainstream researchers of icing from partner institutes.
  • To establish a joint international lab-based infrastructure by sharing the icing related lab facilities of each partner institute for use by staff and students and to jointly supervise the students. Exchange visits of student/staff members will be arranged to enhance academic/research activities through mutual access to the research facilities of partner institutes.
  • To organize seminars/workshops/guest lectures to enhance the learning of staff/students about atmospheric icing on structures and sharing knowledge.

Project Webink:

4) ICEBox- Ice Monitoring, Forecasting, Mapping, Prevention & Removal Toolbox

 Project Duration:        2018- 2022

Project Funded By:     Norwegian Research Council & STATNETT.

Budget:                       3,450,600 EUR

Icing on power lines can cause major disruptions in electricity supply networks. These disruptions lead to excessive costs for repair as well as consequential losses. There is also a risk to human safety for employees tasked with the repair of power lines in harsh environmental conditions. Icing on power lines is a problem experienced in most high-latitude countries of which Norway has some of the highest recorded ice loads. This project aims to develop cost effective instrumentation that allows for detailed, real-time monitoring of the ice loads at a large number of exposed locations and to develop methods for connecting all real time observations to a probabilistic icing forecasting system. With an increased awareness of possible failures due to climatic loads, the project will consequently investigate the most promising countermeasures for the removal or reduction of icing on the existing lines as well as the possibility to change the design to prevent the build up of large ice amounts on new lines. Examples of such methods that will be studied in the project are the use of anti-torsional pendulums; super-hydrophobic or ice-phobic coatings; heating of the lines by controlling the electrical current; induction spirals; robot technologies. The objectives of this project are:

  • Develop and test cost effective sensors for real-time monitoring of ice loads in the grid.
  • Develop an improved analytical icing model for icing of large objects.
  • Develop probabilistic forecasting methods for short-term prediction of icing events.
  • Improve the parameterization of wet snow in the WRF microphysics code.
  • Develop a nationwide map of design ice loads including effects of climate change.
  • Investigation and numerical modelling of technologies for ice reduction and removal.

 The main partners of this project were, University of Tromsø, KjellerVindTeknikk-Oslo, STATNETT, CICERO, University of Oslo, National Center for Atmospheric research (NCAR), I2G-Sweden, EFLA & LandsNet Iceland.

Project Webink:

5) Fluid Structure Interaction Study of Icing on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)

 Project Duration:             2021-2025

Project Funded By:          University of Tromsø, Norway

Budget:                           380,000 EUR  

UAV’s are being used for surveillance operations in cold regions of high north, where ice accretion on UAV’s has been recognized as hindrance in its optimal flight operations. There is a growing need to develop a better understanding of the effects of ice accretion on aero-elastic behaviour of UAV. Not much research has been carried out in this field, which highlights the necessity to address this issue and better understand the icing effect on aeroelastic behavior of the UAV. This project aims to perform a, ‘Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) based study of ice accretion on UAV’s, keeping in view the requirements of its’s optimum aerodynamic and structural features’. The study will cover both fixed wing UAV’s and Quadcopters. The gained knowledge from this project will help to improve UAV aero-elastic design and develop cost effective ice mitigation strategy for its operations in icing conditions.  


6) Wind Energy Education Network: Promotion of Researech and Education about Wind Energy in Cold Climates

 Project Duration:             2022-2023

Project Funded By:          Nordic Council of Ministers

Budget:                              88,000 EUR   

The project aims to improve the quality of educational materials, through network cooperation, exchange of experiences both among academic staff and the knowledge sharing and supervision of students. The project will bring together professors and experts in the field of wind energy in cold climate, which allows to extract the best experience and knowledge on the topics of wind resource assessment of territories, increasing the performance of wind farms, the operation of wind power plants in cold climate conditions, management of wind energy projects. The project will also cover the offshore wind energy perspective due to growing demand of exploring offshore wind energy across the world. Not much work has been done so far across world to better understand the offshore wind energy in ice prone cold regions, but this project aims to go in this topic also from academic perspective. The final product of the project will be developed training materials, educational modules and a Massive Open Online ourse (MOOC) containing modern scientific approaches to wind energy. MOOC will be aimed to meet the level and requirements of modern educational platforms Coursera, Edx, Canvas. The project includes partners from Russia, Norway & Finland (NARFU, UiT and OUAS).

7) Wind Energy:  Joint innovative solutions for the future energy needs of northern regions

 Project Duration:             2020-2022

Project Funded By:          Nordic Council of Ministers

Budget:                             122,500 EUR     

 The increasing human activities for the development of the northern regions raise a need of sustainable energy supply systems that must have minimum impact on the fragile environments of Arctic. This project intends to implement common approaches to wind energy potential assessment, exploring of wind-driven power-plant operation in cold conditions and developing technologies/methods to minimize the impact of snow and ice on wind turbine/wind park operations. This project idea is linked with the Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group, Barents Euro-Arctic Council Joint Working Group on Energy priorities focusing on sustainable energy development in even the most remote northern communities. The project aims to strengthen sustainable academic, NGOs, business companies’ cooperation and attract new actors to partnership, contribute towards better strategic infrastructure and utilization of good wind resources to meet northern areas demands in an environmental friendly way. This project will strengthen sustainable academic, NGOs, business companies’ cooperation and attract new actors to international partnership for innovative technologies development, e.g. high professional NARFU, UiT, OUAS experts. It contributes towards better strategic infrastructure development and utilization of wind resources to meet northern areas demands in an environmental friendly way.

Project Weblink:

8) NABL- Northern Axis Barenets Link

Project Duration:        2019- 2022

Project Funded By:     EU- Kolarctic CBC Programme

Budget:                         1,246,900 EUR

 Northern Axis (NA): The Northern Axis is one of the five Trans-European transport axes defined by the High Level Group in 2005 and presented in the report ”Network for Peace and Development”. The Northern Axis connects the northern EU with Norway to the north and with Belarus and Russia and beyond to the east and consists of e.g. multimodal transport corridor Narvik - Haparanda/Tornio - Vartius - St. Petersburg (rail and road corridor), which are directly linked to the TEN-T networks. Barents Link (BL): Barents Link is the extended Arkhangelsk gateway, via Sweden all the way to Narvik in Norway. Northern Sea Route is a direct continuation of the Barents Link to Asian market. Together these (NA and BL) have been recognized by the Northern Dimension in NDPTL (Northern Dimension Partnership of Transport and Logistics) regional road and railway network and 5 corridors included in the Joint Barents Transport Plan (road, rail, air). The problem the project is planning to solve is that the east-west transport networks in the Kolarctic area are either non-existing, non - continuous or not in proper condition. This goes to road, railway, airborne transport networks, which hindrances regional development in the Kolarctic area. The overall objective of this project is ”to improve east-west corridors transport and cross-border mobility in the Programme area” and the specific objective is ”to improve east-west corridors transport and cross-border mobility in the Northern Axis, Barents Link and their continuations to Northern Sea Route”. The main outputs the project will produce are:

  • Better road transport possibilities (currently does not exist) to facilitate regional and border area development in Northern Axis – Barents Link corridor between Northern Finland - Arkhangelsk and between Arkhangelsk - Nenets Autonomous District.
  • Understanding of impacts of the two Russian railways to Barents region transport.
  • The impacts of several diversifying possibilities on Vartius/Lytta border crossing (to freight, passenger, railway, road).
  • To know the possibilities and impacts of creating a low-flight (civil aviation) corridor between Northern Finland and Russia.
  • To understand economic viability of Kontiomäki - Taivalkoski – Kemijärvi railway connection and its impacts to Kemijärvi- Salla-Kandalaksha and Kemijärvi –Kirkenes railway connections´ feasibility.
  • To understand improvement needs of Oulu-Kontiomäki railway
  • Results (a concept) of the wind energy potential to facilitate normal living of remote territories along the Northern Axis - Barents Link and (continuation to that) along the Northern Sea Route to Asian market.
  • Economic feasibility and impacts to transport flows of double tracking of the Ofotbanen- Malmbanan.

Project Weblink:

9) Large Wind Turbine Operations in Icing Conditions

Project Duration:        2018- 2021

Project Funded By:     University of Tromsø, Norway

Budget:                         286,400 EUR

 Cold regions have good wind resources, but icing affects the wind turbine performance and power production. Such losses have been reported to lead up to a 17% decrease in Annual Energy Production (AEP) and 20-50% in aerodynamic performance/power coefficient. Worldwide, installed wind energy capacity in ice prone regions in 2015 was 86.5 GW, which is expected to reach 123 GW in year 2020. This highlights the importance of better understanding of atmospheric ice accretion and finding innovative technological solutions for wind turbine operations in icing conditions to reduce the Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and the Operational Expenditure (OPEX). The International Energy Agency (IEA) Task 19: ‘Wind energy in cold climates’ has also urged the development of new methods to enable better prediction of the effects of ice accretion on wind energy production. Icing on wind turbine blades effect its aerodynamic and structural integrity, which consequently effects the annual energy production.  Therefore, there is a growing need to improve the current knowledge about aerodynamic design and performance of large wind turbine rotor blade for optimal and cost effective operations in icing conditions. The icing conditions within cold climates are insufficiently included in the design limits presently covered by the national and international standards for wind turbine design.

This project focused on better understanding of atmospheric ice accretion on large wind turbine blades at different operating and geometric conditions. The aim is to optimize the wind turbine blade aerodynamics to minimize the effects of atmospheric ice accretion on wind turbine performance and overall energy production. Multiphase computational fluid dynamics based numerical tools will be used for this research work, in addition to the experimentation. The main outcomes of this project will be:

  • Improved understanding of atmospheric ice accretion physics along wind turbine blades.
  • Estimation of wind energy production in ice prone cold climate regions.
  • Implementation of ISO 12494 for wind turbine applications.
  • Improved understanding of large wind turbine aerodynamics under icing conditions.

10) Safe Wind- Environmental Safety and Sustainability of Wind Energy Projects at Remote Territories of Arctic Region

Project Duration:             2021-2022

Project Funded By:          EU- Kolarctic CBC Programme

Budget:                              99,750 EUR     

The project aims on the concept of using the wind energy potential to facilitate normal living of remote territories along the Northern Axes - Barents Link and along the Northern Sea Route to Asian market. While implementation the Concept the analysis of the wind power potential will be carried out for the wind power farms at the points of eclectic energy consumption in the remote hard-to-reach areas along the Northern Axes - Barents Link. These points of eclectic energy consumption in Russia, Sweden, Norway and Finland will be determined. This project will involves the preliminary environmental impact assessment (EIA) of wind generation and electric energy distribution generated from wind electric energy power consumption points in remote hard-to-reach areas identified within the KO4159 project WP 7 activities. The development of the Arctic zone will lead to the development of an energy supply system for the territories and, consequently, to the increasing of the number of wind power farms, which will have an increasing, impact on the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to create recommendations for the development of common approaches to the EIA determination in the Barents region in order to reduce the environmental impact of wind power farms in the future.

11) uArctic- Arctic Wind

Project Duration:        2019- 2021

Project Funded By:     uArctic Funding, UiT

Budget:                         38,000 EUR

 Due to increasing energy demand and need of protecting environment of Arctic region, the better use of renewable energy sources is a growing need. Arctic region of Norway and Russia has many renewable energy opportunities, where wind is a widely available source of energy, but icing has been considered as hindrance in proper utilization of these good wind resources. Worldwide, installed wind energy capacity in ice prone cold regions in 2015 was 86.5 GW. This is expected to reach 123 GW in year 2020. This highlights the importance of improving knowledge and finding innovative solutions for better utilization of the good wind resources in the ice prone Arctic region. The International Energy Agency (IEA) Task 19: ‘Wind energy in cold climates’ has also urged the development of new methods to enable better understanding of wind energy in cold climate. In order to make the wind energy competitive with other fossil fuels, there has been a clear need to improve knowledge about wind energy in cold climate. In recent years, the trends shows a significant increase in use of wind energy compared to other fossil fuels such as coal, oil & gas mainly with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions. Moreover, the cost of a wind turbine system has also dropped significantly: 30 percent in the last 3 years, which means that, “It has become more economical to install wind capacity than coal capacity”. With the price of wind systems dropping below coal system costs, renewables are now a more financially attractive option in many global markets. This project focuses on improving knowledge about wind energy in remote areas of Arctic region of Norway and Russia, which will also help to reduce toxic emissions to better protect Arctic environment and meet future energy demands. The proposed project will mainly cover topics about wind resource assessment and wind turbine operations in cold climate. The knowledge from this project will help to improve interest and knowledge of students/researchers/staff members of both institutes and will lead to accelerate innovative technological developments to optimize the performance, durability, cost effectiveness and safety of wind turbines operating in ice prone cold climate.

ArcticWind will establish a sustainable academic cooperation between University of Tromsø (UiT) and Northern Federal University of Russia (NArFU) on topics related to wind energy in ice prone remote Arctic regions of high north. The cooperation between these institutions will contribute towards better strategic infrastructure development and utilization of wind energy resources in the remote locations of Arctic region to meet their energy demands in an environmental friendly way. The goal is to strengthen the internationalization of Norwegian and Russian higher degrees of education and the formation of an interest group about wind energy in ice prone cold climate to ensure a long lasting self-sustained relationship for future joint academic/research collaboration. Planned activities of this project are:

  • Establish a sustainable consortium of academic researchers and faculty members through project meetings and academic/research activities to enhance exchange of ideas and stimulate educated discussions about wind energy in the ice prone remote territories of the Arctic Region.
  • Joint case study of wind resource assessment and wind turbine operations at a remote ice prone location/islands of Arctic region to replace diesel based energy systems with wind as alternative source of energy.
  • Joint student master thesis on topic related to wind energy in cold climate.
  • Exchange of staff and students between two institutions in order to improve knowledge and expose students to multi-faceted approaches to learning and enhancing their interest about wind.

12) Study of Atmospheric Icing on Structures in High North

Project Duration:        2015- 2018

Project Funded By:     Norwegian Center for International Cooperation in Education.

Budget:                         149,500 EUR

 Human activities are increasing in the cold regions of the High North, where atmospheric icing on structures will not only create inconvenience to humans, but can also have a direct impact on human activities especially in the construction industry (communication towers and ski lifts), energy distribution (electrical power distribution installations), maritime activities, aviation conditions on the ground, meteorological observations and wind energy. High voltage power network installations and communication masts in the High North have been damaged or destroyed on numerous occasions due to the added mass of ice or an increase in aerodynamic interaction leading to unacceptable movements.  Similarly, atmospheric icing on wind turbines has been recognized as a hindrance to the development of wind power in the High North, particularly in the northern parts of Norway where the uncertainty surrounding the effects of icing on energy production may prevent otherwise good wind resources from being utilized. Therefore, the international energy agency (IEA) Annex XIX: 'Wind energy in cold climates’, has specified that one of its objectives is to find methods to better understand ice accretion mechanisms and estimate their effects on energy production.

 This project addressed the objectives and priorities of the SIU- High North Program through the project goal, 'To contribute to, and enhance, the knowledge of students/researchers/staff concerning atmospheric ice accretion physics on structures in the High North, keeping in view the ongoing human activities and future industrial and energy demands’. The project created benefit by enhancing knowledge about design of anti/deicing techniques to minimize the effects of ice accretion on structures'. University of Tromsø, Norway and Chongqing University, China  were the higher education institutes participated in this project. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment and System Security and New Technology (CQU, China) and the Arctic technology & Icing research group of UiT jointly worked in this project. Both institutions have been working actively on topics related to ice accretion on structures for many years. The proposed project allowed students, researchers and staff of both institutions to cooperate and enhance their knowledge on topics of mutual interest related to cold climate/atmospheric icing through joint projects, joint academic courses, exchange visits and joint dissemination of results.

13) WindCoE: Nordic Wind Energy Center

Project Duration:        2015- 2018

Project Funded By:     EU- Interreg Botnia Atlantica & Nordland Fylkeskommune.

Budget:                         1,439,400 EUR

 The process of planning, developing and operating cost-effective wind power in cold climate is challenging and raises the need for collaboration between regional institutes/industries. This is necessary to be able to cover the various fields ranging from technical and environmental to economic and social. With improved and coordinated activities, the ability to learn from each other by sharing existing and developing new knowledge, a Center of expertise for wind energy needs to be created. This project focused on development of center of expertise about wind energy in cold climate, by involving partners from northern parts of three Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden & Finland). The purpose of the CoE was to combine the power of Botnia-Atlantica region research units within Finland, Norway and Sweden to allow an intelligent implementation of wind energy to increase society’s acceptance of the technology. The target was to create better tools that can be useful for the sustainable development of wind power. The research collaboration combined the strongest groups within energy and simulation technologies in the Botnia-Atlantica region together to improve methods for assessing future energy production and delivery with renewable energy sources. With this center of expertise, it was possible to address cold climate wind energy issues from an interdisciplinary standpoint and working these issues will facilitate the sustainable development of wind power in the Nordic countries. To enable sustainable development of the wind energy sector and to help implement the wind energy projects at the local levels, the Wind Energy CoE aimed to deliver tools and information to the public and business sectors to accomplish:

  • Improved knowledge and accuracy within wind resource assessment process in Nordic regions.
  • Design and implementation of information management mechanisms capable of evolving to meet the changing nature of wind energy industry in Scandinavia.
  • Development of methods to estimate and analyses the effects of cold climate (low temperature and ice accretion) on wind turbine’s performance and power production.
  • Improved knowledge and development of better methods to simulate, analyze and measure wind turbine noise and its propagation.
  • Development of advance virtual techniques allowing aural and visual landscape changes for proposed wind turbine projects for better public understanding.
  • Use of validated mesoscale weather prediction methods for specific wind parks environments.

The main partners of this project were, University of Tromsø, Umeå University- Sweden, Luleå University of Technology-Sweden, NOVIA-Finland & University of Vaasa-Finland & Tampere University of Technology-Finland.

14) FRonTLINES: Development of a Toolbox for Assessing Frost & Rime Ice Impact on Overhead Transmission Lines

 Project Duration:        2015- 2018

Project Funded By:       Norwegian Research Council & STATNETT.

Budget:                           1,335,600 EUR

 The design of power lines exposed to mountain terrain in Norway is challenging. The knowledge about many important processes related to the ice accretion and its different effects on line components is limited. Experiences with damages on power lines during the 2013/2014 winter season illustrated the need to improve the knowledge of atmospheric icing, to develop calculation tools to give better estimates of climatic loads on power lines and to verify the modelling and calculations to avoid future damages. In addition, the generation of hoar frost on conductors cause significant energy loss every winter due to corona discharges. This issue requires update of knowledge, modelling and verification by testing. The underlying idea of this project was to develop a toolbox that can combine state-of-the art methods and models to calculate the impacts from frost and rime ice on overhead transmission lines. The aim of this project was to develop the models for ice accretion on power lines, to be applied both for design purposes and for monitoring the lines under operation, including forecasting of potentially critical events. The objectives of this project were:

  •  Carry out field measurements of key meteorological parameters for the validation and development of models for the prediction of frost and rime ice.
  • Carry out laboratory experiments to investigate how the rate of ice accretion depends on the ice surface properties and for different power line configurations.
  • To develop an additional term to the ISO12494 standard to describe the growth of large ice loads and for ice load on bundle conductors.
  • Implement and validate calculations of hoar frost on power lines
  • To develop a pilot forecasting system for hoar frost and corona losses.

 The main partners of this project were, University of Tromsø, KjellerVindTeknikk-Oslo, STATNETT, STRI-Sweden, Norwegain Meteorlogical Institute-Oslo.

15) NOSEG: Nordic Smart Energy Simulation Group

Project Duration:        2012- 2014

Project Funded By:    EU- Interreg Botnia Atlantica & Nordland Fylkeskommune.

Budget:                       586,436 EUR

The purpose of this project was to coordinate the national research institutions to create conditions for a higher degree of renewable energy in the new smarter power grids. The goal was to create a collaborative platform between three regions (Norway, Sweden, & Finland /Vasa, Narvik and Umeå) within wind power research. The wind power's production chain, social acceptance and the purpose of the various technologies in the energy chain were simulated in parallel to gain a full understanding of the smart grid. With current tools, this is very time consuming, and the goal of this project was to develop better tools. The focus of our research group was to address issues related to wind energy in cold climate.  The main partners of this project were, Narvik University College-Norway, Umeå University- Sweden, NOVIA-Finland & University of Vaasa-Finland.

16) ColdTech- RT3: Atmospheric Icing & Sensors

Project Duration:        2010- 2017

Project Funded By:    Norwegian Research Council

Budget:                       1,525,600 EUR

 When planning technological activities in polar and sub-polar regions, atmospheric icing on structures is very likely and needs to be taken into design and safety account. In future, the capacity and ability to execute cold technology/icing based research and development activities will be of vital importance. Icing can hinder normal operations and cause hazardous working conditions. Better understanding of the atmospheric icing on structures can help in improving the structural design and safety of the people. The overall vision of this project was to establish a competence platform for development of new and improved infrastructures, safe and environmentally friendly industrial operations in icing conditions. Following were the main objectives of this project:

  • Increase and develop information about icing and ice accretion on structures.
  • Development of new robust icing sensors.
  • Develop improved phenomenological models of atmospheric icing.
  • Apply phenomenological models within a numerical framework to predict ice accretion on structures.

 The main partners of this project were, Narvik University College, NORUT & DNV-GL.