spring 2012 SOA-3009 Ethnographic landscapes - 10 ECTS

Type of course

This course is optional within the Master¿s Programme in Social Anthropology and may form part of other disciplinary master programmes, e.g Indigenous Studies and Archaeology.

The lectures and the exam are offered only in the Spring term.
Elective course for master students in social science.

Admission requirements

Three years of studies at the university level beyond the basic entrance requirements, equivalent to a Bachelor¿s Degree in the social sciences.

Course content

The course is designed to give Masters students an overview of debates on landscape in anthropology, archaeology, and indigenous studies. The course will review theories of landscape, will present several contextualised examples of how culture, history and material culture come together in specific landscapes, and will address how issues of land-use and attachment to place frame political controversies. The course will emphasise how ethnographic analysis allows one to understand landscape. Students will be required to read and master one ethnographic monograph as well as understand the range of insights that ethnography can offer.

Objectives of the course

Students who successfully complete this course should achieve the following learning outcome:


  • have an overview of the theory and substantive examples of the use of landscape
  • recognise different ways of theorising landscape

    Skills and competences
  • be able to analyse an ethnographic monograph
  • be able to frame social issues within the theme of landscape

Language of instruction and examination


Teaching methods

The training is given as a course of approximately ten lectures in the first half of the semester.


The final exam is a take-home written essay on an assigned topic. There will be three titles to choose from. The approximate length of the essay is 10 pages (3500 words). The essay will be marked on a scale from A to F, where F is fail.

Examination results will be announced on the StudentWeb three weeks after submission of the examination paper.

A re-sit examination will be arranged at the beginning of the following term.

Recommended reading/syllabus

Approximately 700 pages.

There will be a course reader that contains some of the articles and chapters, while others are available on the internet. A reading list with links that work will be put on Fronter for SOA-3009 in the beginning of January.


Cruikshank, Julie. 2005. Do Glaciers Listen? : Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters and Social Imagination. Brenda and David McLean Canadian Studies Series Vancouver, BC : UBC Press. 326p.

Introduction from Cruikshank, Julie. Do Glaciers Listen? 17 p

Hirsch, Eric 1995 "Introduction. Landscape between place and place" in Hirsch, Eric, and Michael O¿Hanlon (eds.). The Anthropology of Landscape: Perspectives on Place and Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-30, 30 p

Krupnik, Igor, Rachel Mason, and Tania Horton (editors). 2004. "Introduction: Landscapes, Perspectives, and Nations" in Northern Ethnographic Landscapes: Perspectives from Circumpolar Nations. Washington, D.C.: Arctic Studies Center, National Museum of History, Smithsonian Institution. 1-16, 16p

Appadurai, A. (1991). Global ethnoscapes: Notes and queries for a transnational anthropology. In R. Fox, Recapturing anthropology. Working in present Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research. (pp. 191-210), 19 p

Foucault, Michel 1967 "Of Other Spaces, Heterotopias" http://foucault.info/documents/heteroTopia/foucault.heteroTopia.en.html, 9 p

Ch 3. from Cruikshank, Julie. Do Glaciers Listen?, 40 p

Basso K. 1997 "Wisdom Sits in Places" in Feld, Steven and Basso, Keith H. 1997. Senses of Place. Santa Fe NM: School of American Research Press. 53-90, 37 p

Casey, E. 1997 "How to get from space to place in a fairly short stretch of time" in Feld, Steven and Basso, Keith H. 1997. Senses of Place. Santa Fe NM: School of American Research Press. 14-51, 37 p

Ingold, Tim. 2000. "Ch11. The temporality of the landscape" in The Perception of the Environment: Essays in Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill. London: Routledge. Pp. 189-208. 20 p

Ch 5,6. from Cruikshank, Julie. Do Glaciers Listen? 56 p

Oliver, J. 2007 Beyond the Water¿s Edge: Towards a Social Archaeology of Landscape on the Northwest Coast. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 31(1): 1-27, 27 p

Wishart, Rob. 2004 "A Story about a Muskox: Some Implications of Tetlit Gwich¿in Human-Animal Relationships" in D.G. Anderson and M. Nuttall (eds.) Cultivating Arctic Landscapes: Knowning and Managing Animals in the Circumpolar North. Oxford: Berghahn. Pp. 79-92. 13 p
Knight, John. 1996 When Timber Grows Wild: The Desocialisation of Japanese Mountain Forests. In Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives, edited by P. Descola and G. Palsson, pp. 221-239. Routledge, London. 18 p

Ch 3 & 4. from Cruikshank, Julie. Do Glaciers Listen?

Bird-David, Nurit. 1999. "Animism Revisted: Personhood, Environment and Relational Epistemology Current Anthropology vol 40 supp S67-S91. 24 p

Mackenzie, A Fiona D and Simon Dalby. 2003 "Moving Mountains: Community and Resistance in the Isle of Harris, Scotland, and Cape Breton, Canada" Antipode vol 35 (2): 309-333, 24 p

Wallis, Robert J. 2009 "Re-enchanting Rock Art Landscapes: Animic Ontologies, Nonhuman Agency and Rhizomic personhood" Time and Mind vol 2 (1): 47-70, 23 p


Ch 1 and 2. from Cruikshank, Julie. Do Glaciers Listen? 53 p

Ingold, Tim. 2000. "Ch12. Globes and Spheres: The Topology of Environmentalism" in The Perception of the Environment: Essays in Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill. London: Routledge. Pp 209-218, 10 p

Igoe, Jim. 2002 "National parks and Human Ecosystems: the challenge to community conservation " in Conservation and Mobile Indigenous Peoples: Displacement, forced settlement, and sustainable development. Ed. D.Chatty and M.Colchester. Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Olwig, K. 2007 ¿Conventions¿ and the just landscape: The case of the European landscape convention Landscape Research vol:32 nr:5 side:579-594, 18 p

Taylor, Ken. 2009 "Cultural Landscapes and Asia: Reconciling International and Southeast Asian Regional Values" Landscape research 34 (1) : 7-31, 14 p

Ch 7 & 8. from Cruikshank, Julie. Do Glaciers Listen? 47 p

Roth, Robin. 2009. The challenges of mapping complex indigenous spatiality: from abstract space to dwelling space" Cultural Geographies vol 16 (2): 207-227. 20 p

Rundstrom, Robert A. 1990. A cultural interpretation of Inuit map accuracy Geographical Review 80 (2) 155-168, 13 p

Davidson-Hunt, Iain and Fikret Birkes. 2010. "Journeying and Remembering: Anishinaabe Landscape Ethnoecology from Northwestern Ontario" In: Landscape Ethnoecology (L.M. Johnson and E.S. Hunn, eds.) Berghahn, New York and Oxford, pp. 222-240, 17 p

Fox, Jefferson. 2002. Siam Mapped and Mapping in Cambodia: Boundaries, Sovereignty,and Indigenous Conceptions of Space. Society and Natural Resources 15, no. 1: 65-78, 13 p

Aporta, Claudio 2010. "Life Under the Ice: Understanding the Codes of a Changing Environment " In: Landscape Ethnoecology (L.M. Johnson and E.S. Hunn, eds.) Berghahn, New York and Oxford, pp. 175-199. 24 p

Maurstad, Anita 2004. "Cultural Seascapes" in Northern Ethnographic Landscapes: Perspectives from Circumpolar Nations. Washington, D.C.: Arctic Studies Center, National Museum of History, Smithsonian Institution. 277-300, 23 p

Goodenough, Ward. 1996. Navigation in the Western Carolines: A Traditional Science. in Naked Science: Anthropological Inquiry into Boundaries, Power, and Knowledge. ed., ed. Nader, Laura, 29-42. New York: Routledge. 13 p

McNiven, Ian J. 2003. "Saltwater People: Spiritscapes, maritime rituals and the archaeology of Australian indigenous seascapes" World Archaeology vol 35 (3): 329-349, 20 p

Gordillo, G. 2002 "The Breath of Devils" American Ethnologist 29 (1) 33-57, 22 p

Feit, Harvey A. 2004. Contested identities of ¿Indians¿ and ¿Whitemen¿ at James Bay, or the power of reason, hybridity and agency. in Circumpolar Ethnicity and Identity. eds. Irimoto, Takashi and Yamada, Takako, 109-126. Osaka: Senri publications. 17 p

Navaro-Yashin, Yael 2009 "Affective Spaces, Melancholic Objects: Ruination and the Production of Anthropological Knowledge," Malinowski Memorial Lecture, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI), vol, 15, no. 1, 2009, pp. 1-18.20 p

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  • About the course
  • Campus: |
  • ECTS: 10
  • Course code: SOA-3009