Disputas – cand.med Oxana Alexandrovna Gavrilyuk

Cand.med Oxana Alexandrovna Gavrilyuk disputerer for ph.d.-graden i helsevitenskap og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen:

“Systems Epidemiology Approach in Endometrial Cancer. The NOWAC Study”

Kort sammendrag av avhandlingen:

Endometrial cancer (EC) is one of the most common gynecological cancers with extensively rising incidence worldwide. Norway is among the countries with the highest incidence of EC. Although, most of the established risk factors for EC are well described, there are few studies from Norway investigating them in a cohort design. Moreover, modern clinical medicine, especially oncology, is moving towards personalized and individualized diagnostics and treatment approaches, and therefore there is a great need for studies focusing on detecting of biomarkers and changes in gene expression profiles long before the diagnosis takes place. The main aim of this PhD project was to evaluate the risk factors that mostly contribute to the development of EC in Norwegian women, and to assess whether these risk factors have any influence on blood gene expression prior diagnosis. In line with previous reports, we demonstrated inverse association between coffee consumption and EC, which was especially pronounced in obese women and current smokers. However, in contrast to other studies this was observed only in heavy coffee drinkers (in our study those who drank ≥ 8 cups/day). In paper II we showed a statistically significant linear relationship between LNYM and EC risk, which remained significant after adjusting for BMI, diabetes, MHT and incomplete pregnancies. Paper III demonstrated that changes in parity status are associated with a number of alterations in immune gene sets in controls compared with EC cases, thus providing a novel view of pregnancy-associated EC protection. In conclusion, the main findings of this work demonstrate the complexity of endometrial carcinogenesis and emphasize necessity of further investigations on both reproductive and lifestyle risk factors combined with translational research approaches. The results showing gene expression changes connected to long-term protective effect of parity might serve a solid foundation for further investigations on specific pregnancy-related mechanisms preventing EC development.


Hovedveileder professor Tore Eiliv Lund

Biveileder Forsker Hege Marie Bøvelstad

Biveileder Førsteamanuensis Vanessa Dumeaux


Professor Genevieve Plu-Bureau, Professor of Medical Gynecology, Frankrike – 1. opponent

Professor Frank Skorpen, Dept. of clinical and molecular medicine, St. Olavs hospital, Trondheim– 2. opponent

Førsteamanuensis Solrunn Hansen, Institutt for helse- og omsorgsfag, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet – leder av komité


Førsteamanuensis Karina Standahl Olsen, Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne holdes kl. 10.15, samme sted: “The role of the gut microbiome in gynecological cancer”

When: 13.12.18 at 12.15–16.00
Where: Auditorium Cortex, MH-Vest
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests, Invited
Responsible: Ingrid Kvist Martinussen
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