The Reserve Elite

Juliane Zelwies' artistic research project The Reserve Elite explore the habitus of artists.



When people are asked what they think of artists or of the art world, the response is often not particularly positive. Artists are frequently portrayed as narcissistic, arrogant and in the worst case as those, who live on tax payers money. At the same time, the art world is put on a level with the art market and the few cases come to mind when newspapers reported on an artwork which was sold for many millions at an auction house.

In my artistic research project The Reserve Elite I have been exploring the habitus of artists (i.e. how their beliefs and ethics are reflected in their work performance and communication), both among each other and in exchange with other art professionals and the public.  

In my talk, I will look at examples of contemporary art and question what is at stake for contemporary artists today, thus revealing a part of the art world which is usually hidden from the public eye.

Juliane Zelwies (b. 1976, Berlin) studied Sculpture and Film in Stockholm and Philadelphia and graduated in Media Art from the Berlin University of the Arts. From 2017 - 2020 she is artistic research fellow of the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Programme at the Academy of Art, University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway.




Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum og akademi for kunstfag er en enhet ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet.

Enheten rommer Universitetsmuseet, Musikkonservatoriet og Kunstakademiet.

Med GLØTT – en helg med kunst og kunnskap ønsker vi å vise fram noe av forskningen og det kunstneriske utviklingsarbeidet som skjer hos oss.

Flere av Norges fremste kunstnere og forskere på sine felt er ansatt ved enheten. Nå kan du stifte bekjentskap med deres arbeid helt gratis.

Velkommen til tre dager med GLØTT i Tromsø!

When: 29.11.19 at 21.00–21.30
Where: Kunstakademiet, Grønnegata 1 (Mackbygget)
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests
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