Disputas: Arve Hansen, institutt for språk og kultur

Master Arve Hansen disputerer for ph.d. -graden i humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap, fagområde litteratur og kultur.

"Mass Protests from a Spatial Perspective: Discontent and Urban Public Space in Kyiv, Minsk, and Moscow ”

Prøveforelesningen starter kl. 10.15, samme dag og sted.

Kort sammendrag av avhandlingen:

Throughout human history and across the world we can find people congregating in central places in order to express their discontent. How are mass protests affected by geographical urban space in modern cities? Based on a contextualisation of protest space and a review of the academic literature on protests and urban space, this article-based thesis identifies a gap in the literature, and continues by describing the development of a theoretical model to analyse city spaces. The methodology includes field work, observations of mass protests, and interviews in Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Russia, and France. In addition to the spatial perspective model, this thesis provides new insights as to how the interactions in space occur, and demonstrates how geography can create limitations and opportunities in a large variety of ways. It also contributes a language and a typology for use in the studies of opposition movements and collective actions.



førsteamanuensis Yngvar B. Steinholt, UiT Norges arktiske universitet i Tromsø

professor Andrei Rogatchevski, UiT Norges arktiske universitet i Tromsø



professor Dr. Andrii Portnov, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt, Tyskland (førsteopponent)

seniorforsker ph.d. Julie Wilhelmsen, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI) (andreopponent)

instituttleder ph.d. Bjarge Schwenke Fors, UiT Norges arktiske universitet i Tromsø



førsteamanuensis Linda H. Nesby, institutt for språk og kultur, UiT Norges arktiske universitet i Tromsø

 På grunn av situasjonen rundt Korona viruset vil disputasen være lukket.



When: 17.03.20 at 11.15–15.00
Where: SVHUM A2021
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests, Invited
Contact: Kari T. Guldahl
E-mail: kari.t.guldahl@uit.no
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