Prøveforelesning og disputas - Sivilingeniør M.Sc Andreas Seger

Andreas Seger disputerer for ph.d-graden i ingeniørvitenskap og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen: «Some new contributions related to structural problems in engineering»

Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her.

The doctoral thesis.

På grunn av koronautbruddet er auditoriet stengt for publikum. Disputasen vil i stedet bli strømmet. Opptak av disputasen vil være tilgjengelig i en uke.

The auditorium will be closed to the public because of the corona outbreak. The defense will be streamed. A recording of the disputation will be available for one week.


Prøveforelesning 17.06.20 kl. 10.15.

Prøveforelesningen har følgende tittel: Mathematics in engineering applications

Prøveforelesningen strømmes her.

The trial lecture will be streamed here.


Disputas 17.06.20 kl. 12.15.

Disputasen vil bli strømmet her.

The defense will be streamed here.

De som ønsker å opponere ex auditorio kan sende e-post til leder av disputasen, Raymond Kristiansen

Opponents ex auditorio should sign up to leader of defense by e-mail to Raymond Kristiansen


Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag av avhandlingen

The title of the thesis is “Some new contributions related to structural problems in engineering”.

This PhD-thesis consist of five papers covering a broad spectrum of topics within engineering sciences, which are of interest also in pure mathematics. During this work a close collaboration between the research institute SINTEF Narvik and UiT has made it possible to study important topics concerning concrete dams. The results can in the future contribute to a better understanding of the assessment of structural stability and how these dams can be modelled. Another topic that has been investigated is beams resting on non-linear elastic foundation, examples of these types of structures are railway tracks, and it can also be used to model ice sheets on water. The latter example is also of interest when it comes to understand how the load from the ice is transferred to structures such as dam constructions. Furthermore, anisotropic plate structures have been studied, these types of plates are used in structures where there is a need for high structural capacity but also one wishes to reduce the weight of the plate. Moreover, important contribution to the field of Fourier analysis have been made. Fourier analysis have been used to describe important phenomena such as crack propagation, strength etc. for dams, bridges and tunnels. We hope to apply these theoretical results in future research in collaboration with SINTEF Narvik and the industry in northern Norway.



  • Hovedveileder: professor Dag Lukkassen
  • Biveiledere: professor Annette Meidell og professor Lars-Erik Persson

Alle fra Institutt for datateknologi og beregningsorienterte ingeniørfag, UiT Norges arktiske universitet.



  • Professor Amelia Bastos, Instituto Superior Analysis, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal (1. opponent)
  • Docent Sorina Barza, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstads universitet, Sverige (2. opponent)
  • Professor Arne Lakså, Institutt for datateknologi og beregningsorienterte ingeniørfag, UiT Norges arktiske universitet – leder av komitéen


 Disputasen blir ledet av prodekan, professor Raymond Kristiansen


When: 17.06.20 at 10.15–16.00
Where: Digital
Location / Campus: Narvik
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests
Contact: Anne Gjerløw
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