Food, environmental impact and lifestyle diseases

This PhD project will conduct research in the field of nutritional and environmental epidemiology, thereby addressing Changing Arctic’s focus areas food security and health.

Food production and consumption is crucial for human’s existence, but current dietary trends contribute substantially to greenhouse gas emissions, land use, use of freshwater resources, loss of biodiversity and chemical pollution. Although modern technology has increased food production, millions of people are currently affected by hunger or face severe food insecurity each day. Simultaneously, the global prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing and has surpassed the prevalence of underweight. An unhealthy diet is a major driver of the burden of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, obesity and various cancers. This project will utilize data from large regional and national population-based studies and quantify the environmental impact of various northern Norwegian diets. It will further assess how these diets relate to common lifestyle diseases. Potential sectors for secondments include the food and catering industry, environmental agencies, health institutions and municipalities.

The PhD candidate will be affiliated with the research group Systems epidemiology- a large interdisciplinary research group addressing various research questions related to lifestyle and health using data from population-based studies.

This position requires:

  • A master's degree in nutrition, medicine, public health, chemistry, biology or statistics or another relevant field.
  • Fluency in English

It is considered an advantage if you have:

  • Working experience in the field in question
  • Experience from working in a team
  • Experience with project management
  • Knowledge in epidemiology and/or statistics
  • Experience with population-based research
  • Authored publications and/or reports
  • Working knowledge of Norwegian or a Scandinavian language

Personal motivation and suitability for the position will be emphasized.

For any questions regarding the position please contact

Professor Charlotta Rylander



Charlotta Rylander (Principal investigator)
Bahar Kucuk (Principal investigator)
Marie Wasmuth Lundblad