Narratives of recovery

Narratives about recovery: A Qualitative study about turning-points for Mental health patients with extensive hospitalization history.

Research indicates that community-based rehab is more effective for mental health recovery in the long term. Yet, some patients still frequently return to hospitals, suggesting local treatments may be insufficient. Our study aims to understand why, identify potential improvements, and assess if services meet patient needs. We're conducting a qualitative, narrative study to learn from patient experiences and find better treatment strategies.

Ph.D.-student: Henrik Wang-Iversen 

Ph.D.-prosject with collaborating partners: Geir Fagerjord LoremHenriette Riley, Hanne Haavind, Kim McLeod

Project period: 2022-2025


Geir F Lorem (Principal investigator)
Henrik Wang-Iversen (Principal investigator)

Financial/grant information:

This study was supported by "The National Program for Integrated Clinical Specialist and PhD-training for Psychologists" in Norway. This program is a joint cooperation between the Universities of Bergen, Oslo, Tromsø, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim), the Regional Health Authorities, and the Norwegian Psychological Association. The program is funded by The Ministry of Education and Research.