
Physiology will establish reference values of the physiological demands down to individual player positions which is an important requirement before further gender specific performance development research can be carried out. Vålerenga, Rosenborg, Klepp, Sandviken and the Danish team Fortuna Hjørring will use Statsport GPS tracking in all matches to help us to establish match reference values by position.

Secondly tracking of training microcycles will reveal how the training content mirrors the demands of the match by positions down to worst-case scenarios.

A main challenge is to investigate gender specific responses to training regimens to achieve optimal performance from a physiological perspective. We will therefore conduct small scale cluster Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT`s) on training methods to maximize selected physical capacities crucial for enhancing performance and reducing fatigue development. The effect of wellness parameters on training and match performance will be studied in more detail.


Svein Arne Pettersen (Principal investigator) (Project manager)
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista (Principal investigator)