Interpersonal competence in challenging encounters: Towards a paradigm shift in human services
Health and social workers, in private and public work and welfare services, are in daily contact with people who have trauma histories and complex needs. This project is creating conditions for professional development through action research and trauma-informed restorative practice. During this critical participatory action research project, the participants joined a six-days restorative circle process and were provided with the opportunity to explore hindrances and contributors for interpersonal learning and practice in their professional work and education.
The findings suggested that interpersonal competence can be developed through a safe communicative space, such as a trauma-informed restorative circle process, thus facilitating self-awareness, increased tolerance of stress, a trauma informed practice and personal development, hence strengthening the personal and interpersonal competence in challenging encounters. Moreover, this study contributes to dialogues among research, practice, and professional communities concerned with fostering knowledge on how interpersonal competence and collective care may be strengthened in practice and education.
Peer-Reviewed publications from the PhD project. PI Marlene Lauridsen, main supervisor Trond Eriksen:
Lauridsen, M.B. (2020). Læring i sirkel. In Thoresen, A.-L. & Norbye, B. (Eds), Forskning og kunnskapsutvikling i helsefaglig profesjonsutdanning, pp 31–54. Stamsund: Orkana akademisk. Also available in Munin at
Lauridsen M.B. & Munkejord, M.C. (2022). Creating Conditions for Professional Development through a Trauma-Informed and Restorative Practice. Social Work, 67(2), 135–144. (Accepted manuscript version). Published version available at Accepted manuscript version also available in Munin at
Lauridsen, M.B. (2021). Individuell og kollektiv sårbarhet i hjelperrollen. In Kane, A.A. & Spjelkavik, Ø. (Eds.), Arbeidsinkludering, læring og innovasjon i NAV, pp 353–376. Stamsund: Orkana akademisk. Also available in Munin at
Financial/grant information:
UiT The Arctic University of Norway