PhD projects

Ecology of chemoautotrophic microbial communities in Arctic emerged cold seeps
Lisa-Marie Delpech
Supervisor: Dimitri Kalenitchenko

Biogeochemical Dynamics in Connection with Proglacial Landscape Development, Methane and Subglacial Legacies in Ice-Marginal Lakes
Joost van Genuchten
Supervisor: Guillaume Lamarche-Gagnon

Drivers of nutrient and heavy metal release from glaciers in Norway and Svalbard
Leo Magerl
Supervisor: Jemma Wadham

Benthic nutrient dynamics and the temporal and spatial controls on high latitude fjord elemental cycling
Ricarda Runte
Supervisors: Jon Hawkings, Guillaume Lamarche-Gagnon, Jemma Wadham

Glacial Flour Power - Impact of Sediment-bound Nutrients and Metals Exported from Glaciers
Silje Waaler Pedersen
Supervisors: Jemma Wadham

Glacier GEOHEALTH: A solutions-based approach to the impacts of glacier retreat on ecosystem and human health in a changing Arctic
Colin Sinclair
Supervisors: Jemma Wadham

Coming soon!