Theoretical and conceptual development of narrative inquiry and narrative care (for older adults)

The project is a collaboration between Bodil H. Blix (UiT), Dr. Charlotte Berendonk, professor emerita D. Jean Clandinin and professor Vera Caine (University of Victoria, Canada).

We aim to further develop the concept of narrative care and its theoretical foundations. An intervention for narrative care for older adults in nursing homes has been developed as part of the project.

Several co-authors are affiliated with the project.


Berendonk, C.; Blix, B.H.; Randall, W.L., Baldwin, C.; Caine, V. 2017. Care as narrative practice in the context of long-term care: Theoretical considerations. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 12(4). 

Blix, B.H.; Berendonk, C.; Caine, V. 2018. Theoretical foundations of narrative care: Turning towards relational ethics. Nursing Ethics, 26(7-8). 

Berendonk, C.; Blix, B.H.; Hoben, M.; Clandinin, D.J.; Roach, P.M.; Cave, M.T.; Caine, V. 2019. A Narrative Care approach for persons living with dementia in institutional care settings. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 15(1).

Blix, B.H.; Berendonk, C.; Clandinin, D.J.; Caine, V. 2020. The necessity and possibilities of playfulness in narrative care with older adults. Nursing Inquiry. Published online July 13, 2020.

Blix B.H.; Caine V.; Clandinin D.J.; Berendonk C. 2021. Considering Silences in Narrative Inquiry: An Intergenerational Story of a Sami Family. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 50(4):580-594. doi:10.1177/08912416211003145

Caine, V., Steeves, P., Berendonk, C., Blix, B. H., & Clandinin, D. J. (2021). Narrative care: Unpacking pandemic paradoxes. Nursing Inquiry, e12462.

Blix, B. H., Clandinin, J., Steeves, P., & Caine, V. (2023). Entangling Reciprocity With the Relational in Narrative Inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry0(0).


Bodil Hansen Blix (Principal investigator) (Prosjektleder)