NEXAF Prevention

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The research group leads the work package NEXAF Prevention in NEXAF: The Norwegian Exercise in Atrial Fibrillation Study.

The overall aim of NEXAF is to provide documentation for evidence-based recommendations for exercise in AF patients. NEXAF is a collaboration project between NTNU (NEXAF Trial), Bærum sykehus (NEXAF Detraining) and UiT (NEXAF Prevention).


Atrial fibrillation (AF) patients often suffer a high symptom burden and reduced quality of life, a high burden of cardiovascular risk factors and events, elevated mortality risk, high hospitalization rates and few effective treatment options. Exercise is a cornerstone in the management of most chronic cardiac conditions and holds promise in AF, but the evidence is sparse and guidelines for PA and exercise do not exist for AF patients. In this project we seek to close the knowledge gaps that have impeded structured use of exercise in AF management. To achieve this, we established a national multicenter AF initiative: The Norwegian Exercise in Atrial Fibrillation Multicentre Study (NEXAF). The overall aim of NEXAF is to provide documentation for evidence-based recommendations for exercise in AF patients. 

NEXAF Prevention:

The NEXAF Prevention is an epidemiological study based on data from HUNT, the Tromsø Study, and the Birkebeiner Study. The purpose of the study is to investigate the correlations between atrial fibrillation and physical activity, as well as the effects of physical activity on stroke and mortality in individuals with atrial fibrillation. 

NEXAF Prevention includes a PhD project: Physical activity, atrial fibrillation, and adverse events (NEXAF).


Bente Morseth (Principal investigator) (Project manager)
Kristoffer Robin Johansen
Kim Arne Heitmann
Maja-Lisa Løchen

Financial/grant information:

Helse Nord