PhD project: Menstrual cycle and contraceptive use in female endurance athletes

PhD project: Influence of menstrual cycle and hormonal contraceptive use on training, performance and recovery in female endurance athletes: The FENDURA project

The overall objective of this PhD-thesis is to investigate the self-perceived influence of the MC and HC use on training, performance and recovery. 
The project will specifically investigate: 
  1. To investigate the prevalence of hormonal contraceptive use by female endurance athletes, their reasons for HC use, as well as explore their self-perceived influence of HC use on training and performance.
  2.  Explore how different day-to-day recovery measures vary across the menstrual-/HC cycle in endurance athletes
Project start: 13.05.2019
Project end: Spring 2024


Tina Pettersen Engseth (Principal investigator)
Øyvind Bucher Sandbakk
John Owen Osborne
Madison Taylor
Bente Morseth

Financial/grant information:

Tromsø Research Foundation