Teaching and supervising international students

One out of ten bachelor/master students at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway is an international student. Moreover, three out of ten PhD candidates are international candidates, while two out of ten in the academic personnel are also international. Are you ready for the challenge of teaching, supervising and working with more international teachers and students? Are we all prepared to work together in a highly international environment?
Dates: 18th and 19 th of February 2015, and 18th of March 2015
Application deadline: 10th of January

This course is not about what others think you should learn, but about what you want to learn, according to your personal needs and to what your international students expect from you. The course is designed and developed following the participatory paradigm where the primary beneficiaries (i.e. the academic personnel) and the secondary beneficiaries (i.e. the international students) are contributing together to formulating the learning outcomes.

If you register until the 7th of December, you have the chance to decide what you will learn about, based on what you consider relevant for your own development. After this date, you will not have this option anymore.

Target group: Academic staff with basic pedagogical competence or those in this program 2014-2015 will have priority.

For more information, see enclosed file.

Starts: 18.02.15 at 00.00
Ends: 18.03.15 at 00.00
Where: Will be announced later
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Employees
Responsible: Kari Riddervold
Phone: 46380

Deadline: 10.01.2015
Deadline has been reached. Sorry
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Teaching and supervising international students