Varsel om sprengning på ILP-tomta 4. september kl. 17:30 / Important information regarding blast at building site

Tirsdag 4. september kl. 17.30 vil det bli utført sprengning i tomta på UiT-ILP.

Alle veier i området vil bli sperret ved vakter.

Det varsles med sirene før sprengning.

Alle rom som vender mot tomta må forlates.

Ferdsel i kulvertterminal og kulvert skal ikke foregå når det sprenges.

Tuesday September 4th, at 17.30, construction work including blasts will be carried out at the building site UiT-ILP.

Guards are posted to block access to roads in the relevant area.

The sound of a siren signals that there will be a blast.

Employees who are located in offices facing the construction site must leave their office during blasts.

Further, there is no access to the culvert during blasts.

Målgruppe: Students, Employees
Studiested: Tromsø
Opprettet: 04.09.18 13:48