
The conference hotel will be Scandic Ishavshotel (link) . Rooms are available with the following prices:

Single rooms with breakfast included - 1130, - per person / night

Double rooms with breakfast included - 1330 per room / night  


Please use this code when using the hotel to secure these rates: 46887300.

Rooms must be booked by August 4th.


Contact email: 

Contact person:  Marianne Forsgren Olsen


Main Locations

Conference Venue:   

UiT, The Arctic University of Tromsø
Hansine Hansens veg 18, 9019 Tromsø, Norway.

Humanities Building (SV-HUM)
Link: :

Conference Dinner: 

On Saturday evening at 19pm, we invite you to join us for a prepaid conference dinner at Scandic Ishavshotell, Tromsø. Conference participants will be asked to reserve a spot at the dinner when registering for the conference.

Transportation and Finding your way around:


Tromsø Taxi: (0047) 03011
Din Taxi: (0047) 02045

Buses from City Center:

Buses 20 and 21 will take you between the centre of town and the university campus. In the morning, a 20 or 21 bus leaves the town centre every 5 to 10 minutes from the same bus stop, later in the day every 10 to 20 minutes. In the afternoons there is a 20 or 21 bus every 5 to 10 minutes from campus to town centre in the heaviest rush hour, later (after 1800) every 20 minutes. See separate itineraries for these buses at:.


Arriving at the Airport:

Taxi: Transportation from and to the airport generally is easiest by taxi. Both the hotels in the city centre and the university campus is a short taxi ride from the airport, 5–10 minutes except for rush hours. If you are going to the university, ask to be taken to “UiT – Hansine Hansens veg, The Faculty of Humanities/ or “ISV”). When you arrive there, just walk inside the nearest building - signs will lead you on.

Buses: There is an airport bus between the airport and the town centre; this has its final stop at the Scandic Ishavshotel. Look for buses named “Flybuss”.

If you arrive in the morning and want to go to the university campus, you have to look for buses marked with “UiT” (The University) and/or “Universitetssykehuset” or possibly “UNN” (The hospital close to the university). If in doubt, ask the driver! See separate itineraries for these buses at:




Campus map can be found here.

Map of Tromsø Island can be found here


Contact information

Conference Organizers:

Cassandra Falke: 
Espen Dahl (0047) 464 73018
Thor Eriksen (0047) 918 38323


Police: 112
Ambulance: 113