NCLOS is developing a new international network and bringing together researchers from renowned research institutions with the ambition of answering this question.
Future Arctic Law and Governance (FALG) strives to enhance global research collaboration to offer fresh insights into the challenges and opportunities for future Arctic ocean governance. The project addresses the combined pressures of climate change, melting icecaps, and heightened human activity impacting the marine Arctic and its ecosystems. Furthermore, the geopolitical dynamics in the Arctic have shifted due to Russia's attack on Ukraine.
Postal address: UiT The Arctic University of Norway P.O. Box 6050 Langnes, 9037 Tromsø, Norway
Visiting address: Teorifagbygget, Building 4, Universitetsvegen 30. The Centre is located at The Faculty of Law, on the main campus in Breivika, close to the city centre and to Tromsø Airport Langnes.
+ 47 77 64 41 97