Education – Centre for Peace Studies (CPS)

Education – Centre for Peace Studies (CPS)

The core education at the Centre for Peace Studies is our master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Transformation. In addition, we offer courses at all levels from Bachelor’s to PhD. The teaching is interdisciplinary (including political science, sociology, anthropology, pedagogy, psychology, history and religious studies) focussing on critical and bottom-up approaches to peace and conflict. Major thematic areas of teaching taught by both practitioners and researchers include:

  • Peace dynamics
  • Violence and Conflict Transformation
  • Peace and Security
  • Peace Education
  • Migration and Development
  • Interdisciplinary methods


If you are a former student or have previously been working with the Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) and would like to stay in touch, you can sign up to our Alumni Network and join our Facebook group. Please make sure to state your full name, so we can verify you as a former student/employee of ours. Additional information e.g. about your current job is highly appreciated, but not mandatory! We intend to use the e-mail distribution list of the network to inform you about job vacancies, conference calls and internship opportunities.



Master (1½ – 5 years)

Further and continuing education