Welcome to UiT
Welcome to UiT The Arctic University of Norway! We are very happy that you chose to come to us!
We want to make sure that you, being new at UiT, will obtain the best start possible and therefore we present important information for you at this page.
At UiT we work together towards our vision: Developing the High North. We hope you will contribute to this with your knowledge and expertise in a creative, critical, constructive and respectful way.
About UiT | UiT
UiT The Arctic University of Norway is a comprehensive university with campuses in Tromsø, Alta, Harstad and Narvik. At the page About UiT | UiT you will find information which may be of significant use to you as a new employee. You find a structural overview in Norwegian of how we are organized as for the central administration, faculties, and departments here. Furthermore, the website uit.no/staffmobility contains important information for employees coming to Norway from abroad, when arriving, at UiT and when leaving.
Here (Mazemap) is a map which helps you find your way around the campus. You can find rooms, buildings, and other kind of places in the map. Feel free to download Mazemap as an application on your smartphone!
Parking at UiT
The conditions for employee parking differ between the various campuses. On the page https://uit.no/parkering (in Norwegian only) you will find all the information you need about parking at your workplace, as well as an overview of parking options on all of campuses.
Bike to work- sykletiljobben.no
UiT and the Occupational Health Service encourage all employees who have the opportunity to use their bicycle to work. (Insert film from KOMM about employees cycling in a good mood 😊)
Public transport
If you go by bus to work, you can find information about the trajectories, timetable, and prices at Troms county transport. The page includes information about public transport in Tromsø, Alta, Harstad and Narvik. You can also see times for the Hurtigruta and buses in the district, which is good to know if you are traveling between campuses. You can easily buy tickets by downloading the Troms ticket app.
UiT Norway's Arctic University has entered a partnership with Norway's Arctic Student Association, to manage housing rentals for employees on behalf of UiT. You can find information about housing rental at UiT here. You can also find homes for rent via Finn.no and via Facebook.
Reimbursement of relocation costs
Relocation costs are initially only covered when moving after 4 years of immediately preceding service in a Norwegian governmental position. The employer can nevertheless deviate from the requirement in some cases, including for positions where it is particularly difficult to recruit the required competence. If you are to move due to a change in place of employment within Norway, you can also apply to have moving expenses covered. Contact your manager for more information about relocation allowances.
PC and software
In your office you will find your computer and docking station with screen. Here you will also find instructions on how to log in and get started with your PC. ATTENTION. To get started with your UiT computer, you must first activate a user account, please see: Access to systems and services | UiT (Insert the document: Information on setting up your new PC at UiT)
At IT user support you will find tips about your digital workplace, software, IT user support: Microsoft 365 | UiT, E-mail and Outlook | UiT and more.
Activate user account
Change password
You can change your password here: UiT Norwegian Arctic University - Profile Page (sikt.no)
IT User support
Contact UiT's IT user support | UiT if you have technical problems. This page is great for self-service of your user account: IT user support: User account | UiT
VPN- UiT's security tunnel
VPN is a security "tunnel" that UiT uses to reach specific systems at UiT, without being on a campus/study location. VPN - Collection page - Self-service portal (topdesk.net) / Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
Employee card/Access card
This is a good place to start to get information about Adgangskort at UiT. You find additional information here: Knowledge Base (topdesk.net) Access card | UiT
Your employee card gives access to buildings, acts as a library card, and is used for printing/copying.
After working hours (weekdays 08.00-16.00) you must use a pin code to enter the building. You can change the pin code/password on the card via adgangskort.uit.no (requires VPN outside the UiT campus/study location).
You order your own telephone number via Kontakt Orakelet - Self-service portal (topdesk.net)
The phone number is linked to your team account.
Working hours
Normal working hours are:
15 September – 14 May at 08.00 – 15.45
15 May – 14 September 08.00 – 15.00
The core time for being at work throughout the year is 09.00 – 14.30
Working conditions
More information to come
Self-service portal SAP
The self-service portal, also called SAP, is your page for payroll and HR services. Your information, working hours and absences, travel, appointment and employment contract etc. are registered here.
The self-service portal | DFØ (dfo.no)
You log in with Feide via PC, and with bankID via the DFØ app, which you can download to your mobile.
We would like to see that you to enter information about your next of kin under "My information".
[ link to website?
[link to website?]
UiT online: https://uit.no/enhet/ita/digitalarbeidsplass
UiT online: https://uit.no/enhet/ita/digitalarbeidsplass
Edit your profile page
Edit your profile page It is important to have an up-to-date identity card, preferably with a photo and a brief description of your work duties. You can edit your identity card by logging on to the intranet and clicking on the + button in the menu on the right. Select "Edit identity card". In addition, you can add a picture in Microsoft by logging in to My Account (microsoft.com)
The service portal (Topdesk) at UiT
In the service portal (Topdesk) at UiT, you may address questions and issues to various joint services at UiT Norway's Arctic University. In the top right corner of your PC you will find a shortcut. Start page - Self-service portal (topdesk.net)
The HSE handbook you find in ther UiT Intranet is a reference work where you will find information about the university's systematic HSE work. University of Tromsø :: HSE handbook (compendia.no)
At Speak up! | UiT you find information on how you can speak up or notify about various conditions and unwanted incidents at UiT. These are conditions that apply to sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, extremism, the learning environment and quality of education, research ethics, daily operations, waste and cleaning or other objectionable conditions.
Information security and privacy UiT Norway's Arctic University processes substantial amounts of information in research, education, dissemination, and administration. Information security and privacy is a part of all internal training, you will find information on the topic on this page. https://uit.no/om/information security
WiFi/wireless and landline
You have access to several wireless networks on all our campuses, but the preferred network is called Eduroam. In your office, you can connect your PC/Mac to the internet using a standard network cable between the socket in the wall and the PC/Mac. ITA can help you if you have any problems.
Printing and copy room
All buildings at UiT have one or more printer and copy rooms. You can pick up your prints/copies from any printer by using your access card when you start the selected physical printer that has been set up with the Pullprint solution. To use the Pullprint solution, you must activate your card for the print service. (Does one have to download from the company portal first?)
Supplies room
Most buildings have their own supply rooms that employees have access to with their access card.
Canteen, kiosks, and catering establishments
Studentsamskipnaden provides 18 canteens where you can buy food or bring your own across all campuses. Please see situations and opening hours att Studentsamskipnaden.
UiT's strategy and goals
All employees at UiT work to fulfill UiT's strategy and goals. It is important that all employees are familiar with this: UiT's strategy 2022–2030 | UiT
Courses and expertise development
Check out the page Career and expertise development at UiT | UiT There you also will find useful information about internal courses etc.
Ethics at UiT
Ethics at UiTUniversity of Tromsø : Employee handbook :: Ethics at UiT (compendia.no)
Keep yourself updated
We have many different channels where you can follow what is happening at UiT:
News from UiT.
Press releases from UiT.
UiT has many different newsletters you can sign up for.
UiT is on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn. There are also several social media channels at faculty and department level.
“Tavla” at UiT is a digital blackboard with announcements of courses, exhibitions, events, concerts and other events at the various campuses.
“Rektors kvarter”. The rectorate at UiT invites all employees to a 15-minute Teams meeting every second Friday. Here you will be informed about actual happenings within research and education at UiT. (What does a new employee do to be invited along?)
Events worth attending include the annual working environment day, summer-, and Christmas celebrations on various campuses. Information about this will be announced at intranet in good time before the events. We encourage you to participate.
UiT has its own magazine. See Magasinet “Labyrint”
At forskning.no you can read research articles from UiT Norway's Arctic University.
The Meeting Portal shows the meetings of UiT's boards and committees.
Business travels are to be booked via travel agency Berg Hansen, with which UiT Norway's Arctic University has an agreement. Please use their employee portal for booking: Start page job travel - Berg-Hansen
If you have questions about travelling, you can contact “Fellestjenesten variabel pay and travel on 77 64 45 00 or reiseogvariabel@uit.no
Ordering of goods or services
Do you need to order goods or services? First speak to your nearest manager in line for an approval and then visit this intranet page to see how to order. IT equipment can be ordered here.
The occupational health service
The occupational health serviceAll employees at UiT are offered occupational health services. At UiT, the occupational health service is provided by Hemis: https://hemis.no/om-oss
Employee benefits
As an employee at UiT Norway's Arctic University, you are offered several benefits, among others:
Kindergarten: UiT Norway's Arctic University currently has an offer for 350 children at 5 kindergartens in Tromsø, one in Narvik and one in Alta. On the association's pages you will find the application form and statutes. See Barnehage Samskipnaden
Training during working hours: Employees at UiT can apply for up to 1 hour of individual physical training within paid working hours per week. This needs to be clarified with your nearest manager in line.
(UiT wants that you as an employee feel well working here, both during working hours, and in your spare time. We therefore have several organized offers for our employees.)
UiT has several corporate sports teams, both on campus Tromsø, Harstad and Narvik. Here you can read more about the sports team, the activities on offer, and sign up.
Tromsø: UiT-BIL / corporate sports team at Intranet
Narvik: UiT-BIL-Narvik at Facebook
Harstad: UiT Harstad BIL
Links to suggested other leisure activities you find at uit.no/staffmobility
Logos, templates and image archive
Graphic profile for UiT for those who want to download templates, read about using the profile, and get answers to questions about the visual expression of UiT.
At the page Communication tips you find tools for planning communication, writing for the web, using social media and reaching out to the media etc.
UiT's photos on Flickr. Remember to credit the photographer when using images.
MostPhotos: All employees and students at UiT have free access to the digital image database MostPhotos. To obtain access to MostPhoto's image database, you must have an account, which you obtaind by sending an order form in TOPdesk.
UiT's image archive contains images taken by own photographers and commissioned by UiT. The archive is continuously updated with new images. The image archive is closed behind a login, only employees at UiT can log in with their usual UiT user. And you MUST be online via one of our campuses or you must use a VPN to gain access. You are automatically asked for a username and password when you enter the image archive. You then use your usual uit username and password (Select 'Log in with SSO'). When you use images from the image archive, you accept the guidelines (in Norwegian).
The Employee handbook at the Intranet is reference book for all employees seeking answers to personnel-related questions.
The Employee handbook
The Employee handbook at the Intranet is a reference book for all employees seeking answers to personnel-related questions.
Onboarding survey! -
Information about the trial period (important for both the employee and manager)
For civil servants, a trial period of six months applies, unless the employment body has decided otherwise. In case of absence during the probationary period, the probationary period can be extended under certain conditions.
This trial period is a period which is to give security to both you and your employer in the new employment relationship. You are given room to try out whether you enjoy your new position, and the employer gets time to get to know you and your qualities in the position that you have been given.
During the trial period, there exists a shorter mutual notice period of one month. The threshold for dismissal is somewhat lower during the probationary period than later in the emplyment period, and an eventual dismissal must be based on your adaptation to the work, professional skill or reliability. During the trial period, you as an employee have the right to the necessary guidance, follow-up and evaluation of your work.
You will find more information about the trial period in your employment contract. Contact your nearest manager in line to learn how the trial period is followed up at your unit.
Support Microsoft - Training for Microsoft 36
The self-service portal DFØ / DFØ-app
The service portal (TopDesk)
Ephorte/ digital archive for University and College affairs
Digital working life
Digital learning environment
Courses for training of the use of digital tools
Courses for training of the use of digital tools- main page
per tool:
Overview of courses UiT Tavla
Reservation of rooms for teaching
Support Microsoft - Training for Microsoft 36
"Here you find useful information from your faculty/department" ( detailed org. map)
Faculty of Science and Technology
Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology
You can find more information about the Faculty here: Ntfak – Faculty of Science and Technology | UiT
All new employees at the Faculty will be invited to a welcome seminar for new employees within the first few months of employment. During this seminar we will go through the most important regulations, routines and systems concerning your employment at the Faculty. We will also give a short introduction to our HSE procedures. We end the seminar with a Campus tour and a lunch together.
The head of office for your department is the person to contact if you have questions regarding your employment.
If you will be working in a lab, you will get the necessary safety training and lab routines for the spesific lab you will be working in.
We hope you will enjoy working with us!
Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
Welcome to the faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics!
You find more information about the faculty here: Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics | UiT, and an overview of how we are organized is found here: About us - Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics (BFE) | UIT
As an employee at our faculty you will be given access the teams group O365-BFE. This is the meeting place between the administration and the scientific employees at the faculty. Join our teams group to find an overview and contact information to both the faculty management and the administrative teams at the faculty. The team O365-BFE is also where you find the information and guidelines you need as an employee at our faculty.
All employees at BFE must put on notification to the teams channel Kunngjøringer - Announcements.
As a new employee you will be given local training in HSE, preparedness and information security. Information about the local training is found here.
We hope you will enjoy working with us!
Welcome as a guest at UiT!
Here you will find information and links to what you need if you are a guest or partner at UiT.
Find your way around the campuses: Mazemap
Here you will find information about the guest network and other information relating to access to systems and resources: Access to systems and services | UiT
Information on guest parking can be found here: Parking | UiT
Arriving Norway (Trude) https://uit.no/staffmobility
The website uit.no/staffmobility contains important information for employees and guests coming to Norway from abroad, in the arrival process, when at UiT and when leaving UiT.