Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Governance of natural resources in Sápmi – international law and law in Sweden and Canada

Governance of natural resources in Sápmi – international law and law in Sweden and Canada

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Governance of natural resources in Sápmi – international law and law in Sweden and Canada
Vegard Sørnes, UiT

Workshop and internal conference, GoSápmi fall 2023

We are gathering the troops to discuss the management of land and natural resources in the traditional Sami areas in Norway and especially in relation to international legal obligations. We are looking forward to lectures by professors S. James Anaya and Mattias Åhrén, which are based on research work that is expected to be published this year or early in 2024.

Furthermore, we will focus on comparative law through contributions from Eivind Torp (Sweden) and David Wright and Nigel Bankes (Canada). The findings in the book "Allmenningsretten i Norge - ulike rettsregler for like arealer" will be presented. Other exciting material regarding this field will also be presented.

Bures boahtin! Buorisboahtem! Buorre boahtem! Velkommen! Welcome!


Tuesday 10 October 

08.45: Opening greeting by vice-dean for research, Petri Keskitalo, Faculty of Law, UiT The Arctic University.

09.00: Opening and brief on the establishment of the National Center by acting head of the research group for Sami and indigenous law; by Ánde Somby.

09.10: Orientation on status, publications etc. by head of the GoSápmi project Øyvind Ravna.

09.20: Presentation of book / research monograph by Ánde Somby, "Signs of law" (Rettens tegn).

09.50: Presentation of research contributions by Eivind Torp. Title: «Rettsliga konsekvenser av Högsta domstolen dom i Girjas-saken», (Legal consequences of the Supreme Court's judgment in the Girjas case). 

10.35: Presentation of research contribution by Adrian N. Mikkelsen. Title: «Hvilke rammer setter internasjonal rett for forvaltning av tradisjonelle samiske landområder?» (What framework does international law set for the management of traditional Sámi lands?)

11.15: Lunch

12.00: Orientation on Work package 1 by WP-leader Margherita Paola Poto, James S. Anaya and Endalew Lijalem Enyew. Title: “Unlocking Climate Governance: Embracing Indigenous Law and Action as the Key”.

12.30: Presentation of book / research monograph by Gunnar Eriksen. Title: «Allmenningsretten i Norge – ulike regler for like arealer» (Common land law in Norway – different rules for equal areas).

13.00: Presentation of the findings in a paper on International indigenous law on restitution and its implementation in Norwegian law - and some final comments/further work in the project by Øyvind Ravna.

13.25: Coffee-break.

13.45: Presentation of research contribution by Mattias Åhrén and S. James Anaya, title: “The Finnmark Estate and indigenous peoples' rights to self-determination and self-government”.

15.00: Presentation of research contributions by David Wright and Nigel Bankes, title: "The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Modern Treaty Contexts in Canada."

16.00: Questions, inputs etc.

16.15: Some final comments/further work in the project by Øyvind Ravna. End of the conference.

Moderators: Margherita Paola Poto and Øyvind Ravna

There will be interpretation from Norwegian to English for the presentations up to 13:15 

(This agenda is subject to change. Changes can occur up until the start of the meeting.)

Follow the conference online: Link to Zoom meeting

When: 10.10.23 at 09.00–16.15
Where: Teorifagbygget Hus 1, rom 1.225
Location / Campus: Digital, Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students
Contact: Øyvind Ravna
Phone: +4777646510
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