Boosting the uptake of circular integrated solutions in construction value chains

About project

In order to upscale circular solutions in buildings and the construction sector in general, a concentrated research effort involving multiple actors and stakeholders is needed. This includes the development and deployment of both digital and technical solutions in building urban material databanks, digital twins, as well as demolition, decontamination and recycling and reuse of waste materials. With this in mind, the Circ-Boost project proposes to become a focal point and interaction node for different emerging technologies to foster circularity in buildings and the construction sector. The project's core consists of five pilot projects, deployed in different European regions, highlighting and demonstrating at large scale novel and integrated solutions for demolition, construction waste processing, management, and valorisation in new products. Transversal activities of digitalization will allow collaboration between the pilot projects and more efficient use of digital tools and platforms. Targeted activities are envisioned for boosting and maximising the pilot projects' commercial and business potential through effective exploitation measures. Furthermore, in order to ensure that the solutions demonstrated will actually be adopted by the industry, the project will support construction and design companies in educating and training their workforce to optimally use the new technologies as part of training activities. The Circ-Boost project will also leverage the partners' existing regional and international networks and connect with new networks, initiatives, and projects to disseminate and compare project results with a wide audience of construction stakeholders increasing the overall uptake potential of circular solutions. Finally, tailor-made communication and dissemination measures will further support the dissemination of project results with policy makers, and European-wide construction industry, as well as the promotion of the project's success.

Link to the Official Project Website will be added soon.


Number of partners in total: 28

List of Norwegian partners:

UIT The Arctic University of Norway

Lofotr næringsdrift


Lundhagem architects


Pilot 4: GaiaVesteralen Museum (Norwegian pilot)

Location: Sortland, Vesterålen, Norway

End users: Municipalities, building owners and operators, the construction industry, architects.

Objective: Demonstrate an entire circular process “from demolition to construction” in the Arctic region of Norway by deploying leading construction technologies and solutions for the region. Hence, to build the Gaia Vesteralen Museum for Art High Tech exhibition of mainly (up to 95%) from locally available waste stream materials such as construction and demolition waste (CDW) and used containers from the fishing industry.

Circular approach: Demolition stage: Detail mapping of concrete part of structures prior to demolition (use of innovative method to preciously evaluate and minimize the quantity of concrete labelled as contaminated), employing selective demolition and sorting of recyclable and contaminated concrete. Production of quality RCA stage: Use of modern machinery and modern crushing and sorting techniques, certification and properties evaluation. Construction stage: Logistics connected to RCA transportation and adjustment of the concrete mix during production.


Start: June  01. 2023

End: May 31. 2027


Iveta Novakova (Principal investigator)
Janis Baronins
Sofija Kekez

Financial/grant information:


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101082068.

Total budget (all partners): 7 890 862.50 EUR

Budget for UiT: 401 250.00 EUR

Participants UiT:

Iveta Novakova

Leif-Gunnar Hanssen
Sofija Kekez
Janis Baronins