Ethnographic Action: Researching Transformations of Humans and Environment on a Disrupted Planet

The research group EA:RTH is focusing on the ways in which both human communities and ecosystems around the world are increasingly affected by interconnected environmental and political changes, rapid industrialization, urbanization, and resource extraction. Human-led environmental shifts during the era of globalization have led to displacement, political conflict, and growing wealth inequalities. Marginalized ethnic groups and indigenous peoples around the world are impacted by these changes on an unprecedented scale. In recent years, it has become apparent that global inequalities are intimately linked to the environmental and climatic ravages that disrupt ecosystems and species all over the world.

EA:RTH aims to develop a methodology of ‘ethnographic action,’ using fieldwork-based methods, including audio-visual methods such as ethnographic film, still photography or digital media, to describe the social reverberations of global inequality and environmental disruption, and reveal everyday practices that may be mobilized to navigate their entanglements.

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EA:RTH at NAF (Norwegian Anthropology Association) conference, 25-26 November 2021, University of Bergen

Peter I. Crawford and Natalia Magnani organised and introduced the workshop 'What on Earth! Outrage and Anthropology on a Disrupted Planet' with presentations by Jennifer Hays, Trond Waage, Carolina Némethy, Richard Fraser and Bente Sundsvold.


EA:RTH – Ethnographic Action: Researching Transformations of Humans and Environment on a Disrupted Planet

Professor Peter I. Crawford (head) and Richard Fraser (Deputy Head)

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