
Feminist Philosophy

Feminist Philosophy Research Network

FemPhil is a research network based at the Department of Philosophy, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The network is composed by early career and senior researchers working from different traditions and areas within philosophy and across the discipline. Embracing diversity in its core, the research conducted by FemPhil is not topically or methodologically mainstreamed. Shared by all its members, however, is a concern with social justice expressed through the theoretical scrutiny of resource distribution and power relations in politics, society, and knowledge production. FemPhil makes use of feminist concepts and perspectives that continue to transform philosophy and thematizes issues such as gender equality and justice, politics of difference and otherness, and intersectional dimensions of oppression. In the past years, FemPhil has been particularly preoccupied with normative analyses of structural and cultural conditions that hinder gender equality in academia and with a critical and historical reconstruction of the philosophical canon.  

FemPhil was founded in 2017 by Trine Antonsen. Antonsen led the network until 2019. Kjersti Fjørtoft lead the network alone from 2020 and introduced a leader team in 2021 together with Melina Duarte. From 2021-2023, FemPhil's leader team was composed by Melina Duarte and Fredrik Nilsen. Fredrik Nilsen took over as leader in 2023 and Kaja Jenssen Rathe was elected co-leader. The network elects a new leader team every year and new members are welcomed all year long. 

FemPhil collaborates closely with the Center for Women's and Gender Research at UiT and has joint research projects, publications, and events. We have work together on three research projects: IMPLISITT (RCN 2021-2023/321031), PRESTIGE (RCN 2018-2023/281862) and NOS-HS Intersectional Gender Equality in Academia in the Arctic North (ID 123966)(Coordinated at the University of Oulu). Our most recent joint publication is the book: Duarte, M., K. Losleben, and K. Fjørtoft (eds.) Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia: A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Transformation. Gender Series. Routledge. The book is available on open acess.  In 2022, together with our partners at the Center of Women's and Gender Research and the Nordic Network for Gender Balance in Academia, we have hosted in Tromsø a three-day conference on Equal Futures: Exploring Sustainable Futures in the Arctic North. Video lectures of the conference are available here.

External partners: 

Rede Brasileira de Mulheres Filósofas

UArctic: Thematic Network on Gender Equality in the Arctic Knowledge Production 


Fall 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Fall 2019

Spring 2019

Fall 2018

Spring 2018

Fall 2017
