Annamari Vitikainen
Job description
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Research interests
My research interests fall broadly within the field of contemporary political philosophy, especially questions relating to multiculturalism, migration, minority and group rights (incl. indigenous rights), and sexuality and gender. I'm the author of The Limits of Liberal Multiculturalism: Towards an Individuated Approach to Cultural Diversity, Palgrave Macmillan (2015). Other recent publications include "Group Rights, Collective Goods, and the Problem of Cross-border Minority Protection", International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 26:2 (2019), and "LGBT Rights and Refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions", Ethics & Global Politics 13:1 (2020).
I am currently the PI of a Research Council of Norway project on Good Integration (GOODINT): Goals and bottlenecks of good integration and social cohesion (2021-2025).
In 2016-2021 I co-led a RCN project Globalizing Minority Rights: Cosmopolitanism, Global Institutions, and Cultural Justice
I am currently working on a book project The Ethics of LGBTIQ+ Refugee Admission and Integration (under contract at Oxford University Press).