Funding for Mental Health Research

The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research will be awarding a total of NOK 20 million to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health in 2023.

Funding for Mental Health Research
Funding for Mental Health Research Foto: The Kavli Trust
Portrettbilde av Ræder, Inger Lin Uttakleiv
Ræder, Inger Lin Uttakleiv Seniorrådgiver faggruppe forskning og innovasjon
Publisert: 09.02.23 10:04 Oppdatert: 09.02.23 10:08
Helse og velferd

The Kavli Trust will award NOK 20 M to research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health.
In the first stage of the process, applicants submit short pre-proposals and on the basis of the review, approximately 10 applicants will be invited to submit full proposals.
The deadline is March 15th.
Read more about the process and the evidence gaps in The 2023 Call for proposals. 

Kortnytt fra Seksjon for forskning og utdanningskvalitet
Ræder, Inger Lin Uttakleiv Seniorrådgiver faggruppe forskning og innovasjon
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