Contact us
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Telephone: +47 77 64 40 00
E-mail: postmottak@uit.no
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eDialog can currently only be used by Norwegian companies (org. number) and residents with a Norwegian birth number or DUF number.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
PO Box 6050 Stakkevollan
N-9037 Tromsø
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Fakturamottak DFØ
Postboks 4710 Torgarden
7468 Trondheim
970 422 528
Faculty of Health Sciences (Helsefak):
Email: uitinfo-helsefak@uit.no
Tel.: +47 77 64 46 10 (UiT Info)
Tel.: +47 77 66 07 70 (Department of Health and Care Sciences)
Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (HSL-fak):
Email: postmottak@hsl.uit.no
Tel. HSL: +47 77 66 07 93
Tel. ILP: +47 77 62 09 00
Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics (BFE-fak):
Email: forskning@bfe.uit.no
Tel.: +47 77 64 40 00
Faculty of Law (Jurfak):
Email: postmottak@jus.uit.no
Tel.: +47 77 64 41 97
Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology (IVT-fak):
Email: postmottak@ivt.uit.no
Tel.: +47 76 96 60 10 (UiT Info – Narvik)
Faculty of Science and Technology (NT-fak):
Email: postmottak@nt.uit.no
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
PO Box 1621
N-9509 Alta
Follumsvei 39
N-9510 Alta
08:00–15:45 weekdays (summer hours 08:00–15:00 from May 15th to September 14th)
UiT Info: 08:00–15:30 weekdays (summer hours 08:00–14:45 from May 15th to September 14th)
Students and staff may be on campus from 07:30–24:00.
The University Library in Alta
Opening hours can be found on the library web page.
University of Tromsø School of Aviation
Bardufoss Airport
N-9325 Bardufoss
Bardufoss Airport
N-9325 Bardufoss
Havnegata 9,
8006 Bodø
Havnegata 9,
8006 Bodø
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
PO Box 1203
N-9616 Hammerfest
Kransvikveien 35
N-9601 Hammerfest
08:00–15:45 weekdays (summer hours 08:00–15:00 from May 15th to September 14th)
Students and staff may be on campus from 07:30–24:00.
The University Library in Hammerfest
Opening hours can be found on the library web page.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
PO Box 1063
N-9480 Harstad
Havnegata 5
9404 Harstad
UiT Info 08:00–15:45 Monday – Thursday, 08:00–15:00 Friday
(summer hours 08:00-15:00 from May 15th to September 14th)
Employees and students have access to campus between 06:00 and 23:00.
The University Library in Harstad
Opening hours can be found on the library web page.
Filmkunstskolen i Kabelvåg
Tore Hjorts gate 22
8310 Kabelvåg
Filmkunstskolen i Kabelvåg
Tore Hjorts gate 22
8310 Kabelvåg
08:30–15:30 weekdays
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Wiulls gate 3
N-9900 Kirkenes
Wiulls gate 3-5 ("Sparebankbygget"),
Ground, 2nd and 3rd floor,
N-9900 Kirkenes
08:00–15:00 weekdays
Students have access after this by appointment, employees have their own key and can come and go as they please.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
PO Box 614
N-8607 Mo i Rana
Nytorget 5
N-8622 Mo i Rana
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
PO Box 385
N-8505 Narvik
Lodve Langes gate 2
N-8514 Narvik
08:00–15:30 weekdays (summer hours 08:00–15:00 from May 15th to September 14th)
Students are admitted between 07:00 and 24:00.
The University Library in Narvik
Opening hours can be found on the library web page.
The University Centre in Svalbard
P.O. Box 156
N-9171 Longyearbyen
The University Centre in Svalbard
N-9171 Longyearbyen
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
PO Box 6050 Stakkevollan
N-9037 Tromsø
Hansine Hansens veg 18
N-9019 Tromsø
08:00–15:45 weekdays (summer hours 08:00–15:00 from May 15th to September 14th)
Main entrances, including entrances to office wings, all buildings.
Deviations may occur, and some areas are locked around the clock. In such cases, there will be local solutions in the form of receptions, information desks or intercom for visitors so that employees and students within locked areas can be contacted. Such schemes are i.a. introduced at the entire C-wing at NFH, the Animal Department and parts of the L-wing at MH and TMU's office wing.
Main entrances to Vandrehall, located in the axis HSL-fak, UB and Teorifagbygget
07:30–21:00 weekdays, 10:00–15:00 Saturday
This gives public access to the bookstore, canteens and the PJ and KS libraries throughout the opening hours for these.
Main entrances to Lysgården in the MH building
07:30–21:00 weekdays, 10:00–15:00 Saturday
This gives access to the MH cafeteria and the NH library