ERRIN EU Missions project mapping

The European Regions Research and Innovation Network is organizing match-making events for those who are interested in submitting proposals (as coordinators or as partners) for the 33 EU Missions calls that are currently open. Register your interest until March 29.

European Regions Research and Innovation Network
European Regions Research and Innovation Network Foto:
Portrettbilde av Bohus, Kata
Bohus, Kata Seniorrådgiver
Publisert: 27.03.23 10:46 Oppdatert: 27.03.23 10:55
Arktis Bærekraft Energi Geopolitikk Hav Helse og velferd Klima Kunst og kultur Lov og rett Naturvitenskap Samfunn og demokrati Teknologi Urfolk Økonomi

ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network) aims to provide support to its members in developing successful proposals under the EU Missions of the Horizon Europe 2023-2024 work programme. As the deadlines are fast approaching, it is crucial for us to comprehend the interests of our members. Therefore, we have designed a brief survey with the upcoming EU Missions calls that may be of interest to regional and local stakeholders. This survey is intended to assess the level of interest and identify the type of role that members believe they can undertake. Based on the survey results, we plan to organise targeted activities, including coffee meetings or consortia building sessions with the interested parties.

Besides this survey, we will also seek to gather input on the same interest from external stakeholders who can contribute to future consortia, especially potential coordinators.

The survey is only open to ERRIN members. Submissions from non-members will not be taken into account. If you wish to register your interest, contac Kata Bohus at

The deadline for expressing your interest is 29 March. 

EU Missions Calls | ERRIN

Kortnytt fra Seksjon for forskning og utdanningskvalitet
Bohus, Kata Seniorrådgiver