
The Mohn Prize seminar – Pathways to a warmer Arctic

Welcome to a scientific talk by prize winner John Walsh and other presenters, May 10, at Auditorium 2, Teorifagbygget in Tromsø.

From the seminar in 2020, when the leader of Department of geosciences, Matthias Forwick, gave an overview.
From the seminar in 2020, when the leader of Department of geosciences, Matthias Forwick, gave an overview. Foto: CAGE/UiT
Portrettbilde av Aarskog, Karine Nigar
Aarskog, Karine Nigar Seniorrådgiver kommunikasjon
Publisert: 21.03.22 14:47 Oppdatert: 27.04.22 23:18


  • 09.30–10.00: Breakfast/early lunch will be served
  • 10.00–10.30: John Walsh (IARC, University of Fairbanks, Alaska): The future of the Arctic under alternative climate pathways
  • 10.30–10.45: Q & A
  • 10.45–10.55: Pause, coffee will be served
  • 10.55–11.40: Impact and nature:
    Rune Graversen (UiT): Recent Arctic warming and its widespread climate impacts
    Kim Holmén (Norwegian Polar Institute): Human induced climate change and biogeochemical cycle
    Bodil Bluhm (UiT): From sea ice to sea stars, from Alaska to Svalbard, connections and change
  • 11.40–11.50: Q & A
  • 11.50–12.05: Pause, coffee and snacks will be served 
  • 12.05–12.50: Impact and society: 
    Grete K. Hovelsrud (Nordland Research Institute and Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research): Studying Climate Change Impacts on Arctic Peoples
    Vito De Lucia (Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea (NCLOS), UiT): Governing a melting Arctic 
    Igor Krupnik (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Dept. of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, member of Scientific Committee Mohn Prize): Are we losing human historical baselines with the melting ice?

  • 12.50–13.00: Q & A

Moderator is Kari Anne Bråthen, professor and vice dean for research, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, UiT.   

Please register for the seminar by following this link.

Publisert: 21.03.22
Aarskog, Karine Nigar Seniorrådgiver kommunikasjon