Enrolment checklist for international students

A step-by-step checklist to matriculation, the process by which you are formally enrolled as a student to UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
How to activate your UiT user account
A while after you have been admitted, we will send you an e-mail containing all the information you need to activate your UiT user account.
This e-mail will be sent to your registered email-address on the Application Web (Søknadsweb). Please check your spam folder as well.
Changing your password after the activation
You can change your password after the activation of your UiT user account on this website: IT user support
IT Services for Students
The following services will be available after 20 minutes from the activation:
All other services will be available the following day. These are services include:
- Signing into computers on campus
- Printing with access card
- Microsoft Office 365
- Canvas (Virtual Classroom System)
- For more services, please see IT support
Payment of semester fee (non-exchange students)
You can pay the semester fee from 15 June/15 December. Please pay the semester fee as soon as possible and no later than 1 September (autumn semester)/1 February (spring semester).
The semester fee is a statutory fee for students paid to the student welfare organization. The current semester fee is NOK 710, of which NOK 40 is a voluntary SAIH fee.
Exchange students are exempted from paying the semester fee.
Creating an invoice on Studentweb to pay the semester fee
Log into your account on Studentweb. Select Payments in the top menu and choose Create invoice. Transfer the money. Remember to type in correctly the bank account (IBAN), BIC (Swift), and invoice number. Alternatively, you can use your name as a reference (KID number is only used if you pay from a Norwegian bank account). The information you need is specified in the invoice on Studentweb. (Note that each invoice has a unique invoice number and KID number for each student each semester).
Overseas payment
Use your local bank or an online money transfer service. Use the exact exchange rates to Norwegian Kroner and add the commission that may be deducted from the money transfer before making the payment. Note that it can take up to 12 days before we receive your payment from abroad, please pay as early as possible.
Local payment
The KID number is important if you are paying via your Norwegian bank account. The payment takes 2-3 days to be registered in the Studentweb.
Reimbursement of the Semester Fee
If you have paid the semester fee, but you do not wish to study at UiT, you may request reimbursement of your semester fee by the following deadlines:
1 October for Autumn Semester
1 March for Spring Semester
For reimbursement, please send us your bank transfer receipt with your account number to ssa-system@hjelp.uit.no.
Questions about the semester fee?
Please contact studieinfo@hjelp.uit.no.
With the registration, students declare that they haved enroled to UiT and would like to continue their studies in the following semester.
You can log on StudentWeb through the following methods (choose affiliation: UiT The Arctic University of Norway):
- After the activation of UiT user account: By using your username + password (Log on using Feide)
- NB: Students who receive d-number or National Identity Number from The National Population Register must send documentation of this to ssa-system@hjelp.uit.no as soon as possible, so that we can update your ID number in the student system. This is to avoid problems with login to StudentWeb.
Don't miss the registration deadlines!
1 September for autumn semester
1 February for spring semester
Deadlines for withdrawal from exams:
14 days before exam.
Non-Exchange Students: Master, Bachelor & One-Year Programmes
After logging on StudentWeb, you are asked to complete an electronic Individual Education Plan. This serves as semester registration and sign-up for examinations. The same procedure is required for withdrawing from examinations.
NB! Make sure to confirm your Individual Education Plan upon registration and to register your contact address correctly at the start of each semester.
Would you like advice about the Student Web? Do you have any questions about your programme of study or educational plan?Your programme coordinator or the Student Desk will help to set up your Individual Education Plan.
Digital student ID
This app is accepted as a valid student ID to get discounts on trains, buses and other services that gives you student discounts.
How to log on to the student ID for the first time?
Download the Student ID app from App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).
1) Open the app (requires internet access)
2) Choose your institution
3) Log on with your username and password (given to you from your institution)
4) Read the declaration of consent and accept (The app can only be used if you give your acceptance)
5) Read the terms and conditions and approve (The app can only be used if you approve the terms and conditions)
If you have paid the semester fee and you have completed the registration, this information will be shown in a yellow box at the bottom of the page. The semester receipt is saved in the app itself. This means that the app, after logging on and registering your payment of the semester fee, can be used without any internet connection.
NB! Remember to update the information in the app at the beginning of a new semester (Press "Update" inside the app).
Access card
As a student at UiT you are entitled to a access card. The access card is used as:
Where to get your access card?
Visit our Student desk. Please bring a valid ID (driver's licence or passport).
Canvas is a web-based learning environment so that students can access the site from any computer that has internet access. It is also a platform that teachers can use to send notes, homework, presentations, guidance, etc. to whole classes.
To access Canvas, you must have activated your UiT user account (see menu #1) and registered for the semester via the Student Web.
NB! You can download the Canvas Student iOS and Canvas Student Android on your mobile phone.
Changing the language preference in Canvas
You can select a preferred language (English) in your user settings, which will override the account default in Norwegian ("Norsk bokmål") language.
- In Account Navigation Bar ("Konto" in Norwegian), click the Settings link ("Innstillinger" in Norwegian).
- Click "Rediger innstillinger" on the right side of the page on Canvas
- Select Language ("Språk" in Norwegian) in the Settings tab for your name ("Innstillinger for + your full name"), click the Default Language drop-down menu to choose English
- Update Settings ("Oppdater Innstillinger" in Norwegian) by clicking the "Oppdater Innstillinger" button.
- For technical inquiries concerning access/logging to Canvas, please see IT support
- DEGREE / PROGRAMME STUDENTS: For questions concerning course registration on Canvas, please contact the Student Desk: studieinfo@hjelp.uit.no
- INBOUND EXCHANGE STUDENTS: For questions about courses and registration on Canvas, please contact mobility@uit.no
Sign in with your username and password to view your lecture schedule, courses, syllabus and access applications for enrolled students.
- For questions concerning My Page for students, please contact the Student Desk: studieinfo@hjelp.uit.no
- For technical inquries concerning access/logging to My Page, please contact IT support
Course timetable
Check the online timetable and room booking system to find your classes. Information about where to find your classes can also be found by checking the course schedule for your chosen courses in the UiT study catalogue.
Timetable (course schedules)
NB! Make sure to use the correct course or programme code before using the Timetable.
Course syllabus
You can search our database for course syllabi. The following provides link to reading materials, borrowing course literature and how to buy course materials on the Web.
Do you have any questions about your course Timetable or Syllabus?
Your programme coordinator or the Student desk will help to set up your Individual Education Plan.
Do you have any questions about your course Timetable or Syllabus?
Please contact the course coordinator at the faculty: Courses coordinators at the faculties
Bachelor's / Master's / One-year programme students: How to make changes your educational plan
Any changes to your educational plan must be approved by the programme / degree coordinator at the faculty and must be within semester registration deadlines. Please find your programme in the Study Catalogue. Click on the programme and you will find the name of your coordinator(s) on the right side of the programme's webpage in the Study Catalogue:
Programme Coordinators (Study Catalogue)
Please note that you can reconfirm or change your Individual Education Plan at the start of each semester. You must also document satisfactory progress in your studies (30 Study Point each semester) in order to continue to maintain/renew your student residency card and to work part-time .
Incoming exchange Students: how to change courses after your arrival to Norway
Please note that you are only given permission to register for the courses stated in your Learning Agreement. All changes to your original Learning Agreement have to be approved by your home university and UiT.
Exchange students who intend to change courses need to fill out the form "Changes to Learning Agreement", see the link below for detailed instructions.
Programme ccordinators and Exchange course advisers
We have experienced and dedicated teams of programme and exchange advisers that are happy to assist you with questions pertaining to:
- Syllabus & Learning Agreement (English-taught courses for exchange students)
- Programme description and structure (English-taught programmes of study)
- Study Progression Report for the renewal of Student Visa
Find your Programme coordinator (click on your programme in the catalogue to find your adviser's name below the "CONTACT" box)
Studying with disability
Students with a disability and special needs are entitled to adaptation of their daily student life and examination to ensure equal learning and educational opportunities. This right applies to adaptation that does not involve a disproportionate burden for the higher education institution. In such assessments, special attention must be paid to how effective the adaptation is in removing the barriers for these students, the costs of the adaptation and the institution’s resources. Adaptations shall not lead to a reduction of the academic requirements that apply for the relevant education.
Do you have any questions about individual adaptation of your daily student life, examinations or classes?
Please contact the responsible person at the faculty: studying with disability
UiT offers a variety of courses in Norwegian language and literature on basic, intermediate and advanced level. These courses are available only in Tromsø.
Borrowing books from the library
In order to borrow documents, you need a library card at the University Library. Your access card doubles as a library card. You may also use a Norwegian national library card.
See our introduction video on library services.
mandatory course on INFORMATION LITERACY
Norwegian universities are very strict about plagiarism. Consequently, during our orientation week all new students are required to attend a lecture about infomation literacy and plagiarism. We also recommend you to complete the UiT developed Massive Open Online Coures on information literacy where you can study at your own pace:
Registration with the police
The Norwegian Directorate of Norwegian Immigration (UDI) requires that that you either apply for a Study Permit (Non-EU) or register with the Police if you are staying more than three months in Norway (EU/EEA/Swiss citizens).
Registration with the police (after arrival)
Student deposit
To access your money in the deposit account while waiting for your Norwegian Identity Number to open your own Norwegian bank account, you may receive a Danske Bank Prepaid Card at The Arctic Student Welfare Organization of Norway to withdraw money from your deposit. You may purchase a Prepaid Card, which is a one-time fee. It can be used (at no cost) in any store, at ATMs machines and terminals labelled Bank Axept. The Arctic Student Welfare Organization of Norway does not take cash or cheques. More information about this will be provided after arrival.
For inquiries send an email to deposit@samskipnaden.no or visit the nearest office of the Arctic Student Welfare Organization of Norway (samskipnaden) on your campus.
Accessing your student deposit (after arrival)
Working part-time while studying in Norway
Renewal of Study Permit: international students (non-PhD)
- Link to information about renewal of student residence permit: Renewal of student residence visa | UiT
Norwegian Identification Number - non-EU/Swiss students
Please notify the Student Information Desk ( studieinfo@hjelp.uit.no) as soon as you have received your National Norwegian ID number from the Norwegian Population Registry or the Tax Office. NB please make sure to attach the official letter that you have received from the Population Registry to your email to the Student Information Desk
Student life on campus
student life and organisations
student housing at Samskipnaden
Student Portal