Exams at UiT
Contact us / Support phone
Contact us via the Self-service portal TOPdesk or via e-mail.
For general exam info: +47 77 64 40 00
For support on the exam day/submission day, students can contact us for technical support. Phone number: 77 62 08 80
If you experience waiting time while calling the support hotline and the deadline is expiring, you may email your answer paper/file to eksamen@hjelp.uit.no while you are waiting. Do not leave the queue.
Last changed: 16.08.2023 12.36Before exams:
Compulsory registration for examination
All students must register for examination in courses they follow teaching/receive academic supervision, including Master’s theses, by September 1 in the autumn semester and February 1 in the spring semester. You register for examination via StudentWeb.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_673073
Re-scheduled examination/re-sit examination/extraordinary examination
Deadline for registering is August 15 and January 15.
- Please note that some courses have an earlier registration deadline. Contact your programme administration.
Re-scheduled examination (if you were sick on your exam) :
- You register for re-scheduled examination in StudentWeb. Find your course(s) in Results.
- If you are not continuing your studies but just taking re-scheduled examination, you may register via this form. You submit the form to eksamen@hjelp.uit.no
Re-sit examination (if you failed your exam):
- You need to pay your semester fee before you can register for re-sit examination in StudentWeb.
- It is your own responsibility to check that an examination is being held in the course you wish to register for.
Appeal against grade:
- If the passing grade is changed to failing, you are entitled to the re-sit examination.
- If the registration deadline for this exam is passed, you must let us know if you want to be registered.
- In the opposite case: When the result goes from a failing to a passing grade, we will delete the registration for the re-sit examination.
Extraordinary examination:
- Application is submitted to your programme administration. Once the application has been approved, you may register via this form. The approved application must be included in the form.
Please note that you cannot cancel registration for re-scheduled examination, re-sit examination or early examination.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_673074
Application for dispensation from deadlines for examination registration
I - Dispensation from deadlines for examination registration
The deadline for registration for examinations at UiT is 1 February for the spring semester and 1 September for the autumn semester. In exceptional circumstances, you may be granted dispensation from these deadlines on grounds of documented applications.
The legal basis for special circumstances for dispensation from the stipulated deadlines is described in Section 16 of the Regulations for studies and examinations at UiT. Dispensation may be given in the following exceptional circumstances:
A: Sickness on the final day for registrations, documented by a medical certificate
B: A documented bereavement in the immediate family
C: The first semester the student is registered at the university
D: When the student is participating in group work that directly forms part of the examination in question, and the examination cannot be implemented for the other students in the group without this student being involved.
E: Passing the examination in question will lead to the student completing a degree or vocational training at UiT
F: Dispensation may also be granted in other special circumstances.
II - How to apply for dispensation
If you meet any of the special circumstances mentioned above, you may apply for dispensation from the stipulated deadlines for examination registration. Please use this application form. The application can be sent to studieinfo@hjelp.uit.no. The circumstances cited as the grounds for the dispensation must be documented (as in, for instance, medical certificate).
Please note:
Applications sent later than four weeks after the registration deadline will not be considered.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_673075
Access to sit an examination in the event of discontinuation
If a course is discontinued, students will have access to sit the exam on one occasion within a period of one year. This is regulated by regulations for studies and examinations at UiT § 29.
You are not entitled to teaching – only examination.
You will find more information about year and semester for the final exam, in the course catalogue.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_718085
Individual adaptation during an examination
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_673077
External examination
Take an exam at another location than UiT’s premises
Predominantly, all written examination must be taken at UiT’s premises.
Only for very special reasons will it be possible to take an exam at another institution than the UiT. An example where this can be granted is for students who are in prison.
This is regulated by § 21 in the regulations for studies and examination at UiT.
How to apply
You apply for allowance to take an external exam online through TOPdesk, our self-service portal. You log in with your UiT user account. The application deadline is September 15 for the fall semester and February 15 for the spring semester.
There must be a contact person at the external educational institution, who must fill out this form. The form must be submitted together with the application.
NOTE: exams that are being held at an external institution are to be held at the same date and time as the ordinary exam at UiT.
If required, you must cover all expenses regarding the rental of the examination room and salary for the invigilator(s) and administration at the external institution by yourself.
UiT may also charge you a fee.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_712133
Candidate number
For supervised written examinations, you will receive your candidate number during the examination. Remember to bring valid ID.
For home examinations, you can find your candidate number in the left-hand menu of StudentWeb under “Exam registration”.
When your examination paper is handed in in WISEflow, home exam or written exam, your candidate number is by default and automatically bound to your paper.
A file always saves author information in the file. The information will not be visible to the assessor unless they download the papers. If you wish to remove your name from the metadata of the file, there is a guideline for this in Topdesk (Norwegian only).
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_673078
Cancel registration of examination
The deadline for withdrawing from examination or changing the date of examination is no later than 14 days before the examination date.
You cancel your registration for examination in StudentWeb.
NB: Students who do not withdraw from examination and do not attend the examination are regarded as having attempted the examination.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_673079
The three times rule
You may only attempt the same examination three times. If special circumstances exist, the relevant faculty may make an exception from this rule. This rule is regulated by Section 30 of the regulations for examinations.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_673081
Improving grades
If you are no longer a student at UiT but still want to improve one or more of your grades:
First you must apply for admission as a course student within the deadline June 1/December 1.
After you have been admitted to a programme of study you must register for the exam on StudentWeb within the deadline September 1/February 1. NOTE: if the subject is not offered to course student, you must contact Joint Examination Service to be registered for the exam.
If you are in the final semester of either your bachelor’s or master’s degree and receive the examination results after the deadline for admission as a course student has expired, you must contact us to be registered for the exam. NOTE: the deadline is September 1/February 1.
Already a student at UiT but still want to improve one or more grades?
You must register for exam in StudentWeb. Choose “Results” in the menu, find the subject you want to improve and choose “Retake exam/subject”. NOTE: the deadline is September 1/February 1.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_712208
Examination venues
Where is Kraft Sportcenter?
You will find Kraft here.
Address: Framstredet 79
9037 Tromsø
Do I have to take off my shoes?
You may not wear outdoor shoes inside the exam room. You may of course bring indoor shoes, if you would like.
Where can I park?
We urge you to use public transport if possible.
If you do have to drive, please read the information regarding parking at UiT here.
Students with disabilities may park directly outside Kraft.
Where can I put my clothes and bags?
There are locker rooms on the same floor as the exam rooms; you may store your clothes and bags there. If the locker rooms should be very full, it is also possible to store clothes up in the stands.
I require safe storage for my mobile phone or other valuables
There is a limited number of lockers in the locker rooms. These may be used to store mobile phones and other valuables. The lockers require a padlock. UiT does not provide padlocks, so if you wish to keep your mobile phone locked away, you will have to bring your own padlock.
Do not bring unnecessary valuables if you can avoid it!
The location for Aud Max, B154 and K104.
Address: Administrasjonsbygget UiT – Hansine Hansens veg 18, Tromsø.
We encourage you to use public transportation. This is because the parking capacity in UiT Breivika is limited. You can read more about parking here. Students with disabilities will be able to use the two HC parking lots outside the building, entrance from west.
Aud Max: you can use the stands in the room for storage of coats and luggage.
B154: there are lockers just outside the room available for storage.
K104: there are lockers just outside the room available for storage.
Do not bring unnecessary valuables if you can avoid it!
Teorifagbygget Hus 1
Location for 1.343, 1.333, 1.325, 1.307, 1.313 and 1.307.
Address: Teorifagbygget UiT – Universitetsvegen 22, Tromsø.
We encourage you to use public transportation. This is because the parking capacity in UiT Breivika is limited. You can read more about parking here.
Students with disabilities will be able to use the 6 HC parking lots outside the main entrance of Teorifagbygget Hus 1, west from the University library.
Coats and luggage can be stored inside the exam rooms.
Do not bring unnecessary valuables if you can avoid it!
Location for ALTA_BT3A102, ALTA_BT22107, ALTA_BT22108, ALTA_PAVP178, ALTA_P179, ALTA_BT1_1014).
Address: Campus Alta, Follumsvei 39, 9510 Alta
There is a parking lot at the end of Follumsvei, parking zone 1. You can get a parking card at UiT Info right inside the main entrance.
You can read more about parking here.
You can store you coat and luggage by the main entrance, storage at your own risk.
Storage of phone/valuable there is a limited number of boxes in the basement that can be used for phone storage. The boxes are located down the stairs, vis a vis Kultursalen.
Do not bring unnecessary valuables if you can avoid it!
If exams are to be held in Kirkenes, the students will be informed about exam rooms.
Location for room 233 Skaidi, 224 Øksfjord, 223 Snefjord, 222 Sirma is Elsa Semmelmannsvei 1.
Elsa Semmelmannsvei 1.
Read more about parking here.
Students with disabilities will be able to use the marked HC parking lots. There is one marked parking lot on the upper side of the building and another oner just by the main entrance.
Location for room 203 and 204 is Havnegata 1, 2nd floor, 9404 Harstad
Location for lecture-room 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and 9 is Havnegata 5, 9404 Harstad
Location for group room 217, 218 and 328 is Havnegata 5, 9404 Harstad
There is a parking lot for students and visitors south of the main building in Havnegata 5, 9404 Harstad.
Read more about parking here.
You can store/hang your coat in the exam room. There is not possible to store your luggage. Please contact UiT Info with inquiries regarding this.
Storage of phone/valuables there is possible to use a locker with a padlock. This is at your own risk.
Do not bring unnecessary valuables if you can avoid it!
Location for exam room is Lodve Langes gate 2.
There are parking lots at both the east and the west side of the University.
Read more about parking here.
Student with disabilities can use the marked parking lots on the east side of the main entrance.
You can store you coat and luggage in the front of the exam room. Valuables are stored in your bag, in the exam room.
Location MEET Ullevaal conference centre.
You can find the address here.
There is several parking possibilities around Ullevaal Stadium, for example a parking garage.
There is a wardrobe connected to the exam room.
Location for room 120 and 121 is Torggården - Kudalsveien 6
There are no parking lots by the building. Students may use the parking lot at Nord University.
Students with disabilities will be able to use marked parking spaces by the entrance of Torggården. There is a total of two parking spaces.
You can store your coat and luggage in the front of the exam room. Valuables are stored in your bag, in the exam room.
If exams are to be held at Svalbard, the students will be informed about exam rooms.
If exams are to be held at Mo i Rana, the students will be informed about exam rooms.
If exams are to be held at Finnsnes, the students will be informed about exam rooms.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_712210
Infection control measures for exams on campus
If you are ill, stay home
If you are in quarantine, are ill or have symptoms of a respiratory infection, flu or other infectious diseases, it is important that you stay at home and do not show up at the examination room.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_710954
During exams:
General rules of conduct (written exams)
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_675034
Aids during the exam
Permission to use a dictionary during the exam
Permitted aids must be made known to the students well in advance of the exam, and must be listed on the front page of the exam paper. The dictionary must be controlled by your programme administration.
You must print the form below, and bring it together with your approved application for examination support material to your programme administration.
You can find the application form here. You must bring the approved form on the day of the exam.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_712229
Illness in connection with examination
If you are prevented from participating exam due to illness, you must submit a medical certificate to UiT no later than one week after the first exam the certificate applies to. A medical certificate on ordinary exams gives you the option of a postponed exam. Please note that no re-sit examination/re-scheduled examination is held on re-scheduled examination.
The medical certificate can be delivered digitally here (photo or screenshot of the medical certificate).
The original document can also be handed in at the following places:
- UiT i Tromsø: UiT Info – Tromsø
- UiT i Narvik: UiT Info – Narvik
- UiT i Harstad: UiT Info – Harstad
- UiT i Alta: UiT Info – Alta
- UiT i Hammerfest: UiT Info desk at the main entrance
- Other study centers: submit the medical certificate to your programme administration
The medical certificate must contain details of which examination(s) it applies for, as well as the duration of the period of illness. A medical certificate intended for submission to employers will not be approved as valid medical documentation. The certificate must relate to the examination in question. Details about the period of illness are important, both in order to confirm that the illness is acute and so that the Examination Office can set a date for the re-scheduled examination.
In order to be able to sit a re-scheduled examination, you need to register for the examination in StudentWeb by August 15 in the autumn semester and January 15 in the spring semester. Please note that some courses have an earlier registration deadline. Contact your programme administration. Please note that no re-sit examination/re-scheduled examination is held on re-scheduled examination.
Re-scheduled examination is an extraordinary examination that is held for candidates who were suffering from acute illness in connection with the ordinary examination. You cannot cancel registration for re-scheduled examination.
In accordance with Section 25 of the regulations for studies and examinations, the re-scheduled examination shall be held as soon as possible after the reasons for absence have ceased, and normally no later than two months after the start of a new semester. In practice, there is often more than one candidate who has right to re-scheduled examination in the course so the date is set so that all these candidates can sit the examination at the same time.
If you do not attend the re-scheduled examination or withdraw from it, you will not have an opportunity to sit another re-scheduled examination. In such cases, you have to wait for the next ordinary examination in the course. This also applies if you are prevented from attending the re-scheduled examination owing to illness. If you fail the re-scheduled examination, you need to wait until the next ordinary examination to re-take the examination, cf. the regulations for examinations.
Illness during school examination:
If you fall ill during the actual examination, you need to fill in a withdrawal form. You are informed on this form that you need to seek immediate medical attention and submit a medical certificate within one week in order to have the right to re-scheduled examination.
Home examinations:
If you suffer from acute illness before or during a home examination, in order to have right to re-scheduled examination you need to submit a medical certificate the faculty that arranges the examination no later than a week after the submission deadline for the home examination passes. For more information, please see the box below – If you are ill at the time of the exam, but will be able to hand in your exam if adaptation is granted?
Illness in connection with examinations that comprise of several parts:
With respect to illness that arises during examinations that comprise of several parts, e.g. a home examination + supervised written examination + final oral examination, when you sit the re-scheduled examination you do not have the opportunity to re-take any parts of the examination that you sat during the ordinary examination, cf. Section 25 of the regulations for examinations.
Please note that you can not submit an answer paper when you submit a medical certificate. A student who has submitted his/her answer paper cannot avoid having it assessed.
If a student becomes acutely ill or that unforeseen problems have arisen, it is possible to apply for accommodation for the examination even if the deadline for applying has expired.
Does your application apply to school exams?
The medical certificate must confirm that the illness has arisen after the application deadline has expired, or that there has been a worsening of a chronic illness. It also must be stated what challenges you have in the exam situation.
Application deadline: Application and medical certificate must be submitted no later than 12.00 o’clock (noon) two working days before the day of the school exam. You can apply here.
If you become acutely ill during the home exam, you can be given extra time. This is regulated by Section 25 of the regulations for studies and examinations at UiT.
For home examinations, additional examination days may be granted in special circumstances if the student documents unforeseen problems of a medical nature, bereavement in the immediate family or other similar misfortunate circumstances that have occurred during the examination period. When the stipulated examination time is more than two weeks, the submission deadline can normally be extended by up to two days. If the stipulated examination time in of a shorter duration, the submission deadline can normally be extended by one day. Students who still do not manage to complete the examination despite the extra time have the right to a re-scheduled examination.
The medical certificate must confirm that the illness has arisen after the application deadline has expired, or that there has been a worsening of a chronic illness.
In order for UiT to know how much extra time you will be alloted for your home exam, it is important that you provide a statement documenting how much exam time you have lost due to acute illness/unforeseen events. Sick leave notices for use by an employer are not accepted. The declaration must be related to the exam. The application and medical certificate must be submitted before the ordinary submission deadline.
You can apply here.
If you become acutely ill or that unforeseen problems have arisen while writing on your bachelor's thesis or master's thesis, it is possible to apply for postponed submission deadline.
The medical certificate must document acute illness/unforeseen problems, or that a worsening of a chronic illness has occurred. It must be confirmed how much time you have lost due to acute illness, or when you will be able to submit your assignment.
Applications and medical certificates must be submitted before the ordinary submission deadline for your thesis.
Students affected by severe weather or other unforeseen events beyond their control, and who therefore are unable to reach the examination venue, have the opportunity to apply for valid absence. Valid absence will allow them to take a postponed exam. Contact us via the self-service portal (TOPdesk). Please specify the subject of your exam and explain the situation.
If you are facing a situation where you have questions about the exam due to severe weather or unforeseen events, please contact us as soon as possible at 77 64 40 00.
If you are prevented from participating in your practical studies, periods of supervised professional training or practical works due to illness, please contact your programme administration as soon as possible,
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_675043
Illness during home exams
f you suffer from acute illness during a home examination, you can be given extra time. This is stipulated in the § 25 (7) of the Regulations for examinations at UiT:
"For home examinations, additional examination days may be granted in special circumstances if the student documents unforeseen problems of a medical nature, bereavement in the immediate family or other similar misfortunate circumstances that have occurred during the examination period. When the stipulated examination time is more than two weeks, the submission deadline can normally be extended by up to two days. If the stipulated examination time in of a shorter duration, the submission deadline can normally be extended by one day. Students who still do not manage to complete the examination despite the extra time have the right to a re-scheduled examination."
If you suffer from acute illness during a home examination, but can manage to submit the exam with extra time, you can get extra time if you document unforeseen problems. In order for UiT to know how much extra time you should have, it is importent that you submit a medical certificate that contain details of how much time you have lost.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_711035
What Grants the Right to a Postponed Exam or Resit Exam
Not all exam attempts grant the right to a resit exam or postponed exam. This is regulated by § 24 in the Regulations on Studies and Examinations at UiT. Here are some examples explaining the rules:
I submitted a blank exam:
No, you do not have the right to a resit exam. Submitting a blank exam is considered a withdrawal from the exam after the deadline and thus counts as an exam attempt. You can register for the next regular exam. You have a total of three attempts at the exam.
I withdrew from the exam:
No, withdrawing from the exam after the deadline does not grant the right to a resit exam and is considered an exam attempt. You can register for the next regular exam. You have a total of 3 attempts.
I withdrew due to illness and submitted a medical certificate within the deadline:
Yes, documented sick leave grants the right to a postponed exam, and this withdrawal from the exam does not count as an attempt.
I did not show up for the exam:
No, you do not have access to a resit exam. Not showing up is considered a withdrawal from the exam after the deadline. You can register for the next regular exam. You have a total of 3 attempts at the exam.
I submitted an answer that was assessed as "not an academic attempt":
No, you do not have access to a resit exam. A "not an academic attempt" is the same as a blank submission and is considered an exam attempt. You can register for the next regular exam. You have a total of 3 attempts at the exam.
I received an F/fail on my exam:
Yes, you have the right to a resit exam if the course offers it. In the course catalog, you can find out if a resit exam is offered in the course you received an F/fail. This counts as an attempt, and you have a total of 3 attempts.
I did not submit the exam paper by the deadline:
No, you do not have the right to a resit exam, and this is considered an exam attempt. You do not have the right to a resit exam and can register for the next regular exam. You have a total of 3 attempts at the exam.
I passed the exam but want a better result:
No, since you have a passing result, you cannot take a resit exam. You can register for the next regular exam to improve the result. You have a total of 3 attempts at the exam.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_871727
AI and exams
Academic Integrity: You have access to AI tools that can assist in various aspects of your learning experience. While these tools offer benefits, such as aiding in brainstorming and enhancing productivity, using them responsibly during exams is important.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support, not replace, your understanding and skills.
Use AI responsibly to ensure that your submissions reflect your knowledge in the exam.
Transparency: Ensure that what you submit is your own work. Submitting work that you have not done yourself as if it is your own is considered cheating.
If the use of AI is allowed, you must describe how you have used the tool and cite all AI-edited content. The subject coordinator defines the extent to which you can use AI tools in your studies and in examinations. In exams, allowed aids should be specified, including the extent of AI use.
For guidance on responsible use of AI on coursework or exams, contact your instructor. See also available resources at https://en.uit.no/om/kunstigintelligens.
Use only approved AI tools: ChatUiT, Bing Copilot, Klartekst, and Keenious (or Keenious Research Explorer plugin in Microsoft Word).
To promote consistent and ethical use of AI in assessments, UiT has chosen 5 levels of AI use:
No AI use: The assessment must be completed without the help of AI tools. The assessment rest solely on your own knowledge, understanding and skills. You must declare that no AI tools have been used in the assessment.
AI-assisted Idea generation and structuring: AI can be used for brainstorming, creating structure, and suggesting improvements in your assessment. The final submission should be in your own words, unless there is a quote. You must attach a) an AI disclosure statement describing how AI was used and b) chat history (export data) must be submitted with final submission.
AI-supported editing: AI can be used to clarify and improve student-created work (for example, improved language), but no new content can be created using AI. AI can be used, but the student's original work without AI content must be submitted as an attachment. The following must be submitted with final submission: a) A declaration must describe how AI was used, b) Chat history (export data), and c) Original work without AI content.
AI-supported completion of selected tasks: AI is used to complete certain elements of the task, and the student must provide discussion or commentary on the AI-generated content. This level requires a critical approach to AI-generated content and assessment of the outputs. AI disclosure statement must include a) how AI was used, b) Chat history (e.g. using export data) in ChatUiT must be submitted with final submission and c) Any AI-created content must be cited and referenced.
Full AI: Students can use AI throughout the assessment to support their work in any way they deem necessary. AI can be used as a "co-pilot" to meet the requirements of the assessment, allowing for a collaborative approach with AI and enhancing creativity. The student is responsible for a human oversight and evaluation of all AI-generated content. AI disclosure statement must be included a) disclosing how AI was used, b) submit chat history along with the response must be sub mitted with the final submission and c) all AI-created content must be cited and referenced.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_811791
Cheating and plagarism
Examples of actions which are counted as cheating or as an attempt to cheat are:
- To use unauthorised supports during the exam
- To present the work of other people as one's own work
- To cite sources or in other ways to use sources in one's written work without referencing those sources properly
- To submit an examination answer which has previously been submitted as an examination answer at the University of Tromsø or any other institution of higher education
- To engage in unauthorized communication with other students during the examination
- To act in conflict with the examination regulations or in any other unlawful way which may give one advantages at the exam
Text similarity reports in Ouriginal
Documents uploaded in Canvas and Wiseflow are automatically analysed for text similarity in Ouriginal.
Please note that all uploads to Ouriginal will be part of the sources from which the examination answer hand in will be checked against. Therefore, it is not a good idea to upload your handin directly to Urkund before the "real" upload in Wiseflow or Ouriginal is taking place.
This will "pollute" the database, and for the assessors it might seem as you have copied someone elses text.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_675048
Fire safety instructions for examination venues
Oral and practical examinations
If the fire alarm sounds, the examination committee and candidate(s) must leave the examination venue immediately and await further instructions. Meet up at the designated assembly area.
The oral or practical examination may continue as soon as the evacuation situation is over.
Written examinations
If the fire alarm sounds, everyone in the examination venue must leave together immediately and await further instructions. Meet up at the designated assembly area.
If necessary, the written examination may continue as soon as the evacuation situation is over.
As soon as the building has been evacuated, the evacuation guard shall advise the evacuation leader.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_675039
After exams:
Grading system
The Norwegian grading system consists of a two-part grading system with the values pass / fail and grades from A to F.
The letter grading system is as follows:
Symbol |
Designation |
General, qualitative descriptions of the assessment criteria |
A |
Excellent |
An excellent performance, clearly outstanding. The candidate demonstrates excellent judgement and a very high degree of independent thinking. |
B |
Very good |
A very good performance. The candidate demonstrates sound judgement and a high degree of independent thinking. |
C |
Good |
A good performance in most areas. The candidate demonstrates a reasonable degree of judgement and independent thinking in the most important areas. |
D |
Satisfactory |
A satisfactory performance, but with significant shortcomings. The candidate demonstrates a limited degree of judgement and independent thinking. |
E |
Sufficient |
A performance that meets the minimum criteria, but no more. The candidate demonstrates a very limited degree of judgement and independent thinking. |
F |
Fail |
A performance that does not meet the minimum academic criteria. The candidate demonstrates an absence of both judgement and independent thinking. |
For more information on assessment and grading, see regulations for studies and examinations § 35.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_712232
Grade announcement
The examination results are announced on StudentWeb, under “Results”.
The examination results are to be announced within three weeks after the examination, unless the Board of the University of Tromsø – The arctic University of Norway has decided otherwise. For larger independent work, standardized at 20 credits or more, the deadline for submitting grades can be extended to six weeks.
You can read more about examination result/grading in the Regulations for studies and examination chapter 7.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_712233
How to request an explanation of grade
Deadline is one week after the grade is announced. Please be aware that you cannot request an explanation for a reassessment grade in the StudentWeb. Contact your student advisor directly for explanations for reassessment grades.
First, please check that you not already have received an explanation in Wiseflow. You may find a shared explanation by choosing the correct exam, and "See feedback", here:
If you have not received the explanation here, you may proceed in Studentweb.
Under the top menu button More, select "Exam appeals".
Find the correct course and click the button "Request explanation of grade".
You will then see a predefined form:
Click "Send" to make the request.
You may expect to receive the explanation within two weeks. You will be notified by email. The explanation will then be accessible via Studenweb, by following the link, like in the picture below:
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_675056
Appeal against grade
As a student you may appeal the grade if you mean the grade you have been given in a course is not correct. You can only appeal a grade given on verifiable examination activities, t.eg. handed in work.
When a grade is appealed, your examination answer paper will be presented to a new assessment committee.
1. To appeal the grade, log in to Studentweb
2. Select More and then Exam appeals
3. Find the correct course. We recommend that you always ask for an explanation before you choose to make a complaint. The appeal deadline will be three weeks after the date you have received the explanation.
4. If you, even after the explanation wishes to proceed with the appeals, select Appeal against the grade
5. Read and tick off the boxes to confirm
6. Expected processing time is about four weeks. When the result is ready, you will be notified by email. The grade will be visible at this same page in Studentweb.
7. You may withdraw your appeal until the result is ready. You do so in Studentweb.
8. You cannot ask for an explanation of the appeal grade in Studentweb. Please contact your student adviser or the unit adminsitrating the course to ask for this if needed.
Regulations for examinations at UiT
If you plan to appeal a grade, you should first read through the Regulations for examinations at UiT (here you can read about assessment terms and determining of grades and about appeals).
Usual questions
I have failed and wish to appeal the grade. Do I still need to register for the resit exam?
Yes. If you have failed the exam, you have the right to participate in the resit exam if it is offered for the relevant subject. If you wish to appeal the grade, you must still register for the resit exam within the deadline. If it turns out that you pass the subject after the appeal review, we will help you withdraw the registration. Contact us here.
I wish to appeal the grade on a final assignment, can I still receive a diploma?
No. You cannot be issued a diploma as long as you have a pending appeal case. Once the case is processed, the diploma can be produced.
I have changed my mind. How do I withdraw the appeal?
You do this in Student Web. It is not possible to withdraw the appeal after you have received the result.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_711039
Appeal concerning procedural error
Procedural errors connected to an examination may be appealed according to section 5-2 of the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges (not translated).
Procedural errors may, among other things, be errors in the exam question paper or the assessment guideline, or errors relating the examination arrangement.
How to appeal
Deadline for submitting an appeal for procedural error is three weeks after the time the student was aware or should have been aware of the issue. The appeal must be written, grounded and it must be clearly stated in the appeal that it is a formal appeal concerning procedural errors.
Send your appeal letter to the Faculty the course belongs to. You can also check the Course Catalogue to find out about the department that provides the course.
If the appeal is not met by the faculty, the appeal will be further processed and in the end ruled on by UiT's Appeals Commitee. Please be aware that you cannot request an explanation for a reassessment grade in the StudentWeb. Contact your student advisor directly for explanations for reassessment grades.
Possible outcomes
If an error has been made which may have affected the assessment of your exam, or your performance during the exam, the initial grade will be annulled, and a new exam arranged. If the error may be rectified through a new assessment, the paper will go through a new assessment with new assessors.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_675051
Re-sit examination
A re-sit examination is an extraordinary examination that may be held for candidates who failed the last ordinary examination. Re-sit examinations are not held for candidates who fail re-scheduled examination or other extraordinary examination.
The deadline for registering for re-sit examination is August 15 for the autumn semester and January 15 for the spring semester. You register for re-sit examination in StudentWeb.
The registration deadline is by August 15th and January 15th . Please note that some courses have an earlier registration deadline. Contact your programme administration.
You need to pay your semester fee before you can register for re-sit examination in StudentWeb. Find your course(s) in My active courses.
You must check if a re-sit exam is being held - information can be found in the course description.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_675054
Re-scheduled examination
Re-scheduled examination is an examination that can be arranged for students who were sick or had another legitimate reason for being absent from the last ordinary examination. This is regulated by Section 25 of the regulations for studies and examinations at UiT. Students who fail a re-scheduled examination do not have the right to a re-sit examination.
(1) Students with legitimate absence have the right to sit a re-scheduled examination.
(2) Legitimate absence is defined as acute sickness or other documented special reasons. A medical
certificate/documentation must be sent or delivered to the university no later than one week after the
examination. A student who becomes sick during an examination must submit a withdrawal form, seek
medical attention immediately and submit a medical certificate no later than one week after the examination.
If it is not possible to attain a medical certificate no later than one week after the examination, the student
must notify the university of this within the stipulated deadline.
(3) The medical certificate shall state the duration of the period of sickness. A medical certificate designed
for an employer will not be accepted as medical documentation.
(4) Students who owing to specific reasons in connection with pregnancy, giving birth or caring for a child
cannot sit an ordinary examination may also apply to sit a re-scheduled examination. The circumstances must
be documented by a medical certificate, birth certificate or similar.
(5) Re-scheduled examinations shall be arranged as soon as possible after the reasons for absence have
ceased, and normally no later than two months after a new semester has commenced. Students must register
for a re-scheduled examination.
(6) Students who fail a re-scheduled examination do not have the right to a re-sit examination.
Illness in connection with examinations that comprise of several parts:
With respect to illness that arises during examinations that comprise of several parts, e.g. a home examination + supervised written examination + final oral examination, when you sit the re-scheduled examination you do not have the opportunity to re-take any parts of the examination that you sat during the ordinary examination, cf. Section 25 of the regulations for examinations.
Deadline for registering is August 15 and January 15. Please note that some courses have an earlier registration deadline. Contact your programme administration.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_716541
Extraordinary examination
An extraordinary examination is an examination the university can hold in special circumstances upon application for students who cannot wait until the next ordinary examination, and who do not meet the
requirements to take a re-scheduled or re-sit examination. Re-scheduled or re-sit examinations are not arranged after an extraordinary examination.
Application is submitted to your programme administration. Once the application has been approved, you may register in this form.
Deadline for registering is August 15 and January 15. Please note that some courses have an earlier registration deadline. Contact your programme administration.
Please note that you cannot cancel registration for re-scheduled examination, re-sit examination or early examination.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_716644
Deletion of exam answer papers
August 15, 2024 we will start automatic deletion of "exam flows" (exam entities including exam answers) that have been in archived state in WISEflow for five years or more.
WISEflow is not designed to archive exams, and according to GDPR and the data minimization principle, we are obliged not to store personal data longer than necessary.
The deletion will take place continuously, as soon as the five years expire for each individual examination.
If you have exam answers in WISEflow that you want to save, you must download them and save them yourself. For exams conducted five years ago or more, you must do so before August 15.
Your user profile will be deleted from WISEflow when it is no longer associated with any flows.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_845276
Diploma requirements
To be issued a diploma you must fulfill certain requirements. Information about the requirements for the different degrees are found in Regulations for studies and examination, Chapter 9 – Diplomas, Diploma Supplements and transscript of records.
To be issued a diploma from UiT, a minimum of 60 credits must taken at UiT.
From September 1st, 2021, we issue digital signed diplomas and Diploma Supplements. Your documents are available in Studentweb, under documents, and in Diploma registry.
The diploma and Diploma Supplement are produced after you finish your degree and sent to the registered address in Studentweb. You must update your address yourself.
The subjects included in your diploma are the ones in your individual education plan. The individual education plan is a contract between you as a student and UiT. You are both therefore responsible for ensuring that the plan is always updated. This is highly important for the correctness of your diploma.
If you are planning to improve one or more grades that are to be included in your diploma you should postpone the production. Contact the administration at your faculty. When your grades are improved contact your faculty again and inform them that you want your diploma.
A Diploma Supplement and a transcript of records are issued together with the diploma. Diploma Supplement (DS) follows a European standard and provides a comprehensive description of the Norwegian educational system and the qualification of your obtained degree. A Diploma Supplement is not an English version of your diploma but a supplement.
To graduate in the spring semester must your final examination be completed in the period from January 7th to August 12th. To graduate in the fall semester must your final examination be completed in the period from August 13th to January 6th.
For the Ph.D degree the disputation must be completed before June 30th in the spring semester and before December 31st for the fall semester.
Diploma registry
Diploma registry is a digital diploma service developed on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. Here you can download your records in a digital format or share them with other educational institutions, potential employers, and others. The diploma service is free. Read more about Diploma registry here.
NB: Students who receive d-number or National Identity Number from The National Population Register must send documentation of this to ssa-system@hjelp.uit.no as soon as possible, so that we can update your ID number in the student System. This is to avoid problems with login to the Diploma Registry.
Digital Diploma
Students that obtain a degree after September 1st 2021 receive a digital signed diploma and Diploma Supplement. Your documents are available in Studentweb, under documents, and Diploma registry. They will always be available here.
Students without Norwegian personal identity number
Students without Norwegian personal identity number will receive their diploma on paper. We send the diploma to the registered address in Studentweb. You must update your address yourself.
If you have a digital diploma but need a diploma on paper
The digital diploma is considered an original document that follows international standards and should therefore be accepted by all other institutions. However, some institutions may not accept digital signed documents. If you, for this reason, need a diploma on paper you may get a diploma duplicate.
Order a diploma duplicate on paper in TopDesk.
Paper diploma
Students that obtained a degree before September 1st 2021 receive a paper diploma and Diploma Supplement.
Have you already been issued a paper diploma and Diploma Supplement you will not be able to be issued a digital signed diploma and Diploma Supplement.
Lost diploma
You are only issued one original diploma and Diploma Supplement. There are only two exceptions:
- You can apply o have a new diploma issued if your diploma has been permanently lost. The documentation may include a police report if your diploma was stolen, confirmation from your insurance company in the event of theft or fire, or the remains of the diploma if it was destroyed.
- If you have improved one or more grades that are included in your educational plan and diploma.
Apply for a new diploma and Diploma Supplement
It may happen that a subject on your diploma has been replaced with another equivalent academic subject. You do however not qualify to be issued a new diploma if you take an exam in the equivalent subject and achieve a higher grade.
Apply for a new diploma and Diploma Supplement in TopDesk.
Diploma legislation
For a Norwegian diploma to be considered valid abroad it must be legislated.
Ordinary legislation process
- First, take the Diploma to the district court and get it certified by a notary public
- Then, take the Diploma to the County Governor which issues an apostille stamp
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_711053
Transcript of records
Digital transcript
- You can download a transcript in a PDF format or share your transcript digitally through the Diploma registry.
Transcript on paper
Contact UiT Info.
Link: https://en.uit.no/exams#modal_711054