Environmental Humanities

The Environmental Humanities reserach group at UiT brings together interdisciplinary researchers, artistic researchers, and artists whose work engages with the environmental humanities. 

Since 2020, its members have been gathering approximately once a month to present and discuss environmental humanities related research in various forms — from lectures, to walks-and-talks, workshops, or concerts, resulting in the co-creation of new research, knowledge, and methods that cross disciplinary boundaries. 

Enthusiastic Master's students, PhD fellows, and Postdocs in the environmental humanities meet weekly for focused writing sessions, and get together for writing retreats, skills sharing sessions, feedback meetings, and reading circles.  

UiT Environmental humanities gatherings


#41: Deleuze and Guattari reading group meeting 2 (28.02.2025)

#40: Shut up and write session (25.02.25)

Past events

#39: Skills Circle on Fieldwork (10.02.2025)

#38: Deleuze and Guattari reading group kick-off (31.01.2025) 

#37: Shut up and write (28.01.2025)

#36: Planning session / meet and greet (10.01.2025)

#35: Contact Zones - A Masterclass in Continental Philosophy (Viewing) (05.12.2024)

#34: When the-Human-that-We-Are Is Not There: Reading Fernand Deligny (05.12.2024)

#33: Visiting the new permanent exhibition Rávdnji - Den strie straumen, the Arctic University Museum of Norway (12.11.2024)

#32: The Case for Degrowth (07.11.2024)

#31: Time is a ship that never casts anchor / feedback session (10.09.2024 (talk) / 13.09.2024 (concert))

#30: A Letter to Lanka with Ilakkiya Mariya Simon: Film and Discussion (28.08.2024)

#29: Kittiwake walk with Kåre Grundvåg and Ingeborg Solvang (07.05.2024)

#28: Guided tour of the exhibition Down in the Bog: Hibernation with curator Karolin Tampere (17.04.2024)

#27: Mingling & focused writing for early career folks (09.04.2024)

#26: On Fiction, Animals, and Making Sense of Climate Science (20.03.2024)

#25: A mini thought-project on 'Writing the Implosion – teaching the world one thing at a time' (12.02.2024)

#24: Living with the Ocean – A Coastal Exhibition in Becoming (24.01.2024)

#23: Tasting session (06.12.2023)

#22: Mini-symposium – Nature, Art, Gender (20.11.2023)

#21: Beavers, Science, Civilization with Sigfrid Kjeldaas (25.10.2023)

#20: Fungal Pasts, Soil Futures – A Project Intro-discussion (24.03.2023)

#19: Reading group (08.03.2023)

#18: Tromsø’s Landscape Scar – A Winter Environmental Humanities Walk and Talk at Kroken Quarry with Anatolijs Venovcevs (04.02.2023)

#17: Reading group - at the crossroads of covid-19, planetary health and the environmental humanities (31.01.2023)

#16: Reading group - Matthew Huber's Lifeblood (25.11.2022)

#15: Reading group - Jane Bennett, Vibrant Matter (21.10.2022)

#14: Heritage Ecologies in Tromsø - An environmental humanities walk & talk with Anatolijs Venovcevs (08.10.2022)

#13: Reading group - Amitav Ghosh's The Great Derangement (28.09.2022)

#12: Reading group - Becoming Reading Group: reflections on assembling a collegiate, caring collective (05.09.2022)

#11: Crimes against ecosystems - Meeting postponed due to COVID (31.05.2022)

#10: Notes on the “fossil fuel ordinary” (29.04.2022)

#9: Worlds unknown – How foraminifera and humans have coexisted for thousands of years, and how we might get better at doing so moving forward… (31.03.2022)

#8: Sensing Places - How sensory approaches to places can influence the living and dying of humans and other than humans (22.02.2022)

#7: Measurement is the mother of all exclusion - How "excellence" can marginalize multidisciplinarity and engaged research (24.01.2022)

#6: Thinking-creating with plants — a workshop on developing analogue film in seaweed (20.11.2021)

#5: Framings of multispecies health and justice across One Health approaches (23.10.2021)

#4: What is Tromsø anyway? (27.09.2021)

#3: The Anthropocene - What lies behind, around and in front of (the notion that defines) our time? (24.08.2021)

#2: Presentation by Svein Anders Noer Lie (01.06.2021)

#1: Kick-starting environmental humanities at UiT (27.04.2021)

Skills circle on fieldwork, February 2025 

Early career environmental humanities group

Shut up and write meetings and mingling lunches every Tuesday & Thursday during semester time - for environmental humanities enthousiasts early in their careers (PhDs, postdocs, artists)

Want to join? Email lena.gudd@uit.no 

Spring semester 2025

Shut up and write sessions and mingling lunches on Tuesdays & Thursdays

Automn semester 2024

Shut up and write sessions and mingling lunches every Tuesday

- Full day writing retreat - focused writing, feedback, walk & talk (12.11.2024)

Spring semester 2024

Shut up and write sessions and mingling lunches every other Tuesday

- Full day writing retreat - focused writing, feedback, walk & talk (29.04.2024)

Open focused writing session and mingling lunch (09.04.2024)



EnvHum reserach group. 2025. Participation at ArcHum Snøkasse symposium (07.02.2025)

Mittner, L. and Maxwell, K. 2025. Participation at the panel Environmental Impacts of War Part 1, Arctic Frontiers (29.01.2025)

Losleben, K. 2024. Undermining Academia? Rethinking Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI, with a focus on the materiality of AI, SKJØNN, UiT (10.2024)

Maric, F. 2024. Fremtidens pensjonister. Fysioterapeuten (24.08.2024)

Losleben, K. 2024. Becoming-with the Ocean. Feminist Listening Methodologies for New Environmental Narratives, American Association of Geographers, AAG Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai'i and Online (04.2024)

Losleben, K. 2024. Thinking-with Water Brings Forth the Relational: A Hydrological Posthuman Politics of Location, Arctic Frontiers, Tromsø (Poster Presentation) (01.2024)

Maric, F. 2023. Mot løsninger på vår fantasikrise. Fysioterapeuten (09.10.2023)

Maxwell, K., Fosse Hansen, S., Eskeland, J., and Alves dos Santos, G. 2023. Studentar som endringsagentar. Podium 15, pp. 28–31 (2023)

Maxwell, K., Mittner, L., and Hammer Stien, H. 2020. A Voyage into Peer Review. Research Europe, p. 12  (03.03.2020)


Artistic outputs and exhibitions 

Exhibition at Tromsø Museum. 2018. RAW: Resisting Extractivism. Lena Gudd, Justin Parks. 

Down in the bog: Hibernation. 2024. Curated by Karolin Tampere, spring 2024, Tromsø Kunstforening and travelling exhibition: 

Living with the Ocean. 2024. Travelling exhibition, Sesimbra (PT), Harstad (NO), Brussels (BE). June-October 2024. CRAFT Lab, Arctic Humantities, and Environmental Humanities.  

Vokal Nord with Lilli Mittner and Jorge Santos: Time is a ship that never casts anchor. Verdensteatret, Tromsø 13th September 2024 (followed by tour to Narvik and Harstad): 

Landscape architecture graduate exhibition each June. This public exhibition displays the work of graduates from the Master's programme in Landscape Architecture. An extensive range of themes are explored with emphasis on arctic and sub-arctic landscapes. 

Visual anthropology film screenings at Verdensteateret each year for Master’s students showing the ethnographic films they made as part of their theses (organised each year by the anthropology department at UiT; contact person: Carolina Némethy) 


Selected publications by members

Benneworth, P., Maxwell, K., and Charles, D. 2022. Measuring the effects of the social rural university campus. Research Evaluation 2022. DOI

Calás, M.B., Smircich, L., Cozza, M., Gherardi, S., Katila, S., Kuismin, A., Jääskeläinen, P., Laine, P-M., Meriläinen, S., Vola, J. Wickström, A., Valtonen, A., Salmela, T. & Pullen, A. (2023) What to do about “The Human” in organization studies? Thinking/saying/doing with the Anthropocene, pandemics, and thereafters. In: Calas, M. & Smirchich, L. (eds.) A Research Agenda for Organization Studies, Feminisms and New Materialisms. Edward Elgar Publishing. Cheltenham/Northampton. Pp. 177–194. DOI 

Gudd, L., and Pons Braley, A. 2020. Banlieue Nord: A Brief Contribution to How We Inhabit the North and How the North Inhabits Us. Nordlit, no. 46 (December):132–159. DOI 

Haanpää, M., Salmela, T., Äijälä, M., Carcía-Rosell, J. (2019) The disruptive 'other'? Exploring human-animal relations in tourism through videography. Tourism Geographies (online ahead of print). DOI

Losleben, K., Maric, F. & Gjærum, R.G. (2023). Learning for Sustainable Transformation. In Duarte, M., Losleben, K., & Fjørtoft, K. (Eds.) Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia - A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Transformation. Routledge. DOI

Maric, F., & Nicholls, D. A. (2022). Environmental physiotherapy and the case for multispecies justice in planetary health. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 38(13), 2295–2306. DOI

Maric, F., Nikolaisen, L. J., Ntinga, N. M., & Webb, J. (Eds.) (2022). Healthpunk Vol 2: Healthcare + Fiction + You. Open Physio Journal. DOI

Maric, F., Nikolaisen, L.J., & Bårdsen, Å. (Eds.). (2021). Physiopunk Vol 1. Open Physio Journal. DOI

Maxwell, K. 2020. Music in the Dark: Soundscapes in Christiane Ritther’s A Woman in the Polar Night. Nordlit 46, special issue Conceptualizing the North: 17–30. DOI

Maxwell, K. and Benneworth, P. 2018. The Construction of New Scientific Norms for Solving Grand Challenges: The Norwegian Idélab Programme. Palgrave Communications 4, article 52. Special collection: Scientific Advice for Governments. 2018. doi:10.1057/s41599-018-0105-9. Available here

Mittner, L., Maxwell, K., and Hammer Stien, H. 2020. Conceptualizing the North. Nordlit 46, special issue Conceptualizing the North: 1–11. DOI

Mittner, L., Meling, L. K., and Maxwell, K. Arts-based pathways towards a more gender equal world. Nordic Journal of Artist and Research 2023, special issue on arts and the sustainable development goals. Available here

Mittner, L., Wagner, G. 2021. ‘Den Norden Lesen: Erinnerungen, Wahrnehmungen Und Bedeutungen Im Interdisziplinären Dialog’. Nordlit, no. 46, 52–72. DOI

Rantala, O., Salmela, T., Valtonen, A. & Höckert, E. (2020). Envisioning Tourism and Proximity after the Anthropocene. Sustainability, 12, 3948. Available here

Rantala, O., Valtonen, A., Salmela, T. (2020). Walking with rocks – with care. In Valtonen, A., Rantala, O., Farah, P. (eds.) Ethics and politics of space for the Anthropocene. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Richter, R., & Maric, F. (2022). Ecological Bodies and Relational Anatomies: Toward a Transversal Foundation for Planetary Health Education. Challenges, 13(2), 39. DOI

Salmela, T., & Valtonen, A. (2019). Towards collective ways of knowing in the Anthropocene: Walking-with multiple others. Finnish Journal of Tourism Research, 15(2), 18-32. DOI

Tynan, E., 2020. Arctic islands, Archival Exposures (On Jan Mayen, Bjørnøya, and Hopen islands), Shima Journal, 14(1), pp.67-89. 

Tynan, E., 2021. What time is this coast? Temporal encounters in the Arctic. Journal of Landscape Architecture, 16(2). pp.10-25. 

Tynan, E. 2023. Temporal perspectives on Arctic peripheries. In: M. Loukola, M. Mäkiranta and J. Tolonen (eds). Figurations of Peripheries Through Arts and Visual Studies. Peripheries in Parallax. Abington: Routledge. pp.110-124. 

Panieri, G., Sancak Sert, Z., Maric, F., Poto, M. P., Murray, E.M. (2024) The Ocean Senses Activity Book: Enriching Ocean Literacy Through A Multisensory Approach. In Panieri G., Poto, M. P., Murray E. M. (Eds.) Emotional And Ecological Literacy For A More Sustainable Society. Palgrave Macmillan. DOI

Parks, J. Introduction: The Poetics of Extractivism and the Politics of Visibility. Special issue: Writing Extractivism. Textual Practice 35 (2021): 353-62. 

Parks, J. Toward a Resource Poetics in Muriel Rukeyser’s Book of the Dead and Mark Nowak’s Coal Mountain Elementary. Special issue: Writing Extractivism. Textual Practice 35 (2021): 395-412. 

Valtonen, A., Salmela, T., Rantala, O. (2020) Living with mosquitoes. Annals of Tourism Research 83 (2020).

Environmental Humanities

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