UiT Environmental humanities gathering #28 Guided tour of the exhibition Down in the Bog: Hibernation with curator Karolin Tampere

Stay as long or as little as you like; bring family and friends if you want.
Tromsø Kunstforening, Mellomveien 82 - take the bus 33/40 to Bjørnøygata and it's straight up the hill.
The exhibition Down in the Bog: Hibernation is a deep dive into the curious ecosystems of peatlands. It is a place for learning and sharing from peatlands around the world. It is part of Karolin Tampere’s artistic research PhD project in curation. The exhibition is led by an ambition to create cross-pollinating meeting grounds for art, environmental issues, and the public. The exhibition project emphasizes the sharing and embodying of knowledge and awareness to create attention towards the need for increased care of peatland areas, locally, nationally and internationally. Practically and conceptually the topic of peatlands acts as a guiding map and compass to learn about historical, cultural, and contemporary changes in the environments around us in Sápmi, Northern Norway, Estonia and selected international locations.