UiT Environmental humanities gathering #29: Kittiwake walk with Kåre Grundvåg and Ingeborg Solvang

Join us for a kittiwake walk!
The last envhum gathering of the semester is a chance to get to know Tromsø's kittiwake population, the measures taken to live with them, and the research and artwork involved.
The walk will be led by PhD fellows Kåre Grundvåg (Academy of Art, UMAK) and Ingeborg Solvang (Anthropology, HSL). We will meet at Kysten, Strandvegen 95, to start in Kåre's studio: 7th May, 16.30.
All welcome - bring friends and/or the whole family :) If you're planning to bring a dog, please let me know (kate.maxwell@uit.no) so I can try to organise puppysitting during the studio visit.
Photo: Kåre Grundvåg, Bird Mountain: https://kaaregrundvaag.com/Bird-Mountain