Bilde av Losleben, Lisa Katrin
Bilde av Losleben, Lisa Katrin
Centre for women's and gender research +4777620871 004740671976 You can find me here

Lisa Katrin Losleben

Job description

professor of feminist research 


  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Sarah Musubika :
    Routledge 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • M Berthold-Losleben, S Papalini, U Habel, K Losleben, F Schneider, K Amunts et al.:
    A short-term musical training affects implicit emotion regulation only in behaviour but not in brain activity
    BMC Neuroscience 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melina Duarte, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Transformation
    Routledge 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Filip Maric, Rikke Gürgens Gjærum :
    Learning for sustainable transformation
    Routledge 2023 DATA
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Evelyn Buyken :
    Becoming-with in the Sonic
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Becoming-with the Ocean. Feminist Listening Methodologies for New Environmental Narratives
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Elizabeth Sanna Barron, Britta Sweers, Angus Carlyle, Paula Ryggvik Mikalsen :
    Arctic Auditories: Lyttelogg for Guider
    2024 DATA
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Paula Ryggvik Mikalsen :
    Thinking-with Water Brings Forth the Relational: A Hydrological Posthuman Politics of Location
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Paula Ryggvik Mikalsen :
    Thinking-with Water Brings Forth the Relational: A Hydrological Posthuman Politics of Location
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Monica Clerici, Villads Holm, Giuliana Panieri, Mohammad Abniki, Fereshteh Hemmateenejad :
    Cold seeps symphony. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version)
    Septentrio Educational 2024 DOI
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Monica Clerici, Villads Holm, Giuliana Panieri, Mohammad Abniki, Fereshteh Hemmateenejad :
    Listen to the world around us. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version)
    Septentrio Educational 2024 DOI
  • Villads Holm, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Jane Zimmermann, Monica Clerici, Giuliana Panieri, Mohammad Abniki et al.:
    The foraminifera boogie. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version)
    Septentrio Educational 2024 DOI
  • Angus Carlyle, Britta Sweers, Elizabeth Sanna Barron, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Paula Ryggvik Mikalsen, Jane Zimmermann :
    Arctic Auditories: Listening Journal for Conductors
    2024 DATA
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Wasser denken mit Klang – Feministische Annäherungen an einen Ort im Norden Norwegens/Sápmis.
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Evelyn Buyken :
    Spielende Mikro-Metamorphosen oder wie wir durch Klang werden
  • Melina Duarte, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Introduction to the edited volume
    Routledge 2023
  • Solmaz Mohadjer, Giuliana Panieri, Mathew Alexander Stiller-Reeve, Vibeke Aune, Monica Clerici, Villads Dyrved Holm et al.:
    OceanSenses 2022: Using Our Primary Senses to Connect with the Arctic Ocean
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    It's complicated. Det feministiske ståstedet i institusjonelt bærekraftsarbeid
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Monica Clerici, Villads Dyrved Holm, Giuliana Panieri, Giuliano Bertolotto Bianc :
    Listen to the world around us. In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version)
    Septentrio Educational 2023 DOI
  • Villads Dyrved Holm, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Jane Zimmermann, Monica Clerici, Giuliana Panieri, Olena Peftieva :
    The foraminifera boogie, In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version)
    Septentrio Educational 2023 DOI
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Monica Clerici, Villads Dyrved Holm, Giuliana Panieri, Olena Peftieva :
    Cold seeps symphony. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version)
    Septentrio Educational 2023 DOI
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Monica Clerici, Villads Dyrved Holm, Giuliana Panieri, Olena Peftieva :
    Listen to the world around us. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version)
    Septentrio Educational 2023 DOI
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Paula Ryggvik Mikalsen :
    Å lytte på vannområder: demokratisk engasjement gjennom lyd i et tverrfaglig prosjekt med base i Tromsø/Romssa
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Monica Clerici, Villads Dyrved Holm, Giuliana Panieri :
    Listen to the world around us. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book
    Septentrio Educational 2023 DOI
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Monica Clerici, Villads Dyrved Holm, Giuliana Panieri :
    Cold seeps symphony. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book
    Septentrio Educational 2023 DOI
  • Villads Dyrved Holm, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Jane Zimmermann, Monica Clerici, Giuliana Panieri :
    Foraminifera boogie. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book
    Septentrio Educational 2023 DOI
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Hearing with Water: Discussing Feminist and Sound Epistemologies
  • Angus Carlyle, Britta Sweers, Elizabeth Sanna Barron, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Paula Mikalsen, Jane Zimmermann :
    Arctic Auditories: Soundwalking and Soundsitting – A Manual for Conductors
    2023 DATA
  • Hege Cathrine Finholt, Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia: A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Transformation
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Understanding Intersectional Inequalities through Nussbaum's Capabilities Approach and Bacchi's Policy Analysis Method WPR, II
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Promoterer brystkreftkampanje med tilbud på vaskemidler: – Et sexistisk budskap
    10. October 2023 DATA
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Meeting Futures in Watery Entanglements. Sensory Approaches to Transformative Emplacement in the North
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Elizabeth Sanna Barron :
    Absence, Presence, Intrusion
    2023 DATA
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Ann Therese Lotherington, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Understanding Intersectional Inequalities through Nussbaum's Capabilities Approach and Bacchi's Policy Analysis WPR, I
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    The Fish, the Sea, the Ear, and the Boat – Learning from the Knowers
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Arctic Auditories – Hydrospheres in the High North
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Sound, power and knowledge
  • Giuliana Panieri, Stefan Bünz, Alessandra Savini, Andre Jensen, Bjørn Løfquist, Bjørn Runar Olsen et al.:
    CAGE-22-2 Scientific Cruise Report. AKMA 2/Ocean Senses
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Discussing Arctic Auditories - Hydrospheres in the High North
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    On Sensory Approaches to Places
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben, Solmaz Mohadjer :
    Going Far
    2022 DATA
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Nye tanker, andre tanker - om humanistiske innovasjoner
    2022 DATA
  • Lisa Katrin Losleben :
    Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia: Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Transformation, book edited by Melina Duarte, Kjersti Fjørtoft, and Katrin Losleben. A presentation
  • Katrin Losleben :
    New Material Feminism, Artistic Research and New Narratives: Listening to Arctic Waters (Keynote)
  • Katrin Losleben, Annabelle Yabsley, Oda Nigist Wigstøl :
    HIF-1300. Likestillingsbloggen
    2021 DATA
  • Margherita Paola Poto, Katrin Losleben, Arianna Porrone :
    Virtual Roundtable on the Elimination of Violence Against Women in Academia and 30 days of Reflection
    Presses Universitaires du Septentrion 2021
  • Katrin Losleben :
    Komponistinnen im Fokus. Agathe Backer-Grøndahl. Ein Beitrag von Nele Freudenberger.
    02. March 2021 DATA
  • Katrin Losleben, Melina Duarte, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Writers' Workshop
  • Katrin Losleben :
    Filmvisning og directors talk med Lasse Långström
  • Katrin Losleben, Melina Duarte, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Workshop Guidebook for Gender Balance in Higher Education

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    PI Arctic Auditories – Hydrospheres in the High North (NFR 325506, 2021-24)

    Member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Musicology 

    Editor of


    Responsible for Likestilling og kjønn – årsstudium

    Leader of the National Research School for Gender Studies (2020-2022)

    HIF-1300, Likestilling - en innføring (autumn)

    HIF-2300, Likestilling (autumn)

    HIF-2160, Tverrfaglige kjønnsstudier (spring)

    SVF-8003, Feminist Theories, Methodologies and Epistemologies in Research Processes (ph.d)

    SVF-8055, Evoking Gender, Evoking Change (ph.d, autumn)

    Member of research group


    2021–25 | Project leader of Arctic Auditories – Hydrospheres in the High North (RCN 325506)
    2018-23 | Leader of WP 1, Concepts – Prestige (Balance program, RCN 281862)
    2015-16 | Full Scholarship, Bavarian Program to Promote Equal Opportunity for Women in Research and Teaching
    2012 | Publication grant Ph.D., Cologne University of Music and Dance
    2011 | Publication grant, Mariann Steegmann Foundation, Zurich
    2010 | Publication grant Musik und Gender, Gerda Weiler Foundation
    2009 | Stiftung NRW 
    2006–10 | Study grant, Ph.D., Mariann Steegmann Foundation, Zurich
    2004 | Study grant, Mariann Steegmann Foundation, Zurich