Bilde av Losleben, Katrin
Bilde av Losleben, Katrin
Professor of Feminst Research, head of teaching unit Centre for women's and gender research +4777620871 004740671976 Tromsø You can find me here

Katrin Losleben

Job description



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Publications outside Cristin


Editor of

Research interests

My research is driven by the wish to analyze power relations in the narratives that infuse societies both in history, present, and future times. As a feminist scholar, I have broadened my focus from analyzing the existing stories about one specific historic actor (in my Ph.D.) and re-narrating it differently to scrutinizing dominant tropes in Western culture. I aim to unpack the potential of the humanities to contribute to a better understanding of the cultural aspects of environmental crises. With my actual research, I move beyond persistent Western narratives on environment and climate change to understand how places can be understood also through embodied knowledges, and what impact this could have on the living and dying of humans and Earth kin. My research draws from feminist and critical theories to learn how sonic thought can dismantle dominant epistemologies and social/racial/gendered/bodily hierarchies. It lies at the intersection of sensory, artistic, local, and Indigenous knowledges with a geographical focus on the North of Norway/Northern Sápmi. I am PI of Arctic Auditories - Hydrospheres of the High North (NFR 325506, 2021-25). Moreover, I serve as a member of the advisory board of WoVen (NFR 2021-26, PI: Melania Bucciarelli, NTNU) and am a member of the ThinkTank Sustainability at UiT. Since 2016, I have been co-editor of the European Journal of Musicology.


Responsible for Likestilling og kjønn – årsstudium

HIF-1300, Likestilling - en innføring (autumn)

HIF-2300, Likestilling (autumn)

HIF-2160, Tverrfaglige kjønnsstudier (spring)

SVH-8003, Feminist Theories, Methodologies and Epistemologies in Research Processes (ph.d)

SVF-8055, Evoking Gender, Evoking Change (ph.d, autumn)


2021–25 | Project leader of Arctic Auditories – Hydrospheres in the High North (RCN 325506)
2018-23 | Leader of WP 1, Concepts – Prestige (Balance program, RCN 281862)
2015-16 | Full Scholarship, Bavarian Program to Promote Equal Opportunity for Women in Research and Teaching
2012 | Publication grant Ph.D., Cologne University of Music and Dance
2011 | Publication grant, Mariann Steegmann Foundation, Zurich
2010 | Publication grant Musik und Gender, Gerda Weiler Foundation
2009 | Stiftung NRW 
2006–10 | Study grant, Ph.D., Mariann Steegmann Foundation, Zurich
2004 | Study grant, Mariann Steegmann Foundation, Zurich