2nd UiT Miljøhumaniora / Environmental Humanities Meeting

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81655578275 Following on the first informal UiT Miljøhumaniora / Environmental Humanities meeting, we are excited to invite you to our second instalment before we head off into the summer. " /> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81655578275 Following on the first informal UiT Miljøhumaniora / Environmental Humanities meeting, we are excited to invite you to our second instalment before we head off into the summer. " />
OBS! For whatever reason the påmeldingsskjema is playing games with us and not functioning well. If you would like to be sure that your registration is noted, send a brief email to Filip (see below), otherwise feel free to just come around and attend. There will be more people there than the påmelding is showing!
Zoom link for those who cannot attend in person: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81655578275
Following on the first informal UiT Miljøhumaniora / Environmental Humanities meeting, we are excited to invite you to our second instalment before we head off into the summer.
Meeting Agenda:
If you cannot attend the meeting, but would like to stay informed about all things UiT Miljøhumaniora / Environmental Humanities, please send a brief email to Filip Maric filip.maric@uit.no and I will add you to the mailing list.
IMPORTANT: We are using a registration form to estimate the kind of room we might need to book for the meeting. We will be in touch to confirm the final location depending on registration numbers and new COVID regulations as they come out.