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Guest lecture: "Making the Internet efficient and secure for small devices" - CEO i micro:bit Zach Shelby

CEO i micro:bit, vil holde en gjesteforelesning mandag 27. mars 2017 kl 12:15. Sted: 1.022AUD Teknologibygget, Campus Tromsø
Fuglesteg, Jan
Published: 24.03.17 00:00 Updated: 24.03.17 09:08

Faglig kontaktperson er førsteamanuensis Anders Andersen

Påmelding er ikke nødvendig.

Målgruppe: Ansatte, PhD- og masternivåstudenter.


Date: Monday March 27th 2017, 12:15 
Place: 1.022AUD Teknologibygget, Campus Tromsø
Title: " Making the Internet efficient and secure for small devices "
Lecturer: CEO in micro:bit Zach Shelby

Short abstract:
How do we create the basis for the IoT? What Internet protocols are relevant for IoT today and how 6LoWPAN and CoAP work in practice. 


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