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UiT’s response to the letter from The Ministry of Education and Research in Norway about the war in Ukraine 

The letter from The Ministry of Education and Research in Norway dated March 5, 2022, describes the Norwegian reactions to the war in Ukraine within the field of education and research. 

Bilde av det ukrainske flagget
UiT wishes to express our support to the Government's clear condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukrain Photo: Pixabay
Portrettbilde av Eidum, Espen Viklem
Eidum, Espen Viklem Kommunikasjonsrådgiver
Published: 16.03.22 13:32 Updated: 16.03.22 13:42
About UiT

UiT wishes to express our support to the Government's clear condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and that this does not imply an academic boycott of Russia.  At UiT there are a relatively large number of students and staff from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus (please see below). 

UiT is pleased that The Ministry of Education and Research emphasizes in a clear way the importance of taking care of the affiliated students and staff in the best possible way. UiT will do the utmost to contribute to this, and we will also make a great effort to receive refugees from the war (both Ukrainian and from other origin). 

Here you can find the English version of UiT's letter to the ministry

Eidum, Espen Viklem Kommunikasjonsrådgiver
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