
Welcome to the announcement of the winner 2022!

Friday November 12 we will announce who is the winner of The Mohn Prize 2022. The announcement finds place at the Fram Center in Tromsø.

Logo Mohn prize
November 12 we will announce who is the winner of The Mohn Prize 2022. Foto: Bjørn Hatteng/UiT
Portrettbilde av Aarskog, Karine Nigar
Aarskog, Karine Nigar Konstituert kommunikasjonssjef, seniorrådgiver og faggruppeleder, formidling
Publisert: 02.11.21 17:50 Oppdatert: 02.11.21 17:55

The purpose of The Mohn Prize is to recognize outstanding research related to the Arctic. At the same time, the award will help to put issues that are central to the further development of the Arctic on the national and international agenda. The Mohn Prize is named after Henrik Mohn (1835–1916), who is considered the founder of Norwegian research in meteorology and physical oceanography.

Friday November 12, rector of UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Dag Rune Olsen, will announce who is the winner of The Mohn Prize 2022. 

Please read more about the ceremony, and register here!

Publisert: 02.11.21
Aarskog, Karine Nigar Konstituert kommunikasjonssjef, seniorrådgiver og faggruppeleder, formidling