Abraham Alemayehu,
Kevin J. Gagnon,
Yoann Rousselin,
Max Schmallegger,
Sergey M. Borisov,
Abhik Ghosh
Transition metal azahemiporphycenes as singlet oxygen sensitizers
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 2024
Abraham Alemayehu,
Nicholas S. Settineri,
Arianna E. Lanza,
Abhik Ghosh
Rhenium-Sulfido and -Dithiolato Corroles: Reflections on Chalcophilicity
Luca Giovanelli,
Younal Ksari,
Hela Mrezguia,
Eric Salomon,
Marco Minissale,
Abraham Alemayehu
et al.:
Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy of Coinage Metal Corroles: Comparison with Solution-Phase Electrochemistry
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2024
W. Ryan Osterloh,
Jeanet Conradie,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh,
Karl M. Kadish
The Question of the Redox Site in Metal-Metal Multiple-Bonded Metallocorrole Dimers
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2023
Krister Engedal Johannessen,
Martin Amund Langaas Johansen,
Rune Finsås Einrem,
Laura J. McCormick McPherson,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Sergey M. Borisov
et al.:
Influence of Fluorinated Substituents on the Near-Infrared Phosphorescence of 5d Metallocorroles
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2023
Abraham Alemayehu,
Macon Jedediah Abernathy,
Jeanet Conradie,
Ritimukta Sarangi,
Abhik Ghosh
Rhenium Biscorrole Sandwich Compounds: XAS Evidence for a New Coordination Motif
Jeanet Conradie,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Iridium(VII)-Corrole Terminal Carbides Should Exist as Stable Compounds
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2022
Jeanet Conradie,
Hugo Vazquez-Lima,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Comparing Isoelectronic, Quadruple-Bonded Metalloporphyrin and Metallocorrole Dimers: Scalar-Relativistic DFT Calculations Predict a > 1-eV Range for Ionization Potential and Electron Affinity
ACS Physical Chemistry Au 2022
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Phenol- and resorcinol-appended metallocorroles and their derivatization with fluorous tags
Rune Finsås Einrem,
Einar Torfi Jonsson,
Simon J. Teat,
Nicholas S. Settineri,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Regioselective formylation of rhenium-oxo and gold corroles: Substituent effects on optical spectra and redox potentials
Abraham Alemayehu,
Thomas Kolle Ekaney,
Rune Finsås Einrem,
Abhik Ghosh
The Story of 5d Metallocorroles: From Metal–Ligand Misfits to New Building Blocks for Cancer Phototherapeutics
Abraham Alemayehu,
Laura J Mccormick-Mcpherson,
Jeanet Conradie,
Abhik Ghosh
Rhenium Corrole Dimers: Electrochemical Insights into the Nature of the Metal–Metal Quadruple Bond
Benjamin D. Matson,
Thomas Kolle Ekaney,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh,
Ritimukta Sarangi
X-ray absorption spectroscopy of exemplary platinum porphyrin and corrole derivatives: Metal-: versus ligand-centered oxidation
Hugo Vazquez-Lima,
Jeanet Conradie,
Martin Amund Langaas Johansen,
Stian Martinsen,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Heavy-element-ligand covalence: Ligand noninnocence in molybdenum and tungsten Viking-helmet Corroles
Rune F. Einrem,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Sergey M. Borisov,
Abhik Ghosh,
Odrun Arna Gederaas
Amphiphilic rhenium-oxo corroles as a new class of sensitizers for photodynamic therapy
Tomohiro Higashino,
Yuma Kurumisawa,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Rune Finsås Einrem,
Debashis Sahu,
Daniel Packwood
et al.:
Heavy Metal Effects on the Photovoltaic Properties of Metallocorroles in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2020
Abraham Alemayehu,
Rune Finsås Einrem,
Laura J Mccormick-Mcpherson,
Nicholas S. Settineri,
Abhik Ghosh
Synthesis and molecular structure of perhalogenated rhenium-oxo corroles
Abraham Alemayehu,
Simon J. Teat,
Sergey M. Borisov,
Abhik Ghosh
Rhenium-Imido Corroles
Md. Hafizur Rahman,
Michael D. Ryan,
Hugo Vazquez-Lima,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Infrared Spectroelectrochemistry of Iron-Nitrosyl Triarylcorroles. Implications for Ligand Noninnocence
Anders Reinholdt,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Kevin J. Gagnon,
Jesper Bendix,
Abhik Ghosh
Electrophilic Activation of Osmium-Nitrido Corroles: The OsN Triple Bond as a π-Acceptor Metallaligand in a Heterobimetallic OsVIN–PtII Complex
Abraham Alemayehu,
Laura J McCormick,
Hugo Vazquez Lima,
Abhik Ghosh
Relativistic Effects on a Metal-Metal Bond: Osmium Corrole Dimers
Sergey M. Borisov,
Rune Finsås Einrem,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Ambient-temperature near-IR phosphorescence and potential applications of rhenium-oxo corroles
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 2019
Abraham Alemayehu,
Hugo Vazquez-Lima,
Simon J. Teat,
Abhik Ghosh
Unexpected Molecular Structure of a Putative Rhenium-Dioxo-Benzocarbaporphyrin Complex. Implications for the Highest Transition Metal Valence in a Porphyrin-Type Ligand Environment
Abraham Alemayehu,
Laura J McCormick,
Kevin J. Gagnon,
Sergey M. Borisov,
Abhik Ghosh
Stable Platinum(IV) Corroles: Synthesis, Molecular Structure, and Room-Temperature Near-IR Phosphorescence
Abraham Alemayehu,
Hugo Vazquez Lima,
Laura J McCormick,
Abhik Ghosh
Relativistic effects in metallocorroles: Comparison of molybdenum and tungsten biscorroles
Chemical Communications 2017
Abraham Alemayehu,
Hugo Vazquez Lima,
Kevin J. Gagnon,
Abhik Ghosh
Stepwise Deoxygenation of Nitrite as a Route to Two Families of Ruthenium Corroles: Group 8 Periodic Trends and Relativistic Effects
Christine Schies,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Hugo Vazquez Lima,
Ekaney Thomas Kolle,
Torsten Bruhn,
Gerhard Bringmann
et al.:
Metallocorroles as inherently chiral chromophores: Resolution and electronic circular dichroism spectroscopy of a tungsten biscorrole
Abraham Alemayehu,
Nicholas U. Day,
Tomoyasu Mani,
Alexander B. Rudine,
Ekaney Thomas Kolle,
Odrun Arna Gederaas
et al.:
Gold Tris(carboxyphenyl)corroles as Multifunctional Materials: Room Temperature Near-IR Phosphorescence and Applications to Photodynamic Therapy and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14. July 2016
Sergey M. Borisov,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Osmium-nitrido corroles as NIR indicators for oxygen sensors and triplet sensitizers for organic upconversion and singlet oxygen generation
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2016
Rune Einrem,
Kevin J. Gagnon,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Metal-Ligand Misfits: Facile Access to Rhenium-Oxo Corroles by Oxidative Metalation
Chemistry - A European Journal 2016
Abraham Alemayehu,
Hugo Vazquez Lima,
Kevin J. Gagnon,
Abhik Ghosh
Tungsten Biscorroles: New Chiral Sandwich Compounds
Chemistry - A European Journal 2016
Abraham Alemayehu,
Hugo Vazquez Lima,
Christine M. Beavers,
Kevin J. Gagnon,
Jesper Bendix,
Abhik Ghosh
Platinum corroles
Chemical Communications 2014
Ekaney Thomas Kolle,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Jeanet Conradie,
Christine M. Beavers,
Abhik Ghosh
The Structural Chemistry of Metallocorroles: Combined X-ray Crystallography and Quantum Chemistry Studies Afford Unique Insights
Accounts of Chemical Research 2012
Abraham Alemayehu,
Marianne Marrigje Conradie,
Abhik Ghosh
Electronic absorption spectra of copper corroles: unexpected substituent effects in trans-meso-A(2)B-triarylcorrole complexes
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 2012
Inge Johansen,
Hans-Kristian Norheim,
Simon Larsen,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Jeanet Conradie,
Abhik Ghosh
Substituent effects on metallocorrole spectra: insights from chromium-oxo and molybdenum-oxo triarylcorroles
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 2011
Ekaney Thomas Kolle,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Jeanet Conradie,
Christine Beavers,
Abhik Ghosh
Synthesis and Molecular Structure of Gold Triarylcorroles
Inorganic Chemistry 2011
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Gold corroles
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 2011
Abraham Alemayehu,
Jeanet Conradie,
Abhik Ghosh
A First TDDFT Study of Metallocorrole Electronic Spectra: Copper meso-Triarylcorroles Exhibit Hyper Spectra
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC) 2011
Abraham Alemayehu,
Lars Kr Hansen,
Abhik Ghosh
Nonplanar, Noninnocent, and Chiral: A Strongly Saddled Metallocorrole
Inorganic Chemistry 2010
Abraham Alemayehu,
Emmanuel Gonzalez,
Lars Kr Hansen,
Abhik Ghosh
Copper Corroles Are Inherently Saddled
Inorganic Chemistry 2009