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Notification Guidelines

Oppdatert: 14.11.2023

Fire: 110
Police: 112
Ambulance: 113
UiT's emergency number:
776 44 444
Security company Avarn: 
924 49 277 

Oppdatert: 14.03.2023

Sexual harassment is incompatible with a healthy place to work and to study. At UiT, it is not tolerated that employees or students are exposed to this abuse of power.

What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual attention that has the purpose or effect of being offensive, frightening, hostile, degrading, humiliating or distressing (Section 13 of the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act).

Sexual harassment is incompatible with a positive working and learning environment. It is also incompatible with the UiT's basic values: credibility, academic freedom, closeness, creativity and commitment. The UiT shall be an equal and inclusive university in which people have equal opportunities, regardless of gender or gender expression. In order to achieve this, we must  respect each other.

Why notify?
Sexual harassment is not a private matter. It can ruin the study and work situation. Many people don't report sexual harassment – and that's a problem. Colleagues must not turn their backs on the problem. This must be exposed so that measures can be implemented. New students and staff should not have to experience sexual harassment.

Are you being subjected to harassment – what can be done?

  • Consult a person you trust
  • If possible, talk to your immediate manager, course coordinator or teacher
  • Notify

If you find it difficult to report on your own, we recommend that you bring a person (friend) with you that you trust. Notifications received at UiT are not referenced anywhere and are treated confidentially. See further information about follow-up procedures related to notifications below

Employees and students should feel that they are taken care of in a safe manner when they report sexual harassment. This applies whether it’s you or someone else who are exposed to sexual harassment. There are no requirements as to how to notify. Notifications may be conveyed by e-mail, by phone or in person.

if you would like to talk to someone, please contact:

If you want to notify something, please contact:

Follow-up of notifications of sexual harassment

Whistleblowing cases are handled appropriately and in accordance with the rules on confidentiality. The whistleblower can request that the inquiry be treated confidentially and that no action is taken until this has been clarified with them.

Cases that are processed will be suitably stored so that only those who process the cases have access to them. If the whistleblower wants to remain anonymous, including in relation to the person they are reporting, the UiT will accommodate this wish as far as possible. A more detailed description of follow-up procedures can be found in the Guidelines for handling reports of bullying and/or harassment between students.

Protection of the whistleblower

The whistleblower shall not be subjected to retaliation. The university management will ensure that the whistleblower does not receive any negative reactions or consequences because they reported sexual or other unacceptable behaviour on the part of employees or students.

The UiT will maintain confidentiality about sensitive personal data and will carefully consider who needs to be informed about the case. Information and details that appear in the case processing will not be made available to more people than necessary. The UiT will handle cases with discretion and as quickly as possible.

Oppdatert: 03.06.2024

if you would like to talk to someone, please contact:

  • Safety representative at UiT
  • Occupational health service, phone: +47 77 69 10 70, e-mail:
  • Employee representatives
  • Line manager or manager higher up in the organisation
  • The UiT's designated contact persons, see below

If you want to notify something, please contact:

Follow-up of notifications of sexual harassment

Whistleblowing cases are handled appropriately and in accordance with the rules on confidentiality. The whistleblower can request that the inquiry be treated confidentially and that no action is taken until this has been clarified with them.

Cases that are processed will be suitably stored so that only those who process the cases have access to them. If the whistleblower wants to remain anonymous, including in relation to the person they are reporting, the UiT will accommodate this wish as far as possible. A more detailed description of follow-up procedures can be found in the Guidelines for handling reports of bullying and/or harassment between students.

Protection of the whistleblower

The whistleblower shall not be subjected to retaliation. The university management will ensure that the whistleblower does not receive any negative reactions or consequences because they reported sexual or other unacceptable behaviour on the part of employees or students.

The UiT will maintain confidentiality about sensitive personal data and will carefully consider who needs to be informed about the case. Information and details that appear in the case processing will not be made available to more people than necessary. The UiT will handle cases with discretion and as quickly as possible.

Oppdatert: 20.09.2024

PhD candidate s have the right to and are encouraged to report wrongdoing at the UiT.

  • PhD candidates who are employed at the UiT can report in writing through the notification procedures for employees.
  • PhD candidates who are not employed at the UiT can report in writing through the notification procedures for students.
  • PhD candidates can also notify via their safety representative or employee representative.

Oppdatert: 27.03.2023

What is sexual harassment?

"Sexual harassment are words or actions of a sexual nature that cause the victim to feel violated. What characterises sexual harassment is that it is unwanted. It is the person who is subjected to the words or actions that determines whether they are offensive and therefore whether they are unwanted." (Commission of the European Communities, 92/131/EEC)

The subjective experience of sexual harassment is decisive for how the harassment affects the life situation of the person who is subjected to it. Casual remarks, random glances and touching are not harassment in themselves, but may be perceived as harassment, depending on the person and the surroundings. The environment and culture are often of great importance. It is therefore important to be extra vigilant in multicultural environments in which people from different backgrounds work or study in teams. Harassment is when a person uses their position and power to gain advantages or to oppress others.

Do you have doubts about your behaviour?

Be aware of what reactions your behaviour causes. Would you have changed your behaviour if your boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, or child had been around? How would you react if someone had behaved this way towards your own daughter or son?

Myths and facts

Statements such as "there is no sexual harassment here" and "I wouldn’t mind being sexually harassed" contribute to downplaying and trivialising the issue. Some people think that different rules apply to social gatherings or being "out on the town". But this is not the case. Studies show that sexual harassment exists in many forms; it can be conscious or unconscious and intentional or unintentional. It is most often men in positions of power who take advantage of their status to demand sexual attention from female students or women in lower positions. Sexual harassment can have a negative impact on study progress or career development for those who are subjected to it.

Manager's responsibility

All managers must respond to a sexual harassment case as soon as they become aware of it. They must ensure that the harassment stops. The case must be treated confidentially and shall take place in consultation with the person who has been subjected to harassment.

If you are being subjected to harassment – do the following:

Consult a person you trust If possible, talk to your immediate manager, course coordinator or teacher Report (see next page) If you can: Speak up! Confront the person directly!

If you find it difficult to report on your own, we recommend that you bring a person (friend) with you that you trust. Any notifications received will be treated confidentially and will not be referenced anywhere.

Why notify?

Sexual harassment is not a private matter. It pollutes the working environment and can ruin study and the work situation. Many people don't report sexual harassment. This could be because a course has finished or that a person has started a new job. Colleagues must not turn their backs on the problem. The problem must be highlighted so that measures can be implemented. New students and staff must not be subjected to sexual harassment.

Follow-up of notifications of sexual harassment

Whistleblowing cases concerning sexual harassment are handled appropriately and in accordance with the rules on confidentiality. The whistleblower can request that the inquiry be treated confidentially and that no action is taken until this has been clarified with them. Cases that are processed will be securely stored so that only those who process the cases can access them. If the whistleblower wants to remain anonymous, including in relation to the person they are reporting, the UiT will accommodate this wish as far as possible.

Protection of the whistleblower

The whistleblower shall not be subjected to retaliation. The university management will ensure that the whistleblower does not suffer any inconvenience or negative reactions or consequences because they reported sexual harassment or other unacceptable behaviour on the part of employees or students. The management wants a positive working and learning environment at the UiT.

Oppdatert: 27.03.2023

Bullying and harassment are incompatible with a healthy working and learning environment. At UiT there is zero tolerance for this abuse of power.

What is harassment and bullying?

According to the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority the most important characteristics of harassment include that the behaviour is unwelcome, unsolicited and one-way. Harassment can be both individual incidents as well as incidents which occur repeatedly. If the negative and offensive actions occur systematically and repeatedly over time, it is bullying, which is a form of harassment. Examples of bullying include slandering and spreading rumors, ignoring someone in a social situation, ostracizing and isolating someone, withholding information, having a joke with someone in a persistently negative way, underestimating someone's professional efforts and qualifications.

Are you being subjected to bullying or harassment – what can be done?

  • Consult a person you trust
  • If possible, talk to your immediate manager, course coordinator or teacher


If you find it difficult to report on your own, we recommend that you bring a person (friend or girlfriend) with you whom you trust. Notifications which are received at UiT are not referenced anywhere and are treated confidentially. See further information about follow-up procedures related to notifications below. 

Employees and students should feel that they are taken care of in a safe manner when they report incidents. This applies whether it’s you or someone else who are exposed to discrimination or bullying. There are no requirements as to how to notify. Notification may be conveyed by e-mail, by phone or in person.

if you would like to talk to someone, please contact:

If you want to notify something, please contact:

Follow-up of notification of bullying and harassment

Whistleblowing cases are handled appropriately and in accordance with the rules on confidentiality. The whistleblower can request that the inquiry be treated confidentially and that no action is taken until this has been clarified with them.

Cases that are processed will be suitably stored so that only those who process the cases have access to them. If the whistleblower wants to remain anonymous, including in relation to the person they are reporting, the UiT will accommodate this wish as far as possible. A more detailed description of follow-up procedures can be found in the Guidelines for handling reports of bullying and/or harassment between students.

Protection of the whistleblower

The whistleblower shall not be subjected to retaliation. The university management will ensure that the whistleblower does not receive any negative reactions or consequences because they reported unacceptable behaviour on the part of employees or students.

The UiT will maintain confidentiality about sensitive personal data and will carefully consider who needs to be informed about the case. Information and details that appear in the case processing will not be made available to more people than necessary. The UiT will handle cases with discretion and as quickly as possible.

Oppdatert: 27.02.2024

if you would like to talk to someone, please contact:

  • Occupational health service, phone: +47 77 69 10 70, e-mail: 
  • Safety representative at UiT
  • Employee representatives
  • Line manager or manager higher up in the organisation
  • The UiT's designated contact persons, see below

If you want to notify something, please contact:

Follow-up of reports of bullying and harrasment

Whistleblowing cases are handled appropriately and in accordance with the rules on confidentiality. The whistleblower can request that the inquiry be treated confidentially and that no action is taken until this has been clarified with them.

Cases that are processed will be suitably stored so that only those who process the cases have access to them. If the whistleblower wants to remain anonymous, including in relation to the person they are reporting, the UiT will accommodate this wish as far as possible.

Protection of the whistleblower

The whistleblower shall not be subjected to retaliation. The university management will ensure that the whistleblower does not receive any negative reactions or consequences because they reported unacceptable behaviour on the part of employees or students.

The UiT will maintain confidentiality about sensitive personal data and will carefully consider who needs to be informed about the case. Information and details that appear in the case processing will not be made available to more people than necessary. The UiT will handle cases with discretion and as quickly as possible.

Oppdatert: 20.09.2024

PhD candidate s have the right to and are encouraged to report wrongdoing at the UiT.

  • PhD candidates who are employed at the UiT can report in writing through the notification procedures for employees.
  • PhD candidates who are not employed at the UiT can report in writing through the notification procedures for students.
  • PhD candidates can also notify via their safety representative or employee representative.

Oppdatert: 27.03.2023

UiT The Arctic University of Norway shall make the best possible arrangements to allow for employees,students and others affected to choose to notify censurable conditions.

Pursuant to Section 2A-1 of the Working Environment Act, employees have the right to notify censurable conditions related to the employer's activities.Students have the right to notify censurable conditions at the institution, cf. Section4-3bof the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges.

The UiT has the following basic principles for processing notifications:

The following basic principles for handling notifications apply at UiT:

  • All requests shall be taken seriously
  • The identity of the whistleblower is confidential information
  • The identity of the whistleblower shall only be revealed to those who require this information related to the administrative procedure of the case
  • Anonymous notifications shall be processed
  • Anonymous sources may be just as valuable as opensources
  • The choice of notification method does not affect the way the notification is handled
  • The notification matter shall be treated confidentially
  • The notification matter shall be given objective considerations
  • Impartiality requirements for those who process the case
  • Employees should be able to notify incidents without fear of consequences
  • The case manager shall ensure that further investigations are carried out into the allegations of the censurablec onditions as soon as possible.
  • Whistleblowers shall receive feedback within reasonable time

The term "censurable conditions" is to be understood in a wide sense. Firstly, it includes matters which are in violation of law,regulations or other legal rules. It also includes violation of written institutional ethical guidelines or ethical norms that are widely endorsed in society.

Examples of relevant censurable conditionsinclude:

  • Working conditionswhich do not comply with the requirements of the Working Environment Act. This applies, for example, to bullying, harassment, substance abuse and poor working environment
  • Inappropriate managerial behavior
  • Unacceptable learning environment fo rstudents
  • Threats to life and health
  • Threats to climate or the environment
  • Corruption or other financialir regularities
  • Unprofessional administrative procedure
  • Breach of Personal Data security

Why notify?

The right of employees and students to notify incidentsis related toUiT's work for a safe and healthy climate for freedom of expression. To speak up about censurable conditions or to assertc ontroversial views should be as simple and cause as little strain as possible.Openness may contribute to preventing censurable conditions fromarising, lowering the threshold for internal criticism and uncovering censurable practice. UiT intends to prevent and improve any censurable conditions at our institution. It is in UiT's and its employees’ interest as well as in the public interestthatcensurableconditionsareuncovered.Notificationsmaycontribute toreducingtheriskofunwantedorillegalpractice from taking place. We therefore encourage employees, students and others affected to notify censurable conditions at our institution.

When to notify?

Employees and students basically choose when they want to notify. UiT encourages employees and students to notify as quickly as possible. The reason for this is to ensure that continuous censurable conditions are brought to an end as soon as possible, and also due to the fact that it is easier to investigate a notification which is conveyed shortly after the censurable conditions has occurred.

How to notify?

You may find further information about procedures related to notifications below. In 2022 UiT adopted guidelines for notifications which provide detailed information.

Protection of whistleblowers

Section 2 A-4 of the Working Environment Act prohibits retaliation against employees who report incidents. Section 4-3 b of the Universities and University Colleges Act prohibits retaliation against students who report incidents. Retaliation means any arbitrary act, practice or omission which could be characterized as punishment or sanction and which represents a consequence or a reaction to a notification from an employee.

if you would like to talk to someone, please contact:

If you want to report something, please contact:

Protection of the whistleblower

Pursuant to the Universities and Colleges Act § 4-3 b, retaliation against a student who reports is prohibited. Retaliation means any unfair action, practice or omission, which has the nature of punishment or sanction, and which is a result of or a reaction to the employee's notification. The university management will ensure that the whistleblower does not receive any negative reactions or consequences because they reported unacceptable behaviour on the part of employees or students.

The UiT will maintain confidentiality about sensitive personal data and will carefully consider who needs to be informed about the case. Information and details that appear in the case processing will not be made available to more people than necessary. The UiT will handle cases with discretion and as quickly as possible.

Oppdatert: 27.02.2024

if you would like to talk to someone, please contact:

  • Safety representative at UiT Employee representatives
  • Occupational health service, phone: +47 77 69 10 70, e-mail: 
  • Line manager or manager higher up in the organisation
  • The UiT's designated contact persons, see below

If you want to report something, please contact:

Head of department, dean or director of the faculty/unit

Director of Staff Julia Holte Sempler, phone: +47 77 64 68 17, e-mail:

Legal advisers at the university management:

Protection of whistleblowers

Section 2 A-4 of the Working Environment Act prohibits retaliation against an employee who reports. Retaliation means any unfair action, practice or omission, which has the nature of punishment or sanction, and which is a result of or a reaction to the employee's notification.

Oppdatert: 20.09.2024

PhD candidate s have the right to and are encouraged to report wrongdoing at the UiT.

  • PhD candidates who are employed at the UiT can report in writing through the notification procedures for employees.
  • PhD candidates who are not employed at the UiT can report in writing through the notification procedures for students.
  • PhD candidates can also notify via their safety representative or employee representative.

Oppdatert: 27.03.2023

Do you have positive or negative feedback about the quality of education at the UiT? Speak up!

In order for UiT to be able to maintain and improve our studies, we need feedback related to how you as a student experience the quality of our education and learning environment. You can provide feedback in connection with the evaluation of courses and study programs or by contacting the head of the study program, the department or the faculty. If you do not wish to contact any of these directly, you may let us know here.

Please let us know if you feel there is scope for improvement

Let us know if you think there are aspects associated with our education that you consider require improvements. For example, there may be deficiencies related to the social or physical learning environment, the quality of teaching and learning activities, the administration of studies, etc.

Contact your study programme/faculty or send an email to

The Department of Research, Education and Dissemination (FUF) is the recipient of your request. Your request will only be read by the secretariat of the Learning Environment Committee. FUF will not reveal your identity through the follow-up of the case if that is your wish.

Let us know if you're satisfied

Provide positive feedback about what you consider is working well. Do you consider teaching to be up to standard? Do you find the study program educational and stimulating? Do you have a good learning environment?

Contact your study programme/faculty or send an email to

Extremisation (also called radicalisation) is the process by which a person or environment accepts anti-democratic measures, discrimination, violations of human rights or the use of violence to achieve religious, ideological or political goals. (from

The website Emergency: Extremism | has information about the following:  

  • What is extremisation/radicalisation? 
  • How to submit a notification if you have a concern
  • E-learning lessons where you can learn more about extremism

Here you’ll find the Government's website related to radicalisation and violent extremism

Please contact:

Oppdatert: 27.02.2024

Please contact:

Nearest manager

Oppdatert: 20.09.2024

If you are a PhD candidate and will report, follow the guide for students if you are not employed at UiT, and the guide for employees if you are employed.

Oppdatert: 22.02.2023

Active follow-up of ethics in work and cooperation is important for the UiT.

See guidelines for handling research ethics issues

See Guidelines for processing of questions regarding research ethics at UiT the Arctic University of Norway

Find information about notifications related to research ethics at the UiT Ethics Portal

You may send a notification regarding suspicion of breach of guidelines related to research ethics to:

Do you have computer problems? Is your software not working, is the sound missing or did it disappear? Find out more at the UiT's Orakel service

Is your key not working or has your access card expired? Find further information here.

Do you know, or do you suspect that information has gone astray? Please let us know as soon as possible.

Are there light bulbs that don't work, is the air or temperature bad? Send a note/notification about buildings, rooms and indoor environment to Technical Operations by using the form in the self-service portal (TOPdesk).

If extra/irregular cleaning is required or feedback regarding cleaning, you may use this form (TOPdesk).

At preventive training and advice regarding what to do in a crisis situation are provided. You must always consider for yourself what is the best thing to do in a specific situation.

HSE non-conformance covers undesirable incidents and conditions which have caused or may cause damage to people, to the environment and to materials, such as: 


  • Non-conformance related to non-compliance with HSE regulations or with requirements laid down in HSE legislation
  • Work-related incident which could have caused injury/mén or reduced health or damage to people, to the environment or to material (near accident) 
  • Work-related incident where damage has caused reduced health, permanent injuries or death (personal injury/accident), damage to property or to the environment


Employees shall notify HSE non-conformities online via

Employees must notify HSE non-conformance electronically at

  • Select the mode "Normal"
  • Click "Login"
  • Perform two-factor login with one-time password
  • Click on the icon "Notification of HSE non-conformance"
  • Complete the form as instructed

Students shall notify HSE non-conformance via their Lecturer, Supervisor, Academic Program Director or student adviser.

 Further information can be found in the UiT's digital HSE handbook (requires Feide login).

UiT guidelines
Emergency numbers

Fire: 110
Police: 112
Ambulance: 113
UiT's emergency number:
776 44 444
Security company Avarn: 
924 49 277