Guri Norddal,
Åge Wifstad,
Olaug S Lian
‘It’s like getting your car checked’: the social construction of diabetes risk among participants in a population study
Olaug S Lian,
Sarah Nettleton,
Åge Wifstad,
Christopher Dowrick
Negotiating uncertainty in clinical encounters: A narrative exploration of naturally occurring primary care consultations
Olaug S Lian,
Sarah Nettleton,
Åge Wifstad,
Christopher Dowrick
Modes of Interaction in Naturally Occurring Medical Encounters with General Practitioners: The ´One in a Million´ Study
Kari Milch Agledahl,
Pål Gulbrandsen,
Reidun Førde,
Åge Wifstad
Courteous but not curious: how doctors' politeness masks their existential neglect. A qualitative study of video-recorded patient consultations
Journal of Medical Ethics 2011
Kari Milch Agledahl,
Reidun Førde,
Åge Wifstad
Choice is not the issue. The misrepresentation of healthcare in bioethical discourse
Journal of Medical Ethics 2011
Torberg Foss,
Åge Wifstad
Humanismens vilkår i prosedyrenes tid
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) 2011
Åge Wifstad
Unipub forlag 2010
Kari Milch Agledahl,
Reidun Førde,
Åge Wifstad
Clinical essentialising: a qualitative study of doctors' medical and moral practice
Medicine, Health care and Philosophy 2010